Christian Arabic of Baghdad

Christian Arabic of Baghdad von Abu-Haidar,  Farida
Christian Baghdadi is spoken exclusively by the autochthonous Christian population in the Iraqi capital. It is one of the three “communal dialects” of that city (Jewish, Christian and Muslim Baghdadi), as described in Haim Blanc’s study "Communal Dialects in Baghdad" (1964). Christian Baghdadi, like Jewish Baghdadi, belongs to the so-called "qәltu" dialect group which constitutes the oldest dialect layer of present-day Mesopotamian Arabic. The present book is the first monographic treatment of this archaic and gradually expiring dialect. It is based on recent tape recordings from a total of 20 speakers. The book comprises a grammar (phonology, morphology and syntax), a chapter on sociolinguistics, a selection of twenty texts and a short glossary. The texts are transcribed from recordings of spontaneous speech and treat various aspects of urban life in Baghdad, from the fifties up to the present.
Aktualisiert: 2021-01-29
> findR *

A Grammar of Nigerian Arabic

A Grammar of Nigerian Arabic von Owens,  Jonathan
Nigerian Arabic is spoken by some 400,000 Arabs in NE Nigeria, their presence in Nigeria going back at least 200 years, though probably far longer. Their dialect, however, is relatively unknown within Arabic dialectology. As a general reference grammar this book will thus be of interest to Arabicists, Africanists as well as to scholars of culture history, particularly in the light it sheds on the linguistic status of an Arabic dialect spoken by minority Arabic group. While formalized linguistic statements generally are avoided in this grammar, there is a detailed coverage of phonology, morphology and syntax, as well as indications about where dialectal and sociolectal variation is found. Beside the standard presentation of phonological tables, morphological paradigms and syntactic classes, one of the data bases the grammar is constructed from is some 20 hours of transcribed texts, from which examples are freely drawn. A rigorous structural summary is thus complemented by exemplification from natural speech.
Aktualisiert: 2021-01-29
> findR *

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