Um psychotherapeutische Expertise zu erwerben, ist das Zuschauen – also der direkte unmittelbare Einblick in den Psychotherapieraum – eines der wichtigsten didaktischen Mittel. Die vorliegenden DVDs zeigen einen repräsentativen und umfassenden Querschnitt wichtiger Strategien und Techniken der klassischen und modernen Verhaltenstherapie – sowohl im einzel- als auch im gruppentherapeutischen Setting.
Was erwartet Sie?
• Über 10 Stunden lebendiges, praxisnahes Videomaterial
• Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten mit ausgewiesener Expertise interagagieren in realitätsnahen Therapiesituationen.
• Zuschaltbare Untertitel geben wertvolle therapeutische Hinweise.
• DVD 1: Störungsorientierte Verhaltenstherapie: Fallbeispiele
• DVD 2: Die »dritte Welle« der Verhaltenstherapie
• DVD 3: Transdiagnostische Techniken, besondere Probleme und Settings
Zu den Inhalten der DVD liegt auch ein Lehrbuch »Verhaltenstherapie in der Praxis« vor, herausgegeben von Eva-Lotta Brakemeier und Frank Jacobi.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-03
> findR *
Psychotherapy has a long historical development, with a rich stock of theoretical concepts, tried and tested interventions, and clinical and scientific evidence. It is also constantly undergoing further evolution and differentiation. In the process, developmental contexts and solid knowledge may also occasionally be forgotten or ?rediscovered= using new terms, so that it is difficult to consolidate any overarching ?core knowledge= in psychotherapy. The purpose of this book is to present the current state of theory development and practice in relation to the four main psychotherapeutic procedures in the context of their historical development & and this may also counteract any occasional ?forgetting of history=. This is not a history book, however, but an up-to-date textbook that provides an overview of the foundations of psychotherapy across different procedures and schools.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Corina Aguilar-Raab,
Siegfried Bettighofer,
Annegret Boll-Klatt,
Marieke Born,
Ulrike Borst,
Damaris Brodrück,
Rosina Brossi,
Antonia Drews,
Jobst Finke,
Peter Fraenkel,
Mark Galliker,
Iver Hand,
Martin Hautzinger,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Stephan Heinzel,
Rebecca Hilzinger,
Frank Jacobi,
Jenny Kaiser,
Sylvia Keil,
Walter Wolfgang Keil,
Margot Klein,
Mathias Kohrs,
Rainer Krause,
Jürgen Kriz,
Martin Kurthen,
Claas-Hinrich Lammers,
Michael Linden,
Sven Lippoldt,
Markos Maragkos,
Jürgen Margraf,
Alexander Noyon,
Matthias Ochs,
Gerd Rudolf,
Jochen Schweitzer,
Inge Seiffge-Krenke,
Timo Storck,
Bernhard Strauß,
Gerhard Stumm,
Serge Sulz,
Claus Voegele,
Arist von Schlippe,
Alexander Nicolai Wendt,
Johannes Wiltschko,
Julika Zwack,
Mirko Zwack
> findR *
Psychotherapy has a long historical development, with a rich stock of theoretical concepts, tried and tested interventions, and clinical and scientific evidence. It is also constantly undergoing further evolution and differentiation. In the process, developmental contexts and solid knowledge may also occasionally be forgotten or ?rediscovered= using new terms, so that it is difficult to consolidate any overarching ?core knowledge= in psychotherapy. The purpose of this book is to present the current state of theory development and practice in relation to the four main psychotherapeutic procedures in the context of their historical development & and this may also counteract any occasional ?forgetting of history=. This is not a history book, however, but an up-to-date textbook that provides an overview of the foundations of psychotherapy across different procedures and schools.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Corina Aguilar-Raab,
Siegfried Bettighofer,
Annegret Boll-Klatt,
Marieke Born,
Ulrike Borst,
Damaris Brodrück,
Rosina Brossi,
Antonia Drews,
Jobst Finke,
Peter Fraenkel,
Mark Galliker,
Iver Hand,
Martin Hautzinger,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Stephan Heinzel,
Rebecca Hilzinger,
Frank Jacobi,
Jenny Kaiser,
Sylvia Keil,
Walter Wolfgang Keil,
Margot Klein,
Mathias Kohrs,
Rainer Krause,
Jürgen Kriz,
Martin Kurthen,
Claas-Hinrich Lammers,
Michael Linden,
Sven Lippoldt,
Markos Maragkos,
Jürgen Margraf,
Alexander Noyon,
Matthias Ochs,
Gerd Rudolf,
Jochen Schweitzer,
Inge Seiffge-Krenke,
Timo Storck,
Bernhard Strauß,
Gerhard Stumm,
Serge Sulz,
Claus Voegele,
Arist von Schlippe,
Alexander Nicolai Wendt,
Johannes Wiltschko,
Julika Zwack,
Mirko Zwack
> findR *
Psychotherapy has a long historical development, with a rich stock of theoretical concepts, tried and tested interventions, and clinical and scientific evidence. It is also constantly undergoing further evolution and differentiation. In the process, developmental contexts and solid knowledge may also occasionally be forgotten or ?rediscovered= using new terms, so that it is difficult to consolidate any overarching ?core knowledge= in psychotherapy. The purpose of this book is to present the current state of theory development and practice in relation to the four main psychotherapeutic procedures in the context of their historical development & and this may also counteract any occasional ?forgetting of history=. This is not a history book, however, but an up-to-date textbook that provides an overview of the foundations of psychotherapy across different procedures and schools.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Corina Aguilar-Raab,
Siegfried Bettighofer,
Annegret Boll-Klatt,
Marieke Born,
Ulrike Borst,
Damaris Brodrück,
Rosina Brossi,
Antonia Drews,
Jobst Finke,
Peter Fraenkel,
Mark Galliker,
Iver Hand,
Martin Hautzinger,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Stephan Heinzel,
Rebecca Hilzinger,
Frank Jacobi,
Jenny Kaiser,
Sylvia Keil,
Walter Wolfgang Keil,
Margot Klein,
Mathias Kohrs,
Rainer Krause,
Jürgen Kriz,
Martin Kurthen,
Claas-Hinrich Lammers,
Michael Linden,
Sven Lippoldt,
Markos Maragkos,
Jürgen Margraf,
Alexander Noyon,
Matthias Ochs,
Gerd Rudolf,
Jochen Schweitzer,
Inge Seiffge-Krenke,
Timo Storck,
Bernhard Strauß,
Gerhard Stumm,
Serge Sulz,
Claus Voegele,
Arist von Schlippe,
Alexander Nicolai Wendt,
Johannes Wiltschko,
Julika Zwack,
Mirko Zwack
> findR *
