This commentary for the first time combines all relevant aspects for the interpretation of this late text in the Old Testament/Apocrypha: textual criticism, philological and literary analysis; the dual historical context with the link to Hellenistic environment, on the one hand, and to the biblical tradition on the other; and finally, the - highly innovative - theology of the Book of Wisdom. Aspects of reception history and hermeneutic issues complete the commentary.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Adele Berlin,
Erhard Blum,
David M. Carr,
Walter Dietrich,
Beate Ego,
Helmut Engel,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Shimon Gesundheit,
Walter Gross,
Gary N. Knoppers,
Bernard M. Levinson,
Luca Mazzinghi,
Ed Noort,
Helmut Utzschneider
> findR *
This commentary for the first time combines all relevant aspects for the interpretation of this late text in the Old Testament/Apocrypha: textual criticism, philological and literary analysis; the dual historical context with the link to Hellenistic environment, on the one hand, and to the biblical tradition on the other; and finally, the - highly innovative - theology of the Book of Wisdom. Aspects of reception history and hermeneutic issues complete the commentary.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Adele Berlin,
Erhard Blum,
David M. Carr,
Walter Dietrich,
Beate Ego,
Helmut Engel,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Shimon Gesundheit,
Walter Gross,
Gary N. Knoppers,
Bernard M. Levinson,
Luca Mazzinghi,
Ed Noort,
Helmut Utzschneider
> findR *
This commentary for the first time combines all relevant aspects for the interpretation of this late text in the Old Testament/Apocrypha: textual criticism, philological and literary analysis; the dual historical context with the link to Hellenistic environment, on the one hand, and to the biblical tradition on the other; and finally, the - highly innovative - theology of the Book of Wisdom. Aspects of reception history and hermeneutic issues complete the commentary.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Adele Berlin,
Erhard Blum,
David M. Carr,
Walter Dietrich,
Beate Ego,
Helmut Engel,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Shimon Gesundheit,
Walter Gross,
Gary N. Knoppers,
Bernard M. Levinson,
Luca Mazzinghi,
Ed Noort,
Helmut Utzschneider
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
Kurt Appel,
Egbert Ballhorn,
Ulrich Berges,
Elisabeth Birnbaum,
Dieter Böhler,
Georg Braulik,
Benedikt J. Collinet,
Christoph Dohmen,
Georg Fischer,
Christian Frevel,
Meik Gerhards,
Tobias Häner,
Ulrich H. J. Körtner,
Konrad Kremser,
Luca Mazzinghi,
Ilse Müllner,
Eckhard Nordhofen,
Thomas Prügl,
Agnethe Siquans,
Thomas Söding,
Martin Stowasser,
Markus Tiwald,
Jan Heiner Tück,
Augustinus Weber
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-24
Kurt Appel,
Egbert Ballhorn,
Ulrich Berges,
Elisabeth Birnbaum,
Dieter Böhler,
Georg Braulik,
Benedikt J. Collinet,
Christoph Dohmen,
Georg Fischer,
Christian Frevel,
Meik Gerhards,
