What is Aristotle’s considered view of animal self-motion? According to several scholars, Aristotle ends up rejecting this very notion as a result of his criticism of Plato’s theory of a self-moving soul. Contrary to this still widespread assumption, the present study argues that his critical engagement with Plato is not confined to negative results, but achieves largely positive outcomes, which add up to a rich and nuanced picture of self-motion.
Ferro makes his case by offering a novel reading of a handful of controversial passages from De Anima (I 3–4; III 9–10) and Physics VIII, where Aristotle reacts to three aspects of Plato’s theory of self-motion: the claim that soul itself is a self-mover (and therefore a proper subject of motion), the assumption that self-movers enjoy strong causal autonomy, and the link between motion, desire and soul partition. Through a careful reading of the relevant passages, which does justice to their proper context and significance, Ferro shows that Aristotle’s critical re-appropriation of self-motion results in a largely coherent doctrine with major repercussions for Aristotelian psychology and philosophy of nature.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-17
> findR *
What is Aristotle’s considered view of animal self-motion? According to several scholars, Aristotle ends up rejecting this very notion as a result of his criticism of Plato’s theory of a self-moving soul. Contrary to this still widespread assumption, the present study argues that his critical engagement with Plato is not confined to negative results, but achieves largely positive outcomes, which add up to a rich and nuanced picture of self-motion.
Ferro makes his case by offering a novel reading of a handful of controversial passages from De Anima (I 3–4; III 9–10) and Physics VIII, where Aristotle reacts to three aspects of Plato’s theory of self-motion: the claim that soul itself is a self-mover (and therefore a proper subject of motion), the assumption that self-movers enjoy strong causal autonomy, and the link between motion, desire and soul partition. Through a careful reading of the relevant passages, which does justice to their proper context and significance, Ferro shows that Aristotle’s critical re-appropriation of self-motion results in a largely coherent doctrine with major repercussions for Aristotelian psychology and philosophy of nature.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-17
> findR *
In den letzten Jahren sind verstärkt nicht-sprachliche Elemente in den Fokus psychoanalytischer Theorie und Praxis gerückt, wofür Konzepte wie Szenisches Verstehen, Agieren, Enactment stehen. Wie gewinnt dieses zunächst sprachlich nicht-repräsentierte seelische Material eine symbolische Form, d.h. Sinn und Bedeutung, so dass es vom Analysanden wie vom Analytiker bearbeitet werden kann? Das vorliegende Heft gibt Antworten auf diese zentrale Frage zeitgenössischer Psychoanalyse.
Themen des diesjährigen PSYCHE-Doppelhefts
- Repräsentation, therapeutisches Handeln und die Bildung der Psyche
- Das Konzept des Embodiment
- Das Nicht-Repräsentierte und die negative capability (Bion) des Analytikers
- Ferros Konzept der Wachtraum-Gedanken und die Erzeugung von Sinn
- Desobjektalisierung: Theorie und Klinik eines Konzepts von André Green
- Der Einfluss der Präsenztheorie auf die psychoanalytische Behandlungstechnik
- Die Repräsentation von traumatischen Erfahrungen in der frühen Kindheit
- Musikalische Aspekte des analytischen Dialogs
Aktualisiert: 2020-10-18
> findR *
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