A wealth of new findings in the fields of neurobiology and molecular biology, epigenetics and developmental psychology in the field of stress research have led to a far-reaching paradigm shift in psychosomatic medicine during the last 10 years. Traditional theoretical models of various schools of psychotherapy on the development and treatment of numerous diseases with physical cardinal symptoms have consequently lost their significance. The present work begins with 21 chapters providing a current stocktaking of the scientifically proven biopsychosocial foundations of this new psychosomatics, and then in a further 68 chapters it presents the various implications for the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases in the different medical disciplines, based on the findings of basic research. These are supplemented by articles on social medicine, assessment and prevention.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Laura Anderegg,
Selma Aybek,
Sarah T. Ballach,
Karl-Jürgen Bär,
Jürgen Bengel,
Elisabeth Binder,
Cornelia Bittmann,
Oliver Bohlen,
Jessica Bosch,
Peer Briken,
Emily Brindley,
Timo Brockmeyer,
Victoria Lucia Cammann,
Hannah Cheng,
Marianna Di Chiara,
Felix de Courbière,
Tatjana Crönlein,
Felix Dammering,
Monika Daubländer,
Claus Derra,
Beate Ditzen,
Florence Dorr,
Marie-Luise Ecker-Egle,
Ulrich T Egle,
Niklaus Egloff,
Ulrike Ehlert,
Sonja Entringer,
Elissa Epel,
Yesim Erim,
Hermann Faller,
Anja C. Feneberg,
Serena Fiacco,
Johannes B. Finke,
Felix Fischer,
Susanne Fischer,
Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni,
Fritjof von Franqué,
Matthias Franz,
Harald J Freyberger,
Hans-Christoph Friederich,
Ingo Froboese,
Bernd Fromm,
Jens Gaab,
Werner Geigges,
Alexander L. Gerlach,
Ulfried Geuter,
Uwe Gieler,
Ute Katharina Gitzen,
Lutz Goetzmann,
Stefan Gold,
Harald Gündel,
Alfons Hamm,
Gregor Hasler,
Winfried Häuser,
Tobias Hecker,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Christine Heim,
Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann,
Anja Hilbert,
Thomas Hillecke,
Sebastian C. Holst,
Anita Horn,
Frank Jacobi,
Jochen Jordan,
George J. Kahaly,
Peter Fritz Keller,
Olga Klimecki,
Nina Knoll,
Andrea Knop,
Anna Katharina Koch,
Julian Koenig,
Volker Köllner,
Alexander Konnopka,
Peter C. Konturek,
Thula Koops,
Rachel Kosciusko,
Peter M. Kreuzer,
Johannes Kruse,
Karl Heinz Ladwig,
Claas Lahmann,
Astrid Lampe,
Hans-Peter Landolt,
Richard D. Lane,
Berthold Langguth,
Eike Langheim,
Jost Langhorst,
Peter Langner,
Claudia Lazarides,
Nadine Lehnen,
Astrid Lehner,
Boris Leithäuser,
Claas Lendt,
Denise Lenski,
Frank Leweke,
Karoline Lukaschek,
Wolfgang Lutz,
Andreas Maercker,
Alexandra Martin,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Laura Mernone,
Johannes Michalak,
Dorothee von Moreau,
Urs M. Nater,
Tobias Nolte,
Emilou Noser,
Silvia Oddo-Sommerfeld,
Christian Otte,
Ritambhara Pathak,
Achim Peters,
Eva Peters,
Katharina Peters,
Anke Petersen,
Anna Pohl,
Roman Prem,
Hans-Christian Puls,
Katharina Radziej,
Meera Rajput,
Antje Rauers,
Günter Reich,
Viktoria Ritter,
Thomas Ritz,
Volker Roelcke,
Frank Röhricht,
Matthias Rose,
Michael Rufer,
Hartmut Schächinger,
Rainer Schäfert,
Henning Schauenburg,
Martin Schecklmann,
Maren Schick,
Charlotte Lisa Schmidt,
Jennifer Schmidt,
Jessica Schoch-Ruppen,
Christian Schubert,
Stefan R. Schweinberger,
Johannes Siegrist,
Joe Simon,
Timo Slotta,
Ryan Smith,
Sarah Sommerlad,
Ulrich Stangier,
Jennifer Steel,
Timothy J. Strauman,
Bernhard Strauß,
Konrad Andreas Szawan,
Christian Templin,
Jelena Templin-Ghadri,
Veronika Vielsmeier,
Heiner Vogel,
Roland von Känel,
Isi Wang,
Claudia Welte-Jzyk,
Gabriele Werner-Felmayer,
Esther Werth,
Bernhard Widder,
Christiane Wilke,
Sibylle Maria Winter,
Tewes Wischmann,
Alexander Wormit,
Stephan Zipfel,
Martina de Zwaan
> findR *
A wealth of new findings in the fields of neurobiology and molecular biology, epigenetics and developmental psychology in the field of stress research have led to a far-reaching paradigm shift in psychosomatic medicine during the last 10 years. Traditional theoretical models of various schools of psychotherapy on the development and treatment of numerous diseases with physical cardinal symptoms have consequently lost their significance. The present work begins with 21 chapters providing a current stocktaking of the scientifically proven biopsychosocial foundations of this new psychosomatics, and then in a further 68 chapters it presents the various implications for the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases in the different medical disciplines, based on the findings of basic research. These are supplemented by articles on social medicine, assessment and prevention.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Laura Anderegg,
Selma Aybek,
Sarah T. Ballach,
Karl-Jürgen Bär,
Jürgen Bengel,
Elisabeth Binder,
Cornelia Bittmann,
Oliver Bohlen,
Jessica Bosch,
Peer Briken,
Emily Brindley,
Timo Brockmeyer,
Victoria Lucia Cammann,
Hannah Cheng,
Marianna Di Chiara,
Felix de Courbière,
Tatjana Crönlein,
Felix Dammering,
Monika Daubländer,
Claus Derra,
Beate Ditzen,
Florence Dorr,
Marie-Luise Ecker-Egle,
Ulrich T Egle,
Niklaus Egloff,
Ulrike Ehlert,
Sonja Entringer,
Elissa Epel,
Yesim Erim,
Hermann Faller,
Anja C. Feneberg,
Serena Fiacco,
Johannes B. Finke,
Felix Fischer,
Susanne Fischer,
Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni,
Fritjof von Franqué,
Matthias Franz,
Harald J Freyberger,
Hans-Christoph Friederich,
Ingo Froboese,
Bernd Fromm,
Jens Gaab,
Werner Geigges,
Alexander L. Gerlach,
Ulfried Geuter,
Uwe Gieler,
Ute Katharina Gitzen,
Lutz Goetzmann,
Stefan Gold,
Harald Gündel,
Alfons Hamm,
Gregor Hasler,
Winfried Häuser,
Tobias Hecker,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Christine Heim,
Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann,
Anja Hilbert,
Thomas Hillecke,
Sebastian C. Holst,
Anita Horn,
Frank Jacobi,
Jochen Jordan,
George J. Kahaly,
Peter Fritz Keller,
Olga Klimecki,
Nina Knoll,
Andrea Knop,
Anna Katharina Koch,
Julian Koenig,
Volker Köllner,
Alexander Konnopka,
Peter C. Konturek,
Thula Koops,
Rachel Kosciusko,
Peter M. Kreuzer,
Johannes Kruse,
Karl Heinz Ladwig,
Claas Lahmann,
Astrid Lampe,
Hans-Peter Landolt,
Richard D. Lane,
Berthold Langguth,
Eike Langheim,
Jost Langhorst,
Peter Langner,
Claudia Lazarides,
Nadine Lehnen,
Astrid Lehner,
Boris Leithäuser,
Claas Lendt,
Denise Lenski,
Frank Leweke,
Karoline Lukaschek,
Wolfgang Lutz,
Andreas Maercker,
