Vorträge des Niederbayerischen Archäologentages / Vorträge des 32. Niederbayerischen Archäologentages
Ludwig Husty, Karl Schmotz
The volume contains 13 papers presented at the 32nd archaeological conference of Lower Bavaria in 2013, an introduction, a bibliography, and a list of authors. The contributions deal with features of the 4th mill. at Salzmünde [Friederich], a century of research on the Late Neolithic earthwork of Altheim [Saile], its flint inventory [Richter], the Late Neolithic settlement zone around Pestenacker [Limmer], the 4th/3rd mill. in the Lower Inn Valley in northern Tyrol [Töchterle], the present state of research on the Mondsee Group [Maurer], the potential of magnetic surveys by the example of Hallstatt enclosed farmsteads around Landshut [Geelhaar, Fassbinder], an Iron Age sacrificial site with an alpine character and pit alignments at Eichendorf [Schmotz], the animal remains of the Late Neolithic and Iron Age found there [Trixl], Roman hoards of the 3rd century along the Lower Inn River around Bad Füssing [Wandling, Ziegaus], the Bogenberg Hill reviewed in the light of recent research [Husty], the possible Bavarian primordial monastery on the Bogenberg Hill in a historian’s perspective [Neueder] as well as with the Early Romanesque castle rotunda at Hengersberg [Schmotz].