
Seelsorge von Nauer,  Doris
What exactly is the meaning of caring for the souls of fellow humans? Which understanding of the soul leads to what form of pastoral care. Returning to the biblical view of soul Nauer develops an understanding of pastoral care convincing to postmodern humans and rooted in the Judaeo-Christian idea of man and god. The implications of competence and role profiles for pastoral caregivers are presented. A comprehensive concept of pastoral care is given, that enlarges the field of pastoral care but requires prioritisation. Thus this book can be read as a theory-practice guidebook to ascertain one's concept of pastoral care.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *


Seelsorge von Nauer,  Doris
What exactly is the meaning of caring for the souls of fellow humans? Which understanding of the soul leads to what form of pastoral care. Returning to the biblical view of soul Nauer develops an understanding of pastoral care convincing to postmodern humans and rooted in the Judaeo-Christian idea of man and god. The implications of competence and role profiles for pastoral caregivers are presented. A comprehensive concept of pastoral care is given, that enlarges the field of pastoral care but requires prioritisation. Thus this book can be read as a theory-practice guidebook to ascertain one's concept of pastoral care.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *


Seelsorge von Nauer,  Doris
What exactly is the meaning of caring for the souls of fellow humans? Which understanding of the soul leads to what form of pastoral care. Returning to the biblical view of soul Nauer develops an understanding of pastoral care convincing to postmodern humans and rooted in the Judaeo-Christian idea of man and god. The implications of competence and role profiles for pastoral caregivers are presented. A comprehensive concept of pastoral care is given, that enlarges the field of pastoral care but requires prioritisation. Thus this book can be read as a theory-practice guidebook to ascertain one's concept of pastoral care.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *


Seelsorge von Nauer,  Doris
What exactly is the meaning of caring for the souls of fellow humans? Which understanding of the soul leads to what form of pastoral care. Returning to the biblical view of soul Nauer develops an understanding of pastoral care convincing to postmodern humans and rooted in the Judaeo-Christian idea of man and god. The implications of competence and role profiles for pastoral caregivers are presented. A comprehensive concept of pastoral care is given, that enlarges the field of pastoral care but requires prioritisation. Thus this book can be read as a theory-practice guidebook to ascertain one?s concept of pastoral care.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *


Seelsorge von Nauer,  Doris
What exactly is the meaning of caring for the souls of fellow humans? Which understanding of the soul leads to what form of pastoral care. Returning to the biblical view of soul Nauer develops an understanding of pastoral care convincing to postmodern humans and rooted in the Judaeo-Christian idea of man and god. The implications of competence and role profiles for pastoral caregivers are presented. A comprehensive concept of pastoral care is given, that enlarges the field of pastoral care but requires prioritisation. Thus this book can be read as a theory-practice guidebook to ascertain one?s concept of pastoral care.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *


Seelsorge von Nauer,  Doris
What exactly is the meaning of caring for the souls of fellow humans? Which understanding of the soul leads to what form of pastoral care. Returning to the biblical view of soul Nauer develops an understanding of pastoral care convincing to postmodern humans and rooted in the Judaeo-Christian idea of man and god. The implications of competence and role profiles for pastoral caregivers are presented. A comprehensive concept of pastoral care is given, that enlarges the field of pastoral care but requires prioritisation. Thus this book can be read as a theory-practice guidebook to ascertain one?s concept of pastoral care.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Kirche als seelsorgerliche Gemeinschaft

Kirche als seelsorgerliche Gemeinschaft von Rüegger,  Heinz
Dietrich Bonhoeffer gehört zu denjenigen evangelischen Theologen, die am intensivsten über die Kirche nachgedacht haben. Und nicht nur nachgedacht. Sein Versuch, vom Finkenwalder Predigerseminar ausgehend bruderschaftliches Leben einzuüben, sollte verdeutlichen, worum es ihm ging: um das Konkretwerden von Kirche als seelsorgerlicher Gemeinschaft. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeichnet die Entwicklung von Bonhoeffers Seelsorgeverständnis nach und skizziert Grundzüge des in Finkenwalde initiierten bruderschaftlichen Lebens. Dabei wird erstmals Bonhoeffers Seelsorgekorrespondenz eingehend untersucht. Ueberlegungen zur bleibenden Relevanz des Bonhoefferschen Leitbilds von Kirche als seelsorgerlicher Gemeinschaft schliessen diese Arbeit ab.
Aktualisiert: 2019-12-19
> findR *


Seelsorge von Nauer,  Doris
What exactly is the meaning of caring for the souls of fellow humans? Which understanding of the soul leads to what form of pastoral care. Returning to the biblical view of soul Nauer develops an understanding of pastoral care convincing to postmodern humans and rooted in the Judaeo-Christian idea of man and god. The implications of competence and role profiles for pastoral caregivers are presented. A comprehensive concept of pastoral care is given, that enlarges the field of pastoral care but requires prioritisation. Thus this book can be read as a theory-practice guidebook to ascertain one's concept of pastoral care.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

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