Alexandra Martin,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Laura Mernone,
Johannes Michalak,
Dorothee von Moreau,
Urs M. Nater,
Tobias Nolte,
Emilou Noser,
Silvia Oddo-Sommerfeld,
Christian Otte,
Ritambhara Pathak,
Achim Peters,
Eva Peters,
Katharina Peters,
Anke Petersen,
Anna Pohl,
Roman Prem,
Hans-Christian Puls,
Katharina Radziej,
Meera Rajput,
Antje Rauers,
Günter Reich,
Viktoria Ritter,
Thomas Ritz,
Volker Roelcke,
Frank Röhricht,
Matthias Rose,
Michael Rufer,
Hartmut Schächinger,
Rainer Schäfert,
Henning Schauenburg,
Martin Schecklmann,
Maren Schick,
Charlotte Lisa Schmidt,
Jennifer Schmidt,
Jessica Schoch-Ruppen,
Christian Schubert,
Stefan R. Schweinberger,
Johannes Siegrist,
Joe Simon,
Timo Slotta,
Ryan Smith,
Sarah Sommerlad,
Ulrich Stangier,
Jennifer Steel,
Timothy J. Strauman,
Bernhard Strauß,
Konrad Andreas Szawan,
Christian Templin,
Jelena Templin-Ghadri,
Veronika Vielsmeier,
Heiner Vogel,
Roland von Känel,
Isi Wang,
Claudia Welte-Jzyk,
Gabriele Werner-Felmayer,
Esther Werth,
Bernhard Widder,
Christiane Wilke,
Sibylle Maria Winter,
Tewes Wischmann,
Alexander Wormit,
Stephan Zipfel,
Martina de Zwaan
> findR *
A wealth of new findings in the fields of neurobiology and molecular biology, epigenetics and developmental psychology in the field of stress research have led to a far-reaching paradigm shift in psychosomatic medicine during the last 10 years. Traditional theoretical models of various schools of psychotherapy on the development and treatment of numerous diseases with physical cardinal symptoms have consequently lost their significance. The present work begins with 21 chapters providing a current stocktaking of the scientifically proven biopsychosocial foundations of this new psychosomatics, and then in a further 68 chapters it presents the various implications for the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases in the different medical disciplines, based on the findings of basic research. These are supplemented by articles on social medicine, assessment and prevention.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
Laura Anderegg,
Selma Aybek,
Sarah T. Ballach,
Karl-Jürgen Bär,
Jürgen Bengel,
Elisabeth Binder,
Cornelia Bittmann,
Oliver Bohlen,
Jessica Bosch,
Peer Briken,
Emily Brindley,
Timo Brockmeyer,
Victoria Lucia Cammann,
Hannah Cheng,
Marianna Di Chiara,
Felix de Courbière,
Tatjana Crönlein,
Felix Dammering,
Monika Daubländer,
Claus Derra,
Beate Ditzen,
Florence Dorr,
Marie-Luise Ecker-Egle,
Ulrich T Egle,
Niklaus Egloff,
Ulrike Ehlert,
Sonja Entringer,
Elissa Epel,
Yesim Erim,
Hermann Faller,
Anja C. Feneberg,
Serena Fiacco,
Johannes B. Finke,
Felix Fischer,
Susanne Fischer,
Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni,
Fritjof von Franqué,
Matthias Franz,
Harald J Freyberger,
Hans-Christoph Friederich,
Ingo Froboese,
Bernd Fromm,
Jens Gaab,
Werner Geigges,
Alexander L. Gerlach,
Ulfried Geuter,
Uwe Gieler,
Ute Katharina Gitzen,
Lutz Goetzmann,
Stefan Gold,
Harald Gündel,
Alfons Hamm,
Gregor Hasler,
Winfried Häuser,
Tobias Hecker,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Christine Heim,
Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann,
Anja Hilbert,
Thomas Hillecke,
Sebastian C. Holst,
Anita Horn,
Frank Jacobi,
Jochen Jordan,
George J. Kahaly,
Peter Fritz Keller,
Olga Klimecki,
Nina Knoll,
Andrea Knop,
Anna Katharina Koch,
Julian Koenig,
Volker Köllner,
Alexander Konnopka,
Peter C. Konturek,
Thula Koops,
Rachel Kosciusko,
Peter M. Kreuzer,
Johannes Kruse,
Karl Heinz Ladwig,
Claas Lahmann,
Astrid Lampe,
Hans-Peter Landolt,
Richard D. Lane,
Berthold Langguth,
Eike Langheim,
Jost Langhorst,
Peter Langner,
Claudia Lazarides,
Nadine Lehnen,
Astrid Lehner,
Boris Leithäuser,
Claas Lendt,
Denise Lenski,
Frank Leweke,
Karoline Lukaschek,
Wolfgang Lutz,
Andreas Maercker,
Alexandra Martin,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Laura Mernone,
Johannes Michalak,
Dorothee von Moreau,
Urs M. Nater,
Tobias Nolte,
Emilou Noser,
Silvia Oddo-Sommerfeld,
Christian Otte,
Ritambhara Pathak,
Achim Peters,
Eva Peters,
Katharina Peters,
Anke Petersen,
Anna Pohl,
Roman Prem,
Hans-Christian Puls,
Katharina Radziej,
Meera Rajput,
Antje Rauers,
Günter Reich,
Viktoria Ritter,
Thomas Ritz,
Volker Roelcke,
Frank Röhricht,
Matthias Rose,
Michael Rufer,
Hartmut Schächinger,
Rainer Schäfert,
Henning Schauenburg,
Martin Schecklmann,
Maren Schick,
Charlotte Lisa Schmidt,
Jennifer Schmidt,
Jessica Schoch-Ruppen,
Christian Schubert,
Stefan R. Schweinberger,
Johannes Siegrist,
Joe Simon,
Timo Slotta,
Ryan Smith,
Sarah Sommerlad,
Ulrich Stangier,
Jennifer Steel,
Timothy J. Strauman,
Bernhard Strauß,
Konrad Andreas Szawan,
Christian Templin,
Jelena Templin-Ghadri,
Veronika Vielsmeier,
Heiner Vogel,
Roland von Känel,
Isi Wang,
Claudia Welte-Jzyk,
Gabriele Werner-Felmayer,
Esther Werth,
Bernhard Widder,
Christiane Wilke,
Sibylle Maria Winter,
Tewes Wischmann,
Alexander Wormit,
Stephan Zipfel,
Martina de Zwaan
> findR *
Psychotherapy has a long historical development, with a rich stock of theoretical concepts, tried and tested interventions, and clinical and scientific evidence. It is also constantly undergoing further evolution and differentiation. In the process, developmental contexts and solid knowledge may also occasionally be forgotten or ?rediscovered= using new terms, so that it is difficult to consolidate any overarching ?core knowledge= in psychotherapy. The purpose of this book is to present the current state of theory development and practice in relation to the four main psychotherapeutic procedures in the context of their historical development & and this may also counteract any occasional ?forgetting of history=. This is not a history book, however, but an up-to-date textbook that provides an overview of the foundations of psychotherapy across different procedures and schools.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
Corina Aguilar-Raab,
Siegfried Bettighofer,
Annegret Boll-Klatt,
Marieke Born,
Ulrike Borst,
Damaris Brodrück,
Rosina Brossi,
Antonia Drews,
Jobst Finke,
Peter Fraenkel,
Mark Galliker,
Iver Hand,
Martin Hautzinger,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Stephan Heinzel,
Rebecca Hilzinger,
Frank Jacobi,
Jenny Kaiser,
Sylvia Keil,
Walter Wolfgang Keil,
Margot Klein,
Mathias Kohrs,
Rainer Krause,
Jürgen Kriz,
Martin Kurthen,
Claas-Hinrich Lammers,
Michael Linden,
Sven Lippoldt,
