Historische Annäherungen
Hartmut Berghoff, Gunilla Budde, Ute Frevert, Jürgen Kocka, Gudrun Krämer, Wolf Lepenies, Charles S. Maier, Marcel van der Linden, Hans-Ulrich Wehler
Understanding the present crisis of capitalism demands a historical review. In this collection, Wolf Lepenies looks back to Honoré de Balzac’s “human comedy.” The contribution by Hans-Ulrich Wehler discusses the German variation on state-guided capitalism. Ute Frevert and Hartmut Berghoff underline the meaning of emotions in capitalsm. Gudrun Krämer relativises Max Weber’s theory of the “spirit of capitalism” as a genuinely Calvinistic thought by looking at Islam. Gunilla Budde in her contribution points out the changing influence of the family today. Jürgen Kocka compares past financial crises, and Charles S. Maier and Marcel van der Linden discuss the book’s theme from the perspective of world history.