„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten von Diettrich,  Andreas, Faßhauer,  Uwe, Kohl,  Matthias
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the “digital turn” in company-based education and training in two aspects. On the one hand, various forms of digital support for vocational education and training are gaining considerably in importance. On the other hand, the digitalisation of content and new ways of working require changes in company-based learning. The task for training staff is to develop and implement innovative, quality-assured concepts to shape in-company learning. The articles in this volume illustrate how pedagogical and didactic topics are becoming more important due to digitalisation, thus making the professionalisation of in-company training staff a strategic issue in the vocational education and training system.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten von Diettrich,  Andreas, Faßhauer,  Uwe, Kohl,  Matthias
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the “digital turn” in company-based education and training in two aspects. On the one hand, various forms of digital support for vocational education and training are gaining considerably in importance. On the other hand, the digitalisation of content and new ways of working require changes in company-based learning. The task for training staff is to develop and implement innovative, quality-assured concepts to shape in-company learning. The articles in this volume illustrate how pedagogical and didactic topics are becoming more important due to digitalisation, thus making the professionalisation of in-company training staff a strategic issue in the vocational education and training system.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten von Diettrich,  Andreas, Faßhauer,  Uwe, Kohl,  Matthias
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the “digital turn” in company-based education and training in two aspects. On the one hand, various forms of digital support for vocational education and training are gaining considerably in importance. On the other hand, the digitalisation of content and new ways of working require changes in company-based learning. The task for training staff is to develop and implement innovative, quality-assured concepts to shape in-company learning. The articles in this volume illustrate how pedagogical and didactic topics are becoming more important due to digitalisation, thus making the professionalisation of in-company training staff a strategic issue in the vocational education and training system.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten von Diettrich,  Andreas, Faßhauer,  Uwe, Kohl,  Matthias
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the “digital turn” in company-based education and training in two aspects. On the one hand, various forms of digital support for vocational education and training are gaining considerably in importance. On the other hand, the digitalisation of content and new ways of working require changes in company-based learning. The task for training staff is to develop and implement innovative, quality-assured concepts to shape in-company learning. The articles in this volume illustrate how pedagogical and didactic topics are becoming more important due to digitalisation, thus making the professionalisation of in-company training staff a strategic issue in the vocational education and training system.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten von Diettrich,  Andreas, Faßhauer,  Uwe, Kohl,  Matthias
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the “digital turn” in company-based education and training in two aspects. On the one hand, various forms of digital support for vocational education and training are gaining considerably in importance. On the other hand, the digitalisation of content and new ways of working require changes in company-based learning. The task for training staff is to develop and implement innovative, quality-assured concepts to shape in-company learning. The articles in this volume illustrate how pedagogical and didactic topics are becoming more important due to digitalisation, thus making the professionalisation of in-company training staff a strategic issue in the vocational education and training system.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten von Diettrich,  Andreas, Faßhauer,  Uwe, Kohl,  Matthias
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the “digital turn” in company-based education and training in two aspects. On the one hand, various forms of digital support for vocational education and training are gaining considerably in importance. On the other hand, the digitalisation of content and new ways of working require changes in company-based learning. The task for training staff is to develop and implement innovative, quality-assured concepts to shape in-company learning. The articles in this volume illustrate how pedagogical and didactic topics are becoming more important due to digitalisation, thus making the professionalisation of in-company training staff a strategic issue in the vocational education and training system.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten von Diettrich,  Andreas, Faßhauer,  Uwe, Kohl,  Matthias
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the “digital turn” in company-based education and training in two aspects. On the one hand, various forms of digital support for vocational education and training are gaining considerably in importance. On the other hand, the digitalisation of content and new ways of working require changes in company-based learning. The task for training staff is to develop and implement innovative, quality-assured concepts to shape in-company learning. The articles in this volume illustrate how pedagogical and didactic topics are becoming more important due to digitalisation, thus making the professionalisation of in-company training staff a strategic issue in the vocational education and training system.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten

„Neue Normalität“ betrieblichen Lernens gestalten von Diettrich,  Andreas, Faßhauer,  Uwe, Kohl,  Matthias
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the “digital turn” in company-based education and training in two aspects. On the one hand, various forms of digital support for vocational education and training are gaining considerably in importance. On the other hand, the digitalisation of content and new ways of working require changes in company-based learning. The task for training staff is to develop and implement innovative, quality-assured concepts to shape in-company learning. The articles in this volume illustrate how pedagogical and didactic topics are becoming more important due to digitalisation, thus making the professionalisation of in-company training staff a strategic issue in the vocational education and training system.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema professionalization of training personnel

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