Markos Maragkos,
Jürgen Margraf,
Alexander Noyon,
Matthias Ochs,
Gerd Rudolf,
Jochen Schweitzer,
Inge Seiffge-Krenke,
Timo Storck,
Bernhard Strauß,
Gerhard Stumm,
Serge Sulz,
Claus Voegele,
Arist von Schlippe,
Alexander Nicolai Wendt,
Johannes Wiltschko,
Julika Zwack,
Mirko Zwack
> findR *
A wealth of new findings in the fields of neurobiology and molecular biology, epigenetics and developmental psychology in the field of stress research have led to a far-reaching paradigm shift in psychosomatic medicine during the last 10 years. Traditional theoretical models of various schools of psychotherapy on the development and treatment of numerous diseases with physical cardinal symptoms have consequently lost their significance. The present work begins with 21 chapters providing a current stocktaking of the scientifically proven biopsychosocial foundations of this new psychosomatics, and then in a further 68 chapters it presents the various implications for the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases in the different medical disciplines, based on the findings of basic research. These are supplemented by articles on social medicine, assessment and prevention.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
Laura Anderegg,
Selma Aybek,
Sarah T. Ballach,
Karl-Jürgen Bär,
Jürgen Bengel,
Elisabeth Binder,
Cornelia Bittmann,
Oliver Bohlen,
Jessica Bosch,
Peer Briken,
Emily Brindley,
Timo Brockmeyer,
Victoria Lucia Cammann,
Hannah Cheng,
Marianna Di Chiara,
Felix de Courbière,
Tatjana Crönlein,
Felix Dammering,
Monika Daubländer,
Claus Derra,
Beate Ditzen,
Florence Dorr,
Marie-Luise Ecker-Egle,
Ulrich T Egle,
Niklaus Egloff,
Ulrike Ehlert,
Sonja Entringer,
Elissa Epel,
Yesim Erim,
Hermann Faller,
Anja C. Feneberg,
Serena Fiacco,
Johannes B. Finke,
Felix Fischer,
Susanne Fischer,
Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni,
Fritjof von Franqué,
Matthias Franz,
Harald J Freyberger,
Hans-Christoph Friederich,
Ingo Froboese,
Bernd Fromm,
Jens Gaab,
Werner Geigges,
Alexander L. Gerlach,
Ulfried Geuter,
Uwe Gieler,
Ute Katharina Gitzen,
Lutz Goetzmann,
Stefan Gold,
Harald Gündel,
Alfons Hamm,
Gregor Hasler,
Winfried Häuser,
Tobias Hecker,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Christine Heim,
Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann,
Anja Hilbert,
Thomas Hillecke,
Sebastian C. Holst,
Anita Horn,
Frank Jacobi,
Jochen Jordan,
George J. Kahaly,
Peter Fritz Keller,
Olga Klimecki,
Nina Knoll,
Andrea Knop,
Anna Katharina Koch,
Julian Koenig,
Volker Köllner,
Alexander Konnopka,
Peter C. Konturek,
Thula Koops,
Rachel Kosciusko,
Peter M. Kreuzer,
Johannes Kruse,
Karl Heinz Ladwig,
Claas Lahmann,
Astrid Lampe,
Hans-Peter Landolt,
Richard D. Lane,
Berthold Langguth,
Eike Langheim,
Jost Langhorst,
Peter Langner,
Claudia Lazarides,
Nadine Lehnen,
Astrid Lehner,
Boris Leithäuser,
Claas Lendt,
Denise Lenski,
Frank Leweke,
Karoline Lukaschek,
Wolfgang Lutz,
Andreas Maercker,
Alexandra Martin,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Laura Mernone,
Johannes Michalak,
Dorothee von Moreau,
Urs M. Nater,
Tobias Nolte,
Emilou Noser,
Silvia Oddo-Sommerfeld,
Christian Otte,
Ritambhara Pathak,
Achim Peters,
Eva Peters,
Katharina Peters,
Anke Petersen,
Anna Pohl,
Roman Prem,
Hans-Christian Puls,
Katharina Radziej,
Meera Rajput,
Antje Rauers,
Günter Reich,
Viktoria Ritter,
Thomas Ritz,
Volker Roelcke,
Frank Röhricht,
Matthias Rose,
Michael Rufer,
Hartmut Schächinger,
Rainer Schäfert,
Henning Schauenburg,
Martin Schecklmann,
Maren Schick,
Charlotte Lisa Schmidt,
Jennifer Schmidt,
Jessica Schoch-Ruppen,
Christian Schubert,
Stefan R. Schweinberger,
Johannes Siegrist,
Joe Simon,
Timo Slotta,
Ryan Smith,
Sarah Sommerlad,
Ulrich Stangier,
Jennifer Steel,
Timothy J. Strauman,
Bernhard Strauß,
Konrad Andreas Szawan,
Christian Templin,
Jelena Templin-Ghadri,
Veronika Vielsmeier,
Heiner Vogel,
Roland von Känel,
Isi Wang,
Claudia Welte-Jzyk,
Gabriele Werner-Felmayer,
Esther Werth,
Bernhard Widder,
Christiane Wilke,
Sibylle Maria Winter,
Tewes Wischmann,
Alexander Wormit,
Stephan Zipfel,
Martina de Zwaan
> findR *
A wealth of new findings in the fields of neurobiology and molecular biology, epigenetics and developmental psychology in the field of stress research have led to a far-reaching paradigm shift in psychosomatic medicine during the last 10 years. Traditional theoretical models of various schools of psychotherapy on the development and treatment of numerous diseases with physical cardinal symptoms have consequently lost their significance. The present work begins with 21 chapters providing a current stocktaking of the scientifically proven biopsychosocial foundations of this new psychosomatics, and then in a further 68 chapters it presents the various implications for the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases in the different medical disciplines, based on the findings of basic research. These are supplemented by articles on social medicine, assessment and prevention.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
Laura Anderegg,
Selma Aybek,
Sarah T. Ballach,
Karl-Jürgen Bär,
Jürgen Bengel,
Elisabeth Binder,
Cornelia Bittmann,
Oliver Bohlen,
Jessica Bosch,
Peer Briken,
Emily Brindley,
Timo Brockmeyer,
Victoria Lucia Cammann,
Hannah Cheng,
Marianna Di Chiara,
Felix de Courbière,
Tatjana Crönlein,
Felix Dammering,
Monika Daubländer,
Claus Derra,
Beate Ditzen,
Florence Dorr,
Marie-Luise Ecker-Egle,
Ulrich T Egle,
Niklaus Egloff,
Ulrike Ehlert,
Sonja Entringer,
Elissa Epel,
Yesim Erim,
Hermann Faller,
Anja C. Feneberg,
Serena Fiacco,
Johannes B. Finke,
Felix Fischer,
Susanne Fischer,
Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni,
Fritjof von Franqué,
Matthias Franz,
Harald J Freyberger,
Hans-Christoph Friederich,
Ingo Froboese,
Bernd Fromm,
Jens Gaab,
Werner Geigges,
Alexander L. Gerlach,
Ulfried Geuter,
Uwe Gieler,
Ute Katharina Gitzen,
Lutz Goetzmann,
Stefan Gold,
Harald Gündel,
Alfons Hamm,
Gregor Hasler,
Winfried Häuser,
Tobias Hecker,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Christine Heim,
Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann,
Anja Hilbert,
Thomas Hillecke,
Sebastian C. Holst,
Anita Horn,
Frank Jacobi,
Jochen Jordan,
George J. Kahaly,
Peter Fritz Keller,
Olga Klimecki,
Nina Knoll,
Andrea Knop,
Anna Katharina Koch,
Julian Koenig,
Volker Köllner,
Alexander Konnopka,
