Methoden der Kompetenzerfassung in der beruflichen Erstausbildung in Deutschland
Eine systematische Überblicksstudie
Britta Rüschoff
The present study offers a systematic review
of the methods of competence assessment
in the context of vocational training in Germany.
For this purpose, 58 publications published
between 2001 to 2017 were reviewed.
The results show that the instruments primarily
focus on commercial, industrial-technical
and health occupations. The majority
of the instruments are concerned with identifying
subject-specific competences (66 %),
followed by general competences (24 %) and
social-communicative competences (9 %).
Moreover, there is a clear trend towards
IT-supported procedures. In conclusion,
there is a good basis of instruments available
for competence assessment in vocational education
and training, which should, however,
be extended to other occupational fields. In
addition, further validation and pilot studies
are necessary before broad-based applications
of the instruments in practice can be