Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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This monograph covers geographically southern Chad, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, the Central African Republic (CAR), Gabon, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC, referred to until recently as Zaire) and northern Angola. Introductory chapters (geography, relief, hydology, climate, history, vegetation, environmental degredation and conservation, history of botanical exploration, materials and methods) followed by systematic part.
Aktualisiert: 2021-07-10
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-25
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-25
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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This ' Atlas' is a very important working tool for the diatomist. The above offered second reprinted edition contains for the first time the systematic index by Hanna,which was originally published in 'Bibliotheca Phycologica,volume 10' and which facilitates use of the Atlas considerably. Descriptions to plate 310 included as Xerox copy only.
Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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This volume contains the following four contributions: I) METZELTIN, Ditmar und Andrzej WITKOWSKI: Diatomeen der Bären- Insel. Süßwasser und marine Arten.92 Tafeln.233 Seiten.In Deutsch, mit englischem Abstract. - Quotation from the abstract:' Samples with diatoms originating from several small lakes and from the marine littoral of the Bear Island (Northern Atlantic) were studied by means of light (LM) and electron microscopy (SEM, TEM). The diatom composition of freshwater and of the still intact marine littoral were only little known until recently. The new investigations reveal a diatom flora very rich in species number. Together 625 taxa were identified to the species or variety level. A
certain number remained unidentified or classified only at the generic level. 15 marine and 7 freshwater species were described as new.'--- II) METZELTIN, Ditmar: Geissleria lange - bertalotii sp. nov.; 28 Figuren auf 3 Tafeln. Seite 234 - 246. ---III) LANGE-BERTALOT, Horst, Ditmar METZELTIN und Andrzej WITKOWSKI: Hippodonta gen. nov.: Umschreibung und Begründung einer neuen Gattung der Naviculaceae;111 Figuren auf 4 Tafeln.Seite 247 - 276. ---IV) Lange - Bertalot, Horst: Kobayasia gen. et spec. nov.; 18 Figuren auf 1 Tafel. Seite 277 -286. Mit einem englischen Abstract.- Quotation from the abstract: A new genus of the Naviculaceae in the traditional sense is described. It includes 9 species actually. The typus generis is described here as a new species from South Africa. The whole species group is clearly distinguished by a peculiar pattern of the valve morphology from Navicula s.str. and from the recently defined or redefined splitting products of Navicula sensu lato.
Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-25
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SUMMARY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS (quoted from the book): During three decades of the present century (1920-1950) Krasske was an important author in the field of diatom research, viewed from the geobotanical and taxonomic perspective. Altogether 270 descriptions of new taxa from Central-Europe, Scandinavia, the Arctic, Asia Minor and South America were counted. It might be that his 123 taxa from South America are of special interest because comparatively little is known about the diatom flora of this continent. This documentation contains the protologues (including figures) of all the taxa introduced by Krasske. Moreover, all these taxa - so far as available in his collection- are represented by new microphotographs of the holotypes, lectotypes and/or other specimens from the type-slides
or other authentic slides. Photographs are necessary since his diagrammatic figures are mostly of poor quality, and are therefore less significant. Many are hardly appropriate to recognize the depicted taxa. Attention! The indicated magnifications of the drawings are the original ones given by Krasske. They are not correct in several cases, corrections are provided. In addition, some illegitimate taxa introduced by Krasske under manuscript names have been photographed. In several cases taxa or specimens, which have not been taken from Krasske's collection, are shown for comparison. Another aim of this monograph is to evaluate Krasske's taxa critically from the contemporary and likewise from the recent point of view (see "Zusammenfassung", p. 187). In particular, it is shown how many of his types (names) represent "biologically" confirmed taxa. We consider 152 worthy of belonging to this category. The taxa are arranged alphabetically with the generic, specific and infraspecific names originally given by Krasske. However, the genera are mostly arranged on the plates in "classical fashion" by Hustedt and other authors, and not alphabetically. Exceptionally, the centric genera and Eunotia are placed at the end of the plate series. Three species and one variety are described as new taxa.
ALLGEMEINER TEIL: Summary of the most important results/
Excerpt from the obituary by Hustedt 1952/ Introducción/ Extracto de memoria de Krasske, Hustedt 1952/ Einleitung (Auszug aus dem Nekrolog von Friedrich Hustedt 1952/ Verzeichnis der Veröffentlichungen Georg Krasskes/ Kurze Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Ergebnisse)/ Material und Methoden (Die Collection Krasske/ Bemerkungen)/ SPEZIELLER TEIL: Protologe und Bemerkungen zu den einzelnen Taxa (S.24 - 186)/
Zusammenfassung/ Literaturverzeichnis / Bildtafeln/ Nachtrag/ Index.
Aktualisiert: 2018-07-05
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This second edition is a corrected edition of the first edition. The main aim of this book is to provide assistance for identification of taxa in applied hydrobiology, in particular water monitoring according to the implementation of EU Water Framework Directive. This book represents a somewhat reduced but condensed and updated freshwater diatom flora of Central Europe. Planctonic - halobious and most of the rare taxa are generally excluded. This special flora is restricted to diatoms that are frequent and/or abundant in the area of concern, to comply with the request of water monitoring in applied hydrobiology. This concerns most of the locally occurring diatoms relevant for biological analysis of inland waters for continuous quality control, and acts as a background for protection of aquatic
habitats. 793 photographically documented taxa encompass more then 50 percent of the recent benthic freshwater diatom flora. Lacking are taxa which are either rare (in Europe) or of dubious identity, or difficult to discriminate from more common taxa by lightmicroscopical observation. Short diagnoses are given for 707 taxa, followed by ecological features as well as by comparable taxa, with references of literature where they can be found. Two general identification keys are given for the approximately 100 genera; additionally, 18 species - aquatic habitats, expressed in particular tables. Based on approximately 11.000 evaluated samples from various running and stagnant waters, preferences are indicated for over 500 taxa - in which specific type of water do they occur, where are they regularly missing? The classification of the 'red list' of diatom taxa for Germany (recently prepared for publication) is added. New or resurrected old generic entities which were (re-)introduced to the actual nomenclature are critically discussed. Thus, also in cases when the authors hesitate to follow proposals published during the last 20 years. A continuity between taxonomy before and after 1990 should be maintained. Practioners may be less interested in diverging taxonomical opinions. Knowledge of the specific identity is neccessary rather than the assessed generic relationship. Stability, as far as possible, is desirable. Although halobious taxa are principally not considered in this book, most recorded taxa are level keys for the most species - rich genera are given. Special attention is paid to biogeography, hydrogeology and typology of described and illustrated independent of the alphabetic range of freshwater taxa at the end of that chapter, because they occur quite often among assemblages of freshwater taxa in the 'hinterland' of the North Sea. A glossary is placed in front of the diagnoses. The index of names contains 1589 taxa, names and synonyms.
Aktualisiert: 2022-07-06
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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Aktualisiert: 2016-04-19
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