Peter C. Konturek,
Thula Koops,
Rachel Kosciusko,
Peter M. Kreuzer,
Johannes Kruse,
Karl Heinz Ladwig,
Claas Lahmann,
Astrid Lampe,
Hans-Peter Landolt,
Richard D. Lane,
Berthold Langguth,
Eike Langheim,
Jost Langhorst,
Peter Langner,
Claudia Lazarides,
Nadine Lehnen,
Astrid Lehner,
Boris Leithäuser,
Claas Lendt,
Denise Lenski,
Frank Leweke,
Karoline Lukaschek,
Wolfgang Lutz,
Andreas Maercker,
Alexandra Martin,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Laura Mernone,
Johannes Michalak,
Dorothee von Moreau,
Urs M. Nater,
Tobias Nolte,
Emilou Noser,
Silvia Oddo-Sommerfeld,
Christian Otte,
Ritambhara Pathak,
Achim Peters,
Eva Peters,
Katharina Peters,
Anke Petersen,
Anna Pohl,
Roman Prem,
Hans-Christian Puls,
Katharina Radziej,
Meera Rajput,
Antje Rauers,
Günter Reich,
Viktoria Ritter,
Thomas Ritz,
Volker Roelcke,
Frank Röhricht,
Matthias Rose,
Michael Rufer,
Hartmut Schächinger,
Rainer Schäfert,
Henning Schauenburg,
Martin Schecklmann,
Maren Schick,
Charlotte Lisa Schmidt,
Jennifer Schmidt,
Jessica Schoch-Ruppen,
Christian Schubert,
Stefan R. Schweinberger,
Johannes Siegrist,
Joe Simon,
Timo Slotta,
Ryan Smith,
Sarah Sommerlad,
Ulrich Stangier,
Jennifer Steel,
Timothy J. Strauman,
Bernhard Strauß,
Konrad Andreas Szawan,
Christian Templin,
Jelena Templin-Ghadri,
Veronika Vielsmeier,
Heiner Vogel,
Roland von Känel,
Isi Wang,
Claudia Welte-Jzyk,
Gabriele Werner-Felmayer,
Esther Werth,
Bernhard Widder,
Christiane Wilke,
Sibylle Maria Winter,
Tewes Wischmann,
Alexander Wormit,
Stephan Zipfel,
Martina de Zwaan
> findR *
Psychotherapy has a long historical development, with a rich stock of theoretical concepts, tried and tested interventions, and clinical and scientific evidence. It is also constantly undergoing further evolution and differentiation. In the process, developmental contexts and solid knowledge may also occasionally be forgotten or ?rediscovered= using new terms, so that it is difficult to consolidate any overarching ?core knowledge= in psychotherapy. The purpose of this book is to present the current state of theory development and practice in relation to the four main psychotherapeutic procedures in the context of their historical development & and this may also counteract any occasional ?forgetting of history=. This is not a history book, however, but an up-to-date textbook that provides an overview of the foundations of psychotherapy across different procedures and schools.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
Corina Aguilar-Raab,
Siegfried Bettighofer,
Annegret Boll-Klatt,
Marieke Born,
Ulrike Borst,
Damaris Brodrück,
Rosina Brossi,
Antonia Drews,
Jobst Finke,
Peter Fraenkel,
Mark Galliker,
Iver Hand,
Martin Hautzinger,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Stephan Heinzel,
Rebecca Hilzinger,
Frank Jacobi,
Jenny Kaiser,
Sylvia Keil,
Walter Wolfgang Keil,
Margot Klein,
Mathias Kohrs,
Rainer Krause,
Jürgen Kriz,
Martin Kurthen,
Claas-Hinrich Lammers,
Michael Linden,
Sven Lippoldt,
Markos Maragkos,
Jürgen Margraf,
Alexander Noyon,
Matthias Ochs,
Gerd Rudolf,
Jochen Schweitzer,
Inge Seiffge-Krenke,
Timo Storck,
Bernhard Strauß,
Gerhard Stumm,
Serge Sulz,
Claus Voegele,
Arist von Schlippe,
Alexander Nicolai Wendt,
Johannes Wiltschko,
Julika Zwack,
Mirko Zwack
> findR *
A wealth of new findings in the fields of neurobiology and molecular biology, epigenetics and developmental psychology in the field of stress research have led to a far-reaching paradigm shift in psychosomatic medicine during the last 10 years. Traditional theoretical models of various schools of psychotherapy on the development and treatment of numerous diseases with physical cardinal symptoms have consequently lost their significance. The present work begins with 21 chapters providing a current stocktaking of the scientifically proven biopsychosocial foundations of this new psychosomatics, and then in a further 68 chapters it presents the various implications for the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases in the different medical disciplines, based on the findings of basic research. These are supplemented by articles on social medicine, assessment and prevention.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-25
Laura Anderegg,
Selma Aybek,
Sarah T. Ballach,
Karl-Jürgen Bär,
Jürgen Bengel,
Elisabeth Binder,
Cornelia Bittmann,
Oliver Bohlen,
Jessica Bosch,
Peer Briken,
Emily Brindley,
Timo Brockmeyer,
Victoria Lucia Cammann,
Hannah Cheng,
Marianna Di Chiara,
Felix de Courbière,
Tatjana Crönlein,
Felix Dammering,
Monika Daubländer,
Claus Derra,
Beate Ditzen,
Florence Dorr,
Marie-Luise Ecker-Egle,
Ulrich T Egle,
Niklaus Egloff,
Ulrike Ehlert,
Sonja Entringer,
Elissa Epel,
Yesim Erim,
Hermann Faller,
Anja C. Feneberg,
Serena Fiacco,
Johannes B. Finke,
Felix Fischer,
Susanne Fischer,
Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni,
Fritjof von Franqué,
Matthias Franz,
Harald J Freyberger,
Hans-Christoph Friederich,
Ingo Froboese,
Bernd Fromm,
Jens Gaab,
Werner Geigges,
Alexander L. Gerlach,
Ulfried Geuter,
Uwe Gieler,
Ute Katharina Gitzen,
Lutz Goetzmann,
Stefan Gold,
Harald Gündel,
Alfons Hamm,
Gregor Hasler,
Winfried Häuser,
Tobias Hecker,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Christine Heim,
Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann,
Anja Hilbert,
Thomas Hillecke,
Sebastian C. Holst,
Anita Horn,
Frank Jacobi,
Jochen Jordan,
George J. Kahaly,
Peter Fritz Keller,
Olga Klimecki,
Nina Knoll,
Andrea Knop,
Anna Katharina Koch,
Julian Koenig,
Volker Köllner,
Alexander Konnopka,
Peter C. Konturek,
Thula Koops,
Rachel Kosciusko,
Peter M. Kreuzer,
Johannes Kruse,
Karl Heinz Ladwig,
Claas Lahmann,
Astrid Lampe,
Hans-Peter Landolt,
Richard D. Lane,
Berthold Langguth,
Eike Langheim,
Jost Langhorst,
Peter Langner,
Claudia Lazarides,
Nadine Lehnen,
Astrid Lehner,
Boris Leithäuser,
Claas Lendt,
Denise Lenski,
Frank Leweke,
Karoline Lukaschek,
Wolfgang Lutz,
Andreas Maercker,
Alexandra Martin,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Laura Mernone,
Johannes Michalak,
Dorothee von Moreau,
Urs M. Nater,
Tobias Nolte,
Emilou Noser,
Silvia Oddo-Sommerfeld,
Christian Otte,
Ritambhara Pathak,
Achim Peters,
Eva Peters,
Katharina Peters,
Anke Petersen,
Anna Pohl,
Roman Prem,
Hans-Christian Puls,
Katharina Radziej,
Meera Rajput,
Antje Rauers,
Günter Reich,
Viktoria Ritter,
Thomas Ritz,
Volker Roelcke,
