Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft
Digital applications are becoming increasingly important in care and care education. The use of these digital systems must be weighed up and legitimised not only from a professional and academic point of view, but also ethically and legally. Furthermore, work and educational processes must be revised or fundamentally reoriented. One premise of successful use is the acceptance of the systems by the users.At present, there are hardly any empirically supported findings on the specific conditions of digitally supported teaching and learning in geriatric care in Germany. Although digital applications are increasingly available for this area of vocational education and training, reliable findings on relevant assessments and experiences in the field of action are rare. In particular, it is largely unknown how widespread and accepted digital applications currently are in training contexts for geriatric care in Germany. Against this background, this study provides the first insight into the acceptance of technology by teachers and learners in geriatric care using the example of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft
Digital applications are becoming increasingly important in care and care education. The use of these digital systems must be weighed up and legitimised not only from a professional and academic point of view, but also ethically and legally. Furthermore, work and educational processes must be revised or fundamentally reoriented. One premise of successful use is the acceptance of the systems by the users.At present, there are hardly any empirically supported findings on the specific conditions of digitally supported teaching and learning in geriatric care in Germany. Although digital applications are increasingly available for this area of vocational education and training, reliable findings on relevant assessments and experiences in the field of action are rare. In particular, it is largely unknown how widespread and accepted digital applications currently are in training contexts for geriatric care in Germany. Against this background, this study provides the first insight into the acceptance of technology by teachers and learners in geriatric care using the example of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft
Digital applications are becoming increasingly important in care and care education. The use of these digital systems must be weighed up and legitimised not only from a professional and academic point of view, but also ethically and legally. Furthermore, work and educational processes must be revised or fundamentally reoriented. One premise of successful use is the acceptance of the systems by the users.At present, there are hardly any empirically supported findings on the specific conditions of digitally supported teaching and learning in geriatric care in Germany. Although digital applications are increasingly available for this area of vocational education and training, reliable findings on relevant assessments and experiences in the field of action are rare. In particular, it is largely unknown how widespread and accepted digital applications currently are in training contexts for geriatric care in Germany. Against this background, this study provides the first insight into the acceptance of technology by teachers and learners in geriatric care using the example of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft
Digital applications are becoming increasingly important in care and care education. The use of these digital systems must be weighed up and legitimised not only from a professional and academic point of view, but also ethically and legally. Furthermore, work and educational processes must be revised or fundamentally reoriented. One premise of successful use is the acceptance of the systems by the users.At present, there are hardly any empirically supported findings on the specific conditions of digitally supported teaching and learning in geriatric care in Germany. Although digital applications are increasingly available for this area of vocational education and training, reliable findings on relevant assessments and experiences in the field of action are rare. In particular, it is largely unknown how widespread and accepted digital applications currently are in training contexts for geriatric care in Germany. Against this background, this study provides the first insight into the acceptance of technology by teachers and learners in geriatric care using the example of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft
Digital applications are becoming increasingly important in care and care education. The use of these digital systems must be weighed up and legitimised not only from a professional and academic point of view, but also ethically and legally. Furthermore, work and educational processes must be revised or fundamentally reoriented. One premise of successful use is the acceptance of the systems by the users.At present, there are hardly any empirically supported findings on the specific conditions of digitally supported teaching and learning in geriatric care in Germany. Although digital applications are increasingly available for this area of vocational education and training, reliable findings on relevant assessments and experiences in the field of action are rare. In particular, it is largely unknown how widespread and accepted digital applications currently are in training contexts for geriatric care in Germany. Against this background, this study provides the first insight into the acceptance of technology by teachers and learners in geriatric care using the example of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft
Digital applications are becoming increasingly important in care and care education. The use of these digital systems must be weighed up and legitimised not only from a professional and academic point of view, but also ethically and legally. Furthermore, work and educational processes must be revised or fundamentally reoriented. One premise of successful use is the acceptance of the systems by the users.At present, there are hardly any empirically supported findings on the specific conditions of digitally supported teaching and learning in geriatric care in Germany. Although digital applications are increasingly available for this area of vocational education and training, reliable findings on relevant assessments and experiences in the field of action are rare. In particular, it is largely unknown how widespread and accepted digital applications currently are in training contexts for geriatric care in Germany. Against this background, this study provides the first insight into the acceptance of technology by teachers and learners in geriatric care using the example of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft
Digital applications are becoming increasingly important in care and care education. The use of these digital systems must be weighed up and legitimised not only from a professional and academic point of view, but also ethically and legally. Furthermore, work and educational processes must be revised or fundamentally reoriented. One premise of successful use is the acceptance of the systems by the users.At present, there are hardly any empirically supported findings on the specific conditions of digitally supported teaching and learning in geriatric care in Germany. Although digital applications are increasingly available for this area of vocational education and training, reliable findings on relevant assessments and experiences in the field of action are rare. In particular, it is largely unknown how widespread and accepted digital applications currently are in training contexts for geriatric care in Germany. Against this background, this study provides the first insight into the acceptance of technology by teachers and learners in geriatric care using the example of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft
Digital applications are becoming increasingly important in care and care education. The use of these digital systems must be weighed up and legitimised not only from a professional and academic point of view, but also ethically and legally. Furthermore, work and educational processes must be revised or fundamentally reoriented. One premise of successful use is the acceptance of the systems by the users.At present, there are hardly any empirically supported findings on the specific conditions of digitally supported teaching and learning in geriatric care in Germany. Although digital applications are increasingly available for this area of vocational education and training, reliable findings on relevant assessments and experiences in the field of action are rare. In particular, it is largely unknown how widespread and accepted digital applications currently are in training contexts for geriatric care in Germany. Against this background, this study provides the first insight into the acceptance of technology by teachers and learners in geriatric care using the example of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft

Bedingungen digitalen Lernens in der Altenpflege am Beispiel der Technikbereitschaft
Digital applications are becoming increasingly important in care and care education. The use of these digital systems must be weighed up and legitimised not only from a professional and academic point of view, but also ethically and legally. Furthermore, work and educational processes must be revised or fundamentally reoriented. One premise of successful use is the acceptance of the systems by the users.At present, there are hardly any empirically supported findings on the specific conditions of digitally supported teaching and learning in geriatric care in Germany. Although digital applications are increasingly available for this area of vocational education and training, reliable findings on relevant assessments and experiences in the field of action are rare. In particular, it is largely unknown how widespread and accepted digital applications currently are in training contexts for geriatric care in Germany. Against this background, this study provides the first insight into the acceptance of technology by teachers and learners in geriatric care using the example of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *

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