
Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows - due to six paradigm shifts - to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four physical interactions, all elementary particles, the instantaneous non-local (inter)actions and the Big Bang under a uniform procedure. The theory does without empirically not perceivable terms such as infinity, space and time per se. The axiom A = A is replaced by an axiom of chirality which is the basic requisite for order, be it of time, space, counting or transcendental thinking. The entities time, space, substance (? energy or information) and interaction are replaced by the only empirically countable entity event. Metaphysical aspects of chirality theory such as the limits of language, knowledge, truth and measurement, the dualism of body and soul, and the definitions of life and God are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-23
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows - due to six paradigm shifts - to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four physical interactions, all elementary particles, the instantaneous non-local (inter)actions and the Big Bang under a uniform procedure. The theory does without empirically not perceivable terms such as infinity, space and time per se. The axiom A = A is replaced by an axiom of chirality which is the basic requisite for order, be it of time, space, counting or transcendental thinking. The entities time, space, substance (? energy or information) and interaction are replaced by the only empirically countable entity event. Metaphysical aspects of chirality theory such as the limits of language, knowledge, truth and measurement, the dualism of body and soul, and the definitions of life and God are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-23
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows - due to six paradigm shifts - to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four physical interactions, all elementary particles, the instantaneous non-local (inter)actions and the Big Bang under a uniform procedure. The theory does without empirically not perceivable terms such as infinity, space and time per se. The axiom A = A is replaced by an axiom of chirality which is the basic requisite for order, be it of time, space, counting or transcendental thinking. The entities time, space, substance (? energy or information) and interaction are replaced by the only empirically countable entity event. Metaphysical aspects of chirality theory such as the limits of language, knowledge, truth and measurement, the dualism of body and soul, and the definitions of life and God are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows - due to six paradigm shifts - to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four physical interactions, all elementary particles, the instantaneous non-local (inter)actions and the Big Bang under a uniform procedure. The theory does without empirically not perceivable terms such as infinity, space and time per se. The axiom A = A is replaced by an axiom of chirality which is the basic requisite for order, be it of time, space, counting or transcendental thinking. The entities time, space, substance (? energy or information) and interaction are replaced by the only empirically countable entity event. Metaphysical aspects of chirality theory such as the limits of language, knowledge, truth and measurement, the dualism of body and soul, and the definitions of life and God are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows - due to six paradigm shifts - to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four physical interactions, all elementary particles, the instantaneous non-local (inter)actions and the Big Bang under a uniform procedure. The theory does without empirically not perceivable terms such as infinity, space and time per se. The axiom A = A is replaced by an axiom of chirality which is the basic requisite for order, be it of time, space, counting or transcendental thinking. The entities time, space, substance (? energy or information) and interaction are replaced by the only empirically countable entity event. Metaphysical aspects of chirality theory such as the limits of language, knowledge, truth and measurement, the dualism of body and soul, and the definitions of life and God are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows due to six paradigm shifts to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four interactions and all elementary particles under a uniform procedure.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-19
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows due to six paradigm shifts to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four interactions and all elementary particles under a uniform procedure.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-19
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows due to six paradigm shifts to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four interactions and all elementary particles under a uniform procedure.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-19
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows due to six paradigm shifts to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four interactions and all elementary particles under a uniform procedure.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-19
> findR *

An Axiom of Chirality as the Basic Principle of Physics

An Axiom of Chirality as the Basic Principle of Physics von Wehrli,  Hans
Der Autor entwickelt eine Strategie, mit welcher dank sechs Paradigmenwechseln eine Theorie gefunden werden kann, welche die Relativitäts- und Quantentheorie, die Naturkonstanten, die vier Wechselwirkungen und alle Elementarteilchen einheitlich beschreibt. Die Naturgesetze sind so, wie sie sein müssen, damit Wahrnehmung möglich ist.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-19
> findR *

An Axiom of Chirality as the Basic Principle of Physics

An Axiom of Chirality as the Basic Principle of Physics von Wehrli,  Hans
Der Autor entwickelt eine Strategie, mit welcher dank sechs Paradigmenwechseln eine Theorie gefunden werden kann, welche die Relativitäts- und Quantentheorie, die Naturkonstanten, die vier Wechselwirkungen und alle Elementarteilchen einheitlich beschreibt. Die Naturgesetze sind so, wie sie sein müssen, damit Wahrnehmung möglich ist.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-19
> findR *