Frank Röhricht,
Matthias Rose,
Michael Rufer,
Hartmut Schächinger,
Rainer Schäfert,
Henning Schauenburg,
Martin Schecklmann,
Maren Schick,
Charlotte Lisa Schmidt,
Jennifer Schmidt,
Jessica Schoch-Ruppen,
Christian Schubert,
Stefan R. Schweinberger,
Johannes Siegrist,
Joe Simon,
Timo Slotta,
Ryan Smith,
Sarah Sommerlad,
Ulrich Stangier,
Jennifer Steel,
Timothy J. Strauman,
Bernhard Strauß,
Konrad Andreas Szawan,
Christian Templin,
Jelena Templin-Ghadri,
Veronika Vielsmeier,
Heiner Vogel,
Roland von Känel,
Isi Wang,
Claudia Welte-Jzyk,
Gabriele Werner-Felmayer,
Esther Werth,
Bernhard Widder,
Christiane Wilke,
Sibylle Maria Winter,
Tewes Wischmann,
Alexander Wormit,
Stephan Zipfel,
Martina de Zwaan
> findR *
Psychotherapy has a long historical development, with a rich stock of theoretical concepts, tried and tested interventions, and clinical and scientific evidence. It is also constantly undergoing further evolution and differentiation. In the process, developmental contexts and solid knowledge may also occasionally be forgotten or ?rediscovered= using new terms, so that it is difficult to consolidate any overarching ?core knowledge= in psychotherapy. The purpose of this book is to present the current state of theory development and practice in relation to the four main psychotherapeutic procedures in the context of their historical development & and this may also counteract any occasional ?forgetting of history=. This is not a history book, however, but an up-to-date textbook that provides an overview of the foundations of psychotherapy across different procedures and schools.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Corina Aguilar-Raab,
Siegfried Bettighofer,
Annegret Boll-Klatt,
Marieke Born,
Ulrike Borst,
Damaris Brodrück,
Rosina Brossi,
Antonia Drews,
Jobst Finke,
Peter Fraenkel,
Mark Galliker,
Iver Hand,
Martin Hautzinger,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Stephan Heinzel,
Rebecca Hilzinger,
Frank Jacobi,
Jenny Kaiser,
Sylvia Keil,
Walter Wolfgang Keil,
Margot Klein,
Mathias Kohrs,
Rainer Krause,
Jürgen Kriz,
Martin Kurthen,
Claas-Hinrich Lammers,
Michael Linden,
Sven Lippoldt,
Markos Maragkos,
Jürgen Margraf,
Alexander Noyon,
Matthias Ochs,
Gerd Rudolf,
Arist von Schlippe,
Jochen Schweitzer,
Inge Seiffge-Krenke,
Timo Storck,
Bernhard Strauß,
Gerhard Stumm,
Serge Sulz,
Claus Voegele,
Alexander Nicolai Wendt,
Johannes Wiltschko,
Julika Zwack,
Mirko Zwack
> findR *
Psychotherapy has a long historical development, with a rich stock of theoretical concepts, tried and tested interventions, and clinical and scientific evidence. It is also constantly undergoing further evolution and differentiation. In the process, developmental contexts and solid knowledge may also occasionally be forgotten or ?rediscovered= using new terms, so that it is difficult to consolidate any overarching ?core knowledge= in psychotherapy. The purpose of this book is to present the current state of theory development and practice in relation to the four main psychotherapeutic procedures in the context of their historical development & and this may also counteract any occasional ?forgetting of history=. This is not a history book, however, but an up-to-date textbook that provides an overview of the foundations of psychotherapy across different procedures and schools.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Corina Aguilar-Raab,
Siegfried Bettighofer,
Annegret Boll-Klatt,
Marieke Born,
Ulrike Borst,
Damaris Brodrück,
Rosina Brossi,
Antonia Drews,
Jobst Finke,
Peter Fraenkel,
Mark Galliker,
Iver Hand,
Martin Hautzinger,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Stephan Heinzel,
Rebecca Hilzinger,
Frank Jacobi,
Jenny Kaiser,
Sylvia Keil,
Walter Wolfgang Keil,
Margot Klein,
Mathias Kohrs,
Rainer Krause,
Jürgen Kriz,
Martin Kurthen,
Claas-Hinrich Lammers,
Michael Linden,
Sven Lippoldt,
Markos Maragkos,
Jürgen Margraf,
Alexander Noyon,
Matthias Ochs,
Gerd Rudolf,
Arist von Schlippe,
Jochen Schweitzer,
Inge Seiffge-Krenke,
Timo Storck,
Bernhard Strauß,
Gerhard Stumm,
Serge Sulz,
Claus Voegele,
Alexander Nicolai Wendt,
Johannes Wiltschko,
Julika Zwack,
Mirko Zwack
> findR *
Psychotherapy has a long historical development, with a rich stock of theoretical concepts, tried and tested interventions, and clinical and scientific evidence. It is also constantly undergoing further evolution and differentiation. In the process, developmental contexts and solid knowledge may also occasionally be forgotten or ?rediscovered= using new terms, so that it is difficult to consolidate any overarching ?core knowledge= in psychotherapy. The purpose of this book is to present the current state of theory development and practice in relation to the four main psychotherapeutic procedures in the context of their historical development & and this may also counteract any occasional ?forgetting of history=. This is not a history book, however, but an up-to-date textbook that provides an overview of the foundations of psychotherapy across different procedures and schools.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Corina Aguilar-Raab,
Siegfried Bettighofer,
Annegret Boll-Klatt,
Marieke Born,
Ulrike Borst,
Damaris Brodrück,
Rosina Brossi,
Antonia Drews,
Jobst Finke,
Peter Fraenkel,
Mark Galliker,
Iver Hand,
Martin Hautzinger,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Stephan Heinzel,
Rebecca Hilzinger,
Frank Jacobi,
Jenny Kaiser,
Sylvia Keil,
Walter Wolfgang Keil,
Margot Klein,
Mathias Kohrs,
Rainer Krause,
Jürgen Kriz,
Martin Kurthen,
Claas-Hinrich Lammers,
Michael Linden,
Sven Lippoldt,
Markos Maragkos,
Jürgen Margraf,
Alexander Noyon,
Matthias Ochs,
Gerd Rudolf,
Arist von Schlippe,
Jochen Schweitzer,
Inge Seiffge-Krenke,
Timo Storck,
Bernhard Strauß,
Gerhard Stumm,
Serge Sulz,
Claus Voegele,
Alexander Nicolai Wendt,
Johannes Wiltschko,
Julika Zwack,
Mirko Zwack
> findR *
A wealth of new findings in the fields of neurobiology and molecular biology, epigenetics and developmental psychology in the field of stress research have led to a far-reaching paradigm shift in psychosomatic medicine during the last 10 years. Traditional theoretical models of various schools of psychotherapy on the development and treatment of numerous diseases with physical cardinal symptoms have consequently lost their significance. The present work begins with 21 chapters providing a current stocktaking of the scientifically proven biopsychosocial foundations of this new psychosomatics, and then in a further 68 chapters it presents the various implications for the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases in the different medical disciplines, based on the findings of basic research. These are supplemented by articles on social medicine, assessment and prevention.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Laura Anderegg,
