Von Paraguay bis Punk

Von Paraguay bis Punk von Junk,  Claudia, Schneider,  Thomas F.
Media, war and the experiences of combatants stand in ambivalent, partly contradictory relation to each other, which has been reflected and analysed in many ways by the various academic disciplines. Be it the experiences of Swiss mercenaries in the Triple Alliance War in Paraguay, the role of an officer of the Wehrmacht in the deportation of Greek Jews from Rhodes, the re-interpretation of Maya the Bee as a Nazi cartoon or trauma processing in folk and punk music – the contributions of the present volume take diverse approaches to the tense relationship between war, war experience and its representation in the media. The volume is completed with reviews and brief descriptions of relevant new publications and a bibliography of literary, linguistic, historical, film and art studies published in 2007.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

Von Paraguay bis Punk

Von Paraguay bis Punk von Junk,  Claudia, Schneider,  Thomas F.
Media, war and the experiences of combatants stand in ambivalent, partly contradictory relation to each other, which has been reflected and analysed in many ways by the various academic disciplines. Be it the experiences of Swiss mercenaries in the Triple Alliance War in Paraguay, the role of an officer of the Wehrmacht in the deportation of Greek Jews from Rhodes, the re-interpretation of Maya the Bee as a Nazi cartoon or trauma processing in folk and punk music – the contributions of the present volume take diverse approaches to the tense relationship between war, war experience and its representation in the media. The volume is completed with reviews and brief descriptions of relevant new publications and a bibliography of literary, linguistic, historical, film and art studies published in 2007.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

Von Paraguay bis Punk

Von Paraguay bis Punk von Junk,  Claudia, Schneider,  Thomas F.
Media, war and the experiences of combatants stand in ambivalent, partly contradictory relation to each other, which has been reflected and analysed in many ways by the various academic disciplines. Be it the experiences of Swiss mercenaries in the Triple Alliance War in Paraguay, the role of an officer of the Wehrmacht in the deportation of Greek Jews from Rhodes, the re-interpretation of Maya the Bee as a Nazi cartoon or trauma processing in folk and punk music – the contributions of the present volume take diverse approaches to the tense relationship between war, war experience and its representation in the media. The volume is completed with reviews and brief descriptions of relevant new publications and a bibliography of literary, linguistic, historical, film and art studies published in 2007.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema Wettbewerbsverstoß?

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