Aktualisiert: 2018-10-05
> findR *
Demenz-Testsystem für Praxen eigens entwickelt, eine frühzeitige und sichere Diagnose der Demenz gewährleisten zu können. Sechs Skalen zur Vorprüfung des Demenzverdachtes, Sicherung der Demenzdiagnose, Differenzierung zwischen Alzheimer-Demenz und Multiinfarkt-Demenz sowie eine Verlaufs- und Therapiekontrolle Gesamtdauer pro Untersuchung beträgt ca. 10 - 15 Minuten für den Arzt und ca. 15 Minuten für den Patienten.
Aktualisiert: 2018-04-24
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2018-10-05
> findR *
The German translation of the historical-critical edition of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (Heidelberg Academy of Sciences) is directed towards interested laypersons who would like to study the times and the personal circumstances of the great humanist, but is also meant to be of help to scholars and researchers. The short commentary in the footnotes is based on the historical-critical edition. A list of persons which whom Reuchlin corresponded and a biographical list of persons are included in the volumes.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2018-10-05
> findR *
In the second volume of the Reuchlin correspondence there are two subjects which stand out among the many, subjects on which Reuchlins fame is largely based: making the Hebrew language accessible and the so-called Jewish book controversy. In 1506, the ‹Rudimenta Hebraica‹, a first Hebrew grammar book, was published. In 1510, Emperor Maximilian commissioned Reuchlin and others to provide an evaluation of the Jewish books. He was opposed to a complete ban and thus was exposed to hostility and persecution. His respect for Jewish tradition was expressed impressively in a letter to Stocker, a doctor in Ulm: »We Latins drink water from the swamp, the Greeks from the river, the Jews from the spring».
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
The last four and a half years of the humanists‹s life were overshadowed by the circumstances of Duke Ulrich‹s banishment from Württemberg (1519), as a result of which Reuchlin left Stuttgart and worked as a professor of Greek and Hebrew in Ingolstadt (1520) and Tübingen (1521/1522). The correspondence during the years however also shows that Reuchlin distanced himself from Luther‹s Reformation of the church, while his own trial against the Cologne theologians ended in defeat in the summer of 1520 in Rome. In the end, this aloofness also alienated him from his favorite student, Philipp Melanchthon, whose appointment to Wittenberg Reuchlin himself had arranged in 1518.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
The 90 letters in this volume illustrate primarily the legal and journalistic dispute surrounding Reuchlins evaluation in the Jewish book controversy as well as the Kabbalistic studies of the Pforzheim humanist, which culminated in the publication of his three books ‹De arte cabalistica‹ in March of 1517. There are very few letters from these years which do not touch on at least one of these subjects. The content of the correspondence does however have a much larger range. The letters deal with the procedure to determine the date of Easter at the Fifth Lateran Council as well as the genealogy of Marc, the history of an ancient gesture of blessing, Greek theories of harmony or the beginnings of occidental Ethiopian studies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
This volume features the German translation of the 136 letters that the ›Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften‹ has published previously in volume I of the critical edition. It covers the period from the time of Reuchlin‹s studies up to the 50th year of his life. During this period he produced the dialogue ›De verbo mirifico‹, the comedies ›Sergius‹ and ›Henno‹, and the Hebrew Grammar, originally published in March 1506. His correspondence is a very diverse collection of material with regard to the genesis of various works and is repeatedly concerned with their contemporary critical reception. For the first time, a number of previously unpublished letters allows an insight into Reuchlin‹s occupation as councilor (Britisch: councillor) and judge. Among his 80 correspondents are Rodolphus Agricola, Sebastian Brant, Marsilio Ficino, Aldo Manuzio, Lorenzo de‹ Medici, and Jacob Sprenger. The volume is intended for interested laypersons, who want to find out more about the times and the circumstances of Reuchlin‹s life, and also for academics and researchers. The concise commentary in footnotes is based on the critical edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-20
> findR *
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