Selma Aybek,
Sarah T. Ballach,
Karl-Jürgen Bär,
Jürgen Bengel,
Elisabeth Binder,
Cornelia Bittmann,
Oliver Bohlen,
Jessica Bosch,
Peer Briken,
Emily Brindley,
Timo Brockmeyer,
Victoria Lucia Cammann,
Hannah Cheng,
Marianna Di Chiara,
Felix de Courbière,
Tatjana Crönlein,
Felix Dammering,
Monika Daubländer,
Claus Derra,
Beate Ditzen,
Florence Dorr,
Marie-Luise Ecker-Egle,
Ulrich T Egle,
Niklaus Egloff,
Ulrike Ehlert,
Sonja Entringer,
Elissa Epel,
Yesim Erim,
Hermann Faller,
Anja C. Feneberg,
Serena Fiacco,
Johannes B. Finke,
Felix Fischer,
Susanne Fischer,
Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni,
Fritjof von Franqué,
Matthias Franz,
Harald J Freyberger,
Hans-Christoph Friederich,
Ingo Froboese,
Bernd Fromm,
Jens Gaab,
Werner Geigges,
Alexander L. Gerlach,
Ulfried Geuter,
Uwe Gieler,
Ute Katharina Gitzen,
Lutz Goetzmann,
Stefan Gold,
Harald Gündel,
Alfons Hamm,
Gregor Hasler,
Winfried Häuser,
Tobias Hecker,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Christine Heim,
Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann,
Anja Hilbert,
Thomas Hillecke,
Sebastian C. Holst,
Anita Horn,
Frank Jacobi,
Jochen Jordan,
George J. Kahaly,
Roland von Känel,
Peter Fritz Keller,
Olga Klimecki,
Nina Knoll,
Andrea Knop,
Anna Katharina Koch,
Julian Koenig,
Volker Köllner,
Alexander Konnopka,
Peter C. Konturek,
Thula Koops,
Rachel Kosciusko,
Peter M. Kreuzer,
Johannes Kruse,
Karl Heinz Ladwig,
Claas Lahmann,
Astrid Lampe,
Hans-Peter Landolt,
Richard D. Lane,
Berthold Langguth,
Eike Langheim,
Jost Langhorst,
Peter Langner,
Claudia Lazarides,
Nadine Lehnen,
Astrid Lehner,
Boris Leithäuser,
Claas Lendt,
Denise Lenski,
Frank Leweke,
Karoline Lukaschek,
Wolfgang Lutz,
Andreas Maercker,
Alexandra Martin,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Laura Mernone,
Johannes Michalak,
Dorothee von Moreau,
Urs M. Nater,
Tobias Nolte,
Emilou Noser,
Silvia Oddo-Sommerfeld,
Christian Otte,
Ritambhara Pathak,
Achim Peters,
Eva Peters,
Katharina Peters,
Anke Petersen,
Anna Pohl,
Roman Prem,
Hans-Christian Puls,
Katharina Radziej,
Meera Rajput,
Antje Rauers,
Günter Reich,
Viktoria Ritter,
Thomas Ritz,
Volker Roelcke,
Frank Röhricht,
Matthias Rose,
Michael Rufer,
Hartmut Schächinger,
Rainer Schäfert,
Henning Schauenburg,
Martin Schecklmann,
Maren Schick,
Charlotte Lisa Schmidt,
Jennifer Schmidt,
Jessica Schoch-Ruppen,
Christian Schubert,
Stefan R. Schweinberger,
Johannes Siegrist,
Joe Simon,
Timo Slotta,
Ryan Smith,
Sarah Sommerlad,
Ulrich Stangier,
Jennifer Steel,
Timothy J. Strauman,
Bernhard Strauß,
Konrad Andreas Szawan,
Christian Templin,
Jelena Templin-Ghadri,
Veronika Vielsmeier,
Heiner Vogel,
Isi Wang,
Claudia Welte-Jzyk,
Gabriele Werner-Felmayer,
Esther Werth,
Bernhard Widder,
Christiane Wilke,
Sibylle Maria Winter,
Tewes Wischmann,
Alexander Wormit,
Stephan Zipfel,
Martina de Zwaan
> findR *
A wealth of new findings in the fields of neurobiology and molecular biology, epigenetics and developmental psychology in the field of stress research have led to a far-reaching paradigm shift in psychosomatic medicine during the last 10 years. Traditional theoretical models of various schools of psychotherapy on the development and treatment of numerous diseases with physical cardinal symptoms have consequently lost their significance. The present work begins with 21 chapters providing a current stocktaking of the scientifically proven biopsychosocial foundations of this new psychosomatics, and then in a further 68 chapters it presents the various implications for the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases in the different medical disciplines, based on the findings of basic research. These are supplemented by articles on social medicine, assessment and prevention.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Laura Anderegg,
Selma Aybek,
Sarah T. Ballach,
Karl-Jürgen Bär,
Jürgen Bengel,
Elisabeth Binder,
Cornelia Bittmann,
Oliver Bohlen,
Jessica Bosch,
Peer Briken,
Emily Brindley,
Timo Brockmeyer,
Victoria Lucia Cammann,
Hannah Cheng,
Marianna Di Chiara,
Felix de Courbière,
Tatjana Crönlein,
Felix Dammering,
Monika Daubländer,
Claus Derra,
Beate Ditzen,
Florence Dorr,
Marie-Luise Ecker-Egle,
Ulrich T Egle,
Niklaus Egloff,
Ulrike Ehlert,
Sonja Entringer,
Elissa Epel,
Yesim Erim,
Hermann Faller,
Anja C. Feneberg,
Serena Fiacco,
Johannes B. Finke,
Felix Fischer,
Susanne Fischer,
Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni,
Fritjof von Franqué,
Matthias Franz,
Harald J Freyberger,
Hans-Christoph Friederich,
Ingo Froboese,
Bernd Fromm,
Jens Gaab,
Werner Geigges,
Alexander L. Gerlach,
Ulfried Geuter,
Uwe Gieler,
Ute Katharina Gitzen,
Lutz Goetzmann,
Stefan Gold,
Harald Gündel,
Alfons Hamm,
Gregor Hasler,
Winfried Häuser,
Tobias Hecker,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Christine Heim,
Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann,
Anja Hilbert,
Thomas Hillecke,
Sebastian C. Holst,
Anita Horn,
Frank Jacobi,
Jochen Jordan,
George J. Kahaly,
Roland von Känel,
Peter Fritz Keller,
Olga Klimecki,
Nina Knoll,
Andrea Knop,
Anna Katharina Koch,
Julian Koenig,
Volker Köllner,
Alexander Konnopka,
Peter C. Konturek,
Thula Koops,
Rachel Kosciusko,
Peter M. Kreuzer,
Johannes Kruse,
Karl Heinz Ladwig,
Claas Lahmann,
Astrid Lampe,
Hans-Peter Landolt,
Richard D. Lane,
Berthold Langguth,
Eike Langheim,
Jost Langhorst,
Peter Langner,
Claudia Lazarides,
Nadine Lehnen,
Astrid Lehner,
Boris Leithäuser,
Claas Lendt,
Denise Lenski,
Frank Leweke,
Karoline Lukaschek,
Wolfgang Lutz,
Andreas Maercker,
Alexandra Martin,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Laura Mernone,
Johannes Michalak,
Dorothee von Moreau,
Urs M. Nater,
Tobias Nolte,
Emilou Noser,
Silvia Oddo-Sommerfeld,
Christian Otte,
Ritambhara Pathak,
Achim Peters,
Eva Peters,
Katharina Peters,
Anke Petersen,
Anna Pohl,
Roman Prem,
Hans-Christian Puls,
Katharina Radziej,
Meera Rajput,
Antje Rauers,
