Creativity with a system

Creativity with a system von Tribl,  Ludwig
Through close film analysis, Ludwig Tribl has developed a category system from the repetitions he recognized when watching and studying films. While working with this category system, he discovered that it can also be used as a creativity technique. His category system - the story element system - forms the basis for the first creativity technique specifically developed for the film industry, delivering a new method for the task of creating stories. It's surprising how quickly this method generates ideas - hasta la vista, writer's block! Creativity with a system is intended for experienced and aspiring screenwriters and directors, as well as producers, lecturers, students, and anyone else with an interest in filmmaking and storytelling.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-09
> findR *

Creativity with a system

Creativity with a system von Tribl,  Ludwig
Through close film analysis, Ludwig Tribl has developed a category system from the repetitions he recognized when watching and studying films. While working with this category system, he discovered that it can also be used as a creativity technique. His category system - the story element system - forms the basis for the first creativity technique specifically developed for the film industry, delivering a new method for the task of creating stories. It's surprising how quickly this method generates ideas - hasta la vista, writer's block! Creativity with a system is intended for experienced and aspiring screenwriters and directors, as well as producers, lecturers, students, and anyone else with an interest in filmmaking and storytelling.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
> findR *

Written for the Screen

Written for the Screen von Sternberg,  Claudia
Written for the Screen establishes the status of the motion-picture screenplay as a literary text. It introduces a text-type which is situated on the threshold of performance – to an even greater extend than drama – and, as a written text, has therefore been neglected by both film and literary studies. The volume addresses the question of film authorship and sets out the unique conditions of screenplay production and reception. Written for the Screen outlines the genre’s constituent features and demonstrates the cinematic potential for dialogue, characterization, perspective, time structure, setting, color, sound, music, montage and mise-en-scène contained in the screenplay text. The screenwriter is seen as a creative and stylistically versatile artist who anticipates the range of possibilities which his/her text represents for the final film. The selection of scripts covers U.S. American screenplays from the early sound film to the 1990s and encompasses a variety of genres from the American cinema. Many examples, both from well-known screenplays and from others which have remained unpublished and even unproduced, illustrate the function and aesthetics of this hitherto quite unknown text-type.
Aktualisiert: 2022-10-10
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema screenwriting

Sie suchen ein Buch über screenwriting? Bei Buch findr finden Sie eine große Auswahl Bücher zum Thema screenwriting. Entdecken Sie neue Bücher oder Klassiker für Sie selbst oder zum Verschenken. Buch findr hat zahlreiche Bücher zum Thema screenwriting im Sortiment. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit zum Stöbern und finden Sie das passende Buch für Ihr Lesevergnügen. Stöbern Sie durch unser Angebot und finden Sie aus unserer großen Auswahl das Buch, das Ihnen zusagt. Bei Buch findr finden Sie Romane, Ratgeber, wissenschaftliche und populärwissenschaftliche Bücher uvm. Bestellen Sie Ihr Buch zum Thema screenwriting einfach online und lassen Sie es sich bequem nach Hause schicken. Wir wünschen Ihnen schöne und entspannte Lesemomente mit Ihrem Buch.

screenwriting - Große Auswahl Bücher bei Buch findr

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