Der geheime Schlüssel zum Universum

Der geheime Schlüssel zum Universum von Hawking,  Lucy, Hawking,  Stephen, Rumler,  Irene
Als George den Wissenschaftler Eric und dessen Tochter Annie kennenlernt, kommt er aus dem Staunen nicht mehr heraus: Die beiden besitzen einen superintelligenten Computer namens Cosmos, der es vermag, die Tür ins Universum zu öffnen! Mit Cosmos’ Hilfe bereisen Eric, Annie und George das All, reiten auf Kometen, umkreisen den Saturn und beobachten ein Schwarzes Loch – bis der skrupellose Wissenschaftler Reeper Wind von ihrem Geheimnis und Cosmos’ Fähigkeiten bekommt …Ein fulminantes Abenteuer im Universum und zugleich ein Buch, das in die aufregende Welt der Astronomie entführt. Was Sonnenflecken sind oder warum der Saturn Ringe hat – spannend vermittelt Georges Weltraumreise faszinierendes astronomisches Wissen. Sachinfos treten ergänzend hinzu und atemberaubende Fotostrecken lassen über Himmelsphänomene staunen. Astronomie, die jedes Kind versteht. Der geheime Schlüssel zum Universum (Band 1)Die unglaubliche Reise ins Universum (Band 2)Zurück zum Urknall. Die große Verschwörung (Band 3, nur als Hörbuch zum Download verfügbar)Das Universum – Was unsere Welt zusammenhält (Band 4) Ausstattung: Mit farbigen Fotos
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-13
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows - due to six paradigm shifts - to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four physical interactions, all elementary particles, the instantaneous non-local (inter)actions and the Big Bang under a uniform procedure. The theory does without empirically not perceivable terms such as infinity, space and time per se. The axiom A = A is replaced by an axiom of chirality which is the basic requisite for order, be it of time, space, counting or transcendental thinking. The entities time, space, substance (? energy or information) and interaction are replaced by the only empirically countable entity event. Metaphysical aspects of chirality theory such as the limits of language, knowledge, truth and measurement, the dualism of body and soul, and the definitions of life and God are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-13
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows - due to six paradigm shifts - to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four physical interactions, all elementary particles, the instantaneous non-local (inter)actions and the Big Bang under a uniform procedure. The theory does without empirically not perceivable terms such as infinity, space and time per se. The axiom A = A is replaced by an axiom of chirality which is the basic requisite for order, be it of time, space, counting or transcendental thinking. The entities time, space, substance (? energy or information) and interaction are replaced by the only empirically countable entity event. Metaphysical aspects of chirality theory such as the limits of language, knowledge, truth and measurement, the dualism of body and soul, and the definitions of life and God are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-06
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows - due to six paradigm shifts - to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four physical interactions, all elementary particles, the instantaneous non-local (inter)actions and the Big Bang under a uniform procedure. The theory does without empirically not perceivable terms such as infinity, space and time per se. The axiom A = A is replaced by an axiom of chirality which is the basic requisite for order, be it of time, space, counting or transcendental thinking. The entities time, space, substance (? energy or information) and interaction are replaced by the only empirically countable entity event. Metaphysical aspects of chirality theory such as the limits of language, knowledge, truth and measurement, the dualism of body and soul, and the definitions of life and God are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *

Der geheime Schlüssel zum Universum

Der geheime Schlüssel zum Universum von Hawking,  Lucy, Hawking,  Stephen, Rumler,  Irene
Als George den Wissenschaftler Eric und dessen Tochter Annie kennenlernt, kommt er aus dem Staunen nicht mehr heraus: Die beiden besitzen einen superintelligenten Computer namens Cosmos, der es vermag, die Tür ins Universum zu öffnen! Mit Cosmos’ Hilfe bereisen Eric, Annie und George das All, reiten auf Kometen, umkreisen den Saturn und beobachten ein Schwarzes Loch – bis der skrupellose Wissenschaftler Reeper Wind von ihrem Geheimnis und Cosmos’ Fähigkeiten bekommt …Ein fulminantes Abenteuer im Universum und zugleich ein Buch, das in die aufregende Welt der Astronomie entführt. Was Sonnenflecken sind oder warum der Saturn Ringe hat – spannend vermittelt Georges Weltraumreise faszinierendes astronomisches Wissen. Sachinfos treten ergänzend hinzu und atemberaubende Fotostrecken lassen über Himmelsphänomene staunen. Astronomie, die jedes Kind versteht. Der geheime Schlüssel zum Universum (Band 1)Die unglaubliche Reise ins Universum (Band 2)Zurück zum Urknall. Die große Verschwörung (Band 3, nur als Hörbuch zum Download verfügbar)Das Universum – Was unsere Welt zusammenhält (Band 4) Ausstattung: Mit farbigen Fotos
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *

Der geheime Schlüssel zum Universum

Der geheime Schlüssel zum Universum von Hawking,  Lucy, Hawking,  Stephen, Rumler,  Irene
Als George den Wissenschaftler Eric und dessen Tochter Annie kennenlernt, kommt er aus dem Staunen nicht mehr heraus: Die beiden besitzen einen superintelligenten Computer namens Cosmos, der es vermag, die Tür ins Universum zu öffnen! Mit Cosmos’ Hilfe bereisen Eric, Annie und George das All, reiten auf Kometen, umkreisen den Saturn und beobachten ein Schwarzes Loch – bis der skrupellose Wissenschaftler Reeper Wind von ihrem Geheimnis und Cosmos’ Fähigkeiten bekommt …Ein fulminantes Abenteuer im Universum und zugleich ein Buch, das in die aufregende Welt der Astronomie entführt. Was Sonnenflecken sind oder warum der Saturn Ringe hat – spannend vermittelt Georges Weltraumreise faszinierendes astronomisches Wissen. Sachinfos treten ergänzend hinzu und atemberaubende Fotostrecken lassen über Himmelsphänomene staunen. Astronomie, die jedes Kind versteht. Der geheime Schlüssel zum Universum (Band 1)Die unglaubliche Reise ins Universum (Band 2)Zurück zum Urknall. Die große Verschwörung (Band 3, nur als Hörbuch zum Download verfügbar)Das Universum – Was unsere Welt zusammenhält (Band 4) Ausstattung: Mit farbigen Fotos
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows - due to six paradigm shifts - to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four physical interactions, all elementary particles, the instantaneous non-local (inter)actions and the Big Bang under a uniform procedure. The theory does without empirically not perceivable terms such as infinity, space and time per se. The axiom A = A is replaced by an axiom of chirality which is the basic requisite for order, be it of time, space, counting or transcendental thinking. The entities time, space, substance (? energy or information) and interaction are replaced by the only empirically countable entity event. Metaphysical aspects of chirality theory such as the limits of language, knowledge, truth and measurement, the dualism of body and soul, and the definitions of life and God are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows - due to six paradigm shifts - to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four physical interactions, all elementary particles, the instantaneous non-local (inter)actions and the Big Bang under a uniform procedure. The theory does without empirically not perceivable terms such as infinity, space and time per se. The axiom A = A is replaced by an axiom of chirality which is the basic requisite for order, be it of time, space, counting or transcendental thinking. The entities time, space, substance (? energy or information) and interaction are replaced by the only empirically countable entity event. Metaphysical aspects of chirality theory such as the limits of language, knowledge, truth and measurement, the dualism of body and soul, and the definitions of life and God are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-23
> findR *


Metaphysics von Wehrli,  Hans
Why are the natural laws the way they are? They are as they must be for perception to be possible. A strategy is developed and philosophically explained that allows - due to six paradigm shifts - to unify relativity with quantum theory and to describe the natural constants, the four physical interactions, all elementary particles, the instantaneous non-local (inter)actions and the Big Bang under a uniform procedure. The theory does without empirically not perceivable terms such as infinity, space and time per se. The axiom A = A is replaced by an axiom of chirality which is the basic requisite for order, be it of time, space, counting or transcendental thinking. The entities time, space, substance (? energy or information) and interaction are replaced by the only empirically countable entity event. Metaphysical aspects of chirality theory such as the limits of language, knowledge, truth and measurement, the dualism of body and soul, and the definitions of life and God are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-19
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema theory of everything

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