Günter Reich,
Viktoria Ritter,
Thomas Ritz,
Volker Roelcke,
Frank Röhricht,
Matthias Rose,
Michael Rufer,
Hartmut Schächinger,
Rainer Schäfert,
Henning Schauenburg,
Martin Schecklmann,
Maren Schick,
Charlotte Lisa Schmidt,
Jennifer Schmidt,
Jessica Schoch-Ruppen,
Christian Schubert,
Stefan R. Schweinberger,
Johannes Siegrist,
Joe Simon,
Timo Slotta,
Ryan Smith,
Sarah Sommerlad,
Ulrich Stangier,
Jennifer Steel,
Timothy J. Strauman,
Bernhard Strauß,
Konrad Andreas Szawan,
Christian Templin,
Jelena Templin-Ghadri,
Veronika Vielsmeier,
Heiner Vogel,
Isi Wang,
Claudia Welte-Jzyk,
Gabriele Werner-Felmayer,
Esther Werth,
Bernhard Widder,
Christiane Wilke,
Sibylle Maria Winter,
Tewes Wischmann,
Alexander Wormit,
Stephan Zipfel,
Martina de Zwaan
> findR *
A wealth of new findings in the fields of neurobiology and molecular biology, epigenetics and developmental psychology in the field of stress research have led to a far-reaching paradigm shift in psychosomatic medicine during the last 10 years. Traditional theoretical models of various schools of psychotherapy on the development and treatment of numerous diseases with physical cardinal symptoms have consequently lost their significance. The present work begins with 21 chapters providing a current stocktaking of the scientifically proven biopsychosocial foundations of this new psychosomatics, and then in a further 68 chapters it presents the various implications for the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases in the different medical disciplines, based on the findings of basic research. These are supplemented by articles on social medicine, assessment and prevention.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Laura Anderegg,
Selma Aybek,
Sarah T. Ballach,
Karl-Jürgen Bär,
Jürgen Bengel,
Elisabeth Binder,
Cornelia Bittmann,
Oliver Bohlen,
Jessica Bosch,
Peer Briken,
Emily Brindley,
Timo Brockmeyer,
Victoria Lucia Cammann,
Hannah Cheng,
Marianna Di Chiara,
Felix de Courbière,
Tatjana Crönlein,
Felix Dammering,
Monika Daubländer,
Claus Derra,
Beate Ditzen,
Florence Dorr,
Marie-Luise Ecker-Egle,
Ulrich T Egle,
Niklaus Egloff,
Ulrike Ehlert,
Sonja Entringer,
Elissa Epel,
Yesim Erim,
Hermann Faller,
Anja C. Feneberg,
Serena Fiacco,
Johannes B. Finke,
Felix Fischer,
Susanne Fischer,
Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni,
Fritjof von Franqué,
Matthias Franz,
Harald J Freyberger,
Hans-Christoph Friederich,
Ingo Froboese,
Bernd Fromm,
Jens Gaab,
Werner Geigges,
Alexander L. Gerlach,
Ulfried Geuter,
Uwe Gieler,
Ute Katharina Gitzen,
Lutz Goetzmann,
Stefan Gold,
Harald Gündel,
Alfons Hamm,
Gregor Hasler,
Winfried Häuser,
Tobias Hecker,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Christine Heim,
Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann,
Anja Hilbert,
Thomas Hillecke,
Sebastian C. Holst,
Anita Horn,
Frank Jacobi,
Jochen Jordan,
George J. Kahaly,
Roland von Känel,
Peter Fritz Keller,
Olga Klimecki,
Nina Knoll,
Andrea Knop,
Anna Katharina Koch,
Julian Koenig,
Volker Köllner,
Alexander Konnopka,
Peter C. Konturek,
Thula Koops,
Rachel Kosciusko,
Peter M. Kreuzer,
Johannes Kruse,
Karl Heinz Ladwig,
Claas Lahmann,
Astrid Lampe,
Hans-Peter Landolt,
Richard D. Lane,
Berthold Langguth,
Eike Langheim,
Jost Langhorst,
Peter Langner,
Claudia Lazarides,
Nadine Lehnen,
Astrid Lehner,
Boris Leithäuser,
Claas Lendt,
Denise Lenski,
Frank Leweke,
Karoline Lukaschek,
Wolfgang Lutz,
Andreas Maercker,
Alexandra Martin,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Laura Mernone,
Johannes Michalak,
Dorothee von Moreau,
Urs M. Nater,
Tobias Nolte,
Emilou Noser,
Silvia Oddo-Sommerfeld,
Christian Otte,
Ritambhara Pathak,
Achim Peters,
Eva Peters,
Katharina Peters,
Anke Petersen,
Anna Pohl,
Roman Prem,
Hans-Christian Puls,
Katharina Radziej,
Meera Rajput,
Antje Rauers,
Günter Reich,
Viktoria Ritter,
Thomas Ritz,
Volker Roelcke,
Frank Röhricht,
Matthias Rose,
Michael Rufer,
Hartmut Schächinger,
Rainer Schäfert,
Henning Schauenburg,
Martin Schecklmann,
Maren Schick,
Charlotte Lisa Schmidt,
Jennifer Schmidt,
Jessica Schoch-Ruppen,
Christian Schubert,
Stefan R. Schweinberger,
Johannes Siegrist,
Joe Simon,
Timo Slotta,
Ryan Smith,
Sarah Sommerlad,
Ulrich Stangier,
Jennifer Steel,
Timothy J. Strauman,
Bernhard Strauß,
Konrad Andreas Szawan,
Christian Templin,
Jelena Templin-Ghadri,
Veronika Vielsmeier,
Heiner Vogel,
Isi Wang,
Claudia Welte-Jzyk,
Gabriele Werner-Felmayer,
Esther Werth,
Bernhard Widder,
Christiane Wilke,
Sibylle Maria Winter,
Tewes Wischmann,
Alexander Wormit,
Stephan Zipfel,
Martina de Zwaan
> findR *
Psychotherapy has a long historical development, with a rich stock of theoretical concepts, tried and tested interventions, and clinical and scientific evidence. It is also constantly undergoing further evolution and differentiation. In the process, developmental contexts and solid knowledge may also occasionally be forgotten or ?rediscovered= using new terms, so that it is difficult to consolidate any overarching ?core knowledge= in psychotherapy. The purpose of this book is to present the current state of theory development and practice in relation to the four main psychotherapeutic procedures in the context of their historical development & and this may also counteract any occasional ?forgetting of history=. This is not a history book, however, but an up-to-date textbook that provides an overview of the foundations of psychotherapy across different procedures and schools.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Corina Aguilar-Raab,
Siegfried Bettighofer,
Annegret Boll-Klatt,
Marieke Born,
Ulrike Borst,
Damaris Brodrück,
Rosina Brossi,
Antonia Drews,
Jobst Finke,
Peter Fraenkel,
Mark Galliker,
Iver Hand,
Martin Hautzinger,
Thomas Heidenreich,
Stephan Heinzel,
Rebecca Hilzinger,
Frank Jacobi,
Jenny Kaiser,
Sylvia Keil,
Walter Wolfgang Keil,
Margot Klein,
Mathias Kohrs,
Rainer Krause,
Jürgen Kriz,
Martin Kurthen,
Claas-Hinrich Lammers,
Michael Linden,
Sven Lippoldt,
Markos Maragkos,
Jürgen Margraf,
Alexander Noyon,
Matthias Ochs,
Gerd Rudolf,
Jochen Schweitzer,
Inge Seiffge-Krenke,
Timo Storck,
Bernhard Strauß,
Gerhard Stumm,
Serge Sulz,
Claus Voegele,
Arist von Schlippe,
Alexander Nicolai Wendt,
Johannes Wiltschko,
Julika Zwack,
Mirko Zwack
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2020-01-16
> findR *
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