Our book aims at readers who want to learn more about how language works both in everyday ordinary verbal communication and in memorable works of verbal art and how the principles of ordinary communication interact with artistic creativity. The two interests are interdependent. After all, poems, though made of ideas, sensations or emotions, are first and foremost made of words and sentences, objects of fascination for linguists as well as poets and their readers. And it is only against the background of an awareness of the rules governing ordinary language that we will be able to appreciate and describe the pleasurable liberties poetic language takes with them.
This book thus aims at providing pleasurable insights into verbal art in its rich diversity of periods and genres, ranging from Shakespearean plays to modern and postmodern narratives, from lyrical poetry to pop-songs and commercials. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. And the proof of linguistic theories for literary studies in our hands-on analyses is in the reading, in the heuristic surplus value these theories generate when confronted with great literature, with language taken to the limits of its complexity and density, suggestive power and memorable beauty.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-24
> findR *
Our book aims at readers who want to learn more about how language works both in everyday ordinary verbal communication and in memorable works of verbal art and how the principles of ordinary communication interact with artistic creativity. The two interests are interdependent. After all, poems, though made of ideas, sensations or emotions, are first and foremost made of words and sentences, objects of fascination for linguists as well as poets and their readers. And it is only against the background of an awareness of the rules governing ordinary language that we will be able to appreciate and describe the pleasurable liberties poetic language takes with them.
This book thus aims at providing pleasurable insights into verbal art in its rich diversity of periods and genres, ranging from Shakespearean plays to modern and postmodern narratives, from lyrical poetry to pop-songs and commercials. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. And the proof of linguistic theories for literary studies in our hands-on analyses is in the reading, in the heuristic surplus value these theories generate when confronted with great literature, with language taken to the limits of its complexity and density, suggestive power and memorable beauty.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-24
> findR *
Our book aims at readers who want to learn more about how language works both in everyday ordinary verbal communication and in memorable works of verbal art and how the principles of ordinary communication interact with artistic creativity. The two interests are interdependent. After all, poems, though made of ideas, sensations or emotions, are first and foremost made of words and sentences, objects of fascination for linguists as well as poets and their readers. And it is only against the background of an awareness of the rules governing ordinary language that we will be able to appreciate and describe the pleasurable liberties poetic language takes with them.
This book thus aims at providing pleasurable insights into verbal art in its rich diversity of periods and genres, ranging from Shakespearean plays to modern and postmodern narratives, from lyrical poetry to pop-songs and commercials. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. And the proof of linguistic theories for literary studies in our hands-on analyses is in the reading, in the heuristic surplus value these theories generate when confronted with great literature, with language taken to the limits of its complexity and density, suggestive power and memorable beauty.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-24
> findR *
Our book aims at readers who want to learn more about how language works both in everyday ordinary verbal communication and in memorable works of verbal art and how the principles of ordinary communication interact with artistic creativity. The two interests are interdependent. After all, poems, though made of ideas, sensations or emotions, are first and foremost made of words and sentences, objects of fascination for linguists as well as poets and their readers. And it is only against the background of an awareness of the rules governing ordinary language that we will be able to appreciate and describe the pleasurable liberties poetic language takes with them.
This book thus aims at providing pleasurable insights into verbal art in its rich diversity of periods and genres, ranging from Shakespearean plays to modern and postmodern narratives, from lyrical poetry to pop-songs and commercials. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. And the proof of linguistic theories for literary studies in our hands-on analyses is in the reading, in the heuristic surplus value these theories generate when confronted with great literature, with language taken to the limits of its complexity and density, suggestive power and memorable beauty.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-24
> findR *
Eine verletzende Bemerkung, ein beleidigendes Wort – viele Situationen lassen uns Sprache als gewaltförmig erfahren. In der Metapher des ›kränkenden Wortes‹ ist diese Wirkung greifbar; systematisch erforscht wird sie indessen erst in jüngster Zeit. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes zeigen, welche Perspektiven diese Forschungen in der Linguistik, der Philosophie und der Literaturwissenschaft eröffnen. Die Fragen gelten unterschiedlichen Problemen: Wie ist verbale Gewalt von anderen Gewaltformen zu unterscheiden? Sind sprachliche Aggressionen typisierbar? Welche soziale Funktion kommt verletzender Sprache in Brennpunkten der Vormoderne zu? Was an uns ist es überhaupt, das durch Beleidigungen verletzt wird? Ist bereits dem Gespräch als Interaktion eine subtile Gewaltsamkeit eigen? Wie werden Grenzbereiche sprachlicher Aggression, sei es beißender Humor oder die Satire, in der Alltagskommunikation und in der literarischen Fiktion ausgespielt?
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-26
Pascal Delhom,
Steffen K Herrmann,
Elke Koch,
Ekkehard König,
Helga Kotthoff,
Sybille Krämer,
Hannes Kuch,
Burkhard Liebsch,
Monika C. Otter,
Claudia Richter,
Mireille Schnyder,
Johannes Schwitalla,
Katerina Stathi
> findR *
Mit ihrer Proklamation, das Subjekt sei tot, ist die Postmoderne zweifellos über ihr Ziel hinausgeschossen: Planung, Erinnerung oder Darstellung des eigenen Handelns ist ohne ein Konzept des Selbst nicht möglich.Die Disziplinen Linguistik, Psychologie und Philosophie debattieren mit der Soziologie, der Literaturwissenschaft, Medientheorie, Kunst-, Theater- und Filmwissenschaft über die Reflexion des Selbst. Dabei werden Selbstreflexionen als performative Prozesse angesehen. Es ergibt sich ein vieldimensionales Bild, das präzise Bestandsaufnahmen mit neuen Ansätzen kombiniert.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-26
Ulrich Bröckling,
Adam Czirak,
Christina Deloglu,
Gunter Gebauer,
Bettina Hannover,
Valerie Gray Hardcastle,
Henning Hufnagel,
Torsten Jost,
Ekkehard König,
Richard Nate,
Andrea Sieber,
Katerina Stathi,
Udo Tietz,
Kai van Eikels,
Jörg Volbers,
Matthias Weiß,
Volker Woltersdorff
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-28
> findR *
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