Human and the effect of his soul

Human and the effect of his soul von Wolf von Guggenberger,  Andreas
"HUMAN AND THE EFFECT OF HIS SOUL" Man and the effect of his soul Andreas, Wolf von Guggenberger creates a fascinating model of crea-tion, soul, spirit and body in his new work. With it he deepens his work: "Evolution of Creation and the Soul". As a short introduction, he presents his idea of a possible origin of creation and at the same time describes how the souls could have arisen in it. He then describes the inner levels of the human being. From the dynamics between the souls and the creation, he outlines the model of the spirit. Spiralling upwards, viewed from ever new angles, he describes the following levels of the soul: Spiritual levels of perception, Higher Self, evolutionary level, personality, ME and Ego, mask, defensive and protective attitudes of the EGOS and the transformation of ME and Ego. This is followed by the physical and mental drive systems with an expanded body model. He shows how self-forgiveness can help to dissolve feelings of guilt, fear, inferiority and power. Psychoanalytical, brain neurological, evolutionary and religious approaches merge naturally. From the perspective of the soul, he elaborates completely new perspectives and connections. The author breaks away from conventional models of thought and creates something fascinatingly new. He has taken the basic ideas of his book from his main work "Evolution of Creation and the Soul". In his main work he describes the background very extensively and in detail. His two books are very personal works. They are the result of personal introspection, research and a journey of knowledge. Therefore, the author did not initially think of publishing them. In his works, he relies on his own inner visions, which is why his concepts differ from those of other psychologists, philosophers and religious thinkers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-25
> findR *

Human and the effect of his soul

Human and the effect of his soul von Wolf von Guggenberger,  Andreas
"HUMAN AND THE EFFECT OF HIS SOUL" Man and the effect of his soul Andreas, Wolf von Guggenberger creates a fascinating model of crea-tion, soul, spirit and body in his new work. With it he deepens his work: "Evolution of Creation and the Soul". As a short introduction, he presents his idea of a possible origin of creation and at the same time describes how the souls could have arisen in it. He then describes the inner levels of the human being. From the dynamics between the souls and the creation, he outlines the model of the spirit. Spiralling upwards, viewed from ever new angles, he describes the following levels of the soul: Spiritual levels of perception, Higher Self, evolutionary level, personality, ME and Ego, mask, defensive and protective attitudes of the EGOS and the transformation of ME and Ego. This is followed by the physical and mental drive systems with an expanded body model. He shows how self-forgiveness can help to dissolve feelings of guilt, fear, inferiority and power. Psychoanalytical, brain neurological, evolutionary and religious approaches merge naturally. From the perspective of the soul, he elaborates completely new perspectives and connections. The author breaks away from conventional models of thought and creates something fascinatingly new. He has taken the basic ideas of his book from his main work "Evolution of Creation and the Soul". In his main work he describes the background very extensively and in detail. His two books are very personal works. They are the result of personal introspection, research and a journey of knowledge. Therefore, the author did not initially think of publishing them. In his works, he relies on his own inner visions, which is why his concepts differ from those of other psychologists, philosophers and religious thinkers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-17
> findR *

Human and the effect of his soul

Human and the effect of his soul von Wolf von Guggenberger,  Andreas
"HUMAN AND THE EFFECT OF HIS SOUL" Man and the effect of his soul Andreas, Wolf von Guggenberger creates a fascinating model of crea-tion, soul, spirit and body in his new work. With it he deepens his work: "Evolution of Creation and the Soul". As a short introduction, he presents his idea of a possible origin of creation and at the same time describes how the souls could have arisen in it. He then describes the inner levels of the human being. From the dynamics between the souls and the creation, he outlines the model of the spirit. Spiralling upwards, viewed from ever new angles, he describes the following levels of the soul: Spiritual levels of perception, Higher Self, evolutionary level, personality, ME and Ego, mask, defensive and protective attitudes of the EGOS and the transformation of ME and Ego. This is followed by the physical and mental drive systems with an expanded body model. He shows how self-forgiveness can help to dissolve feelings of guilt, fear, inferiority and power. Psychoanalytical, brain neurological, evolutionary and religious approaches merge naturally. From the perspective of the soul, he elaborates completely new perspectives and connections. The author breaks away from conventional models of thought and creates something fascinatingly new. He has taken the basic ideas of his book from his main work "Evolution of Creation and the Soul". In his main work he describes the background very extensively and in detail. His two books are very personal works. They are the result of personal introspection, research and a journey of knowledge. Therefore, the author did not initially think of publishing them. In his works, he relies on his own inner visions, which is why his concepts differ from those of other psychologists, philosophers and religious thinkers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-16
> findR *

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