Waterplants and wetland processes

Waterplants and wetland processes von Denny,  Patrick, Lhotský,  Oldrich, Pokorný,  Jan, Turner,  E G
The 2nd INTECOL Wetland Conference organised by the Institute of Botany, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, under the auspices of SCOPE, Unesco MaB, ISEM and SIL, took place at Trebon, Czechoslovakia on 13th to 23rd June 1984. This Proceedings on the adaptations and ecophysiology of wetland plants includes invited papers and those based on a selection of posters ecompassing theme. With the long tradition of hydrobotanical study at the Trebon department of the Botanical Institute the organisers decided to devote one entire session of the Conference to ecophysiological studies for they provide the necessary theoretical background to the effective management and conservation of wetlands. Such papers stimulate discussion amongst wetland scientists from different parts of the world. The organizers and convenors of the Conference endeavoured to invite speakers with expertise ranging from population dynamics to the ecophysiology of wetland plants and vegetation. Thus, the main variables within plants and the ecosystems which establish the dynamics of wetland functioning could be considered and discussed together. By including these topics in the same session and coalescing them into this Proceedings one may have a clearer understanding of their interactions and the role each contributes to the overall character and stability of the wetland. The need for further study of wetlands and necessity of their conservation with respect to their role in the biosphere was expressed in the memorandum approved unanimously by the conference participants.
Aktualisiert: 2022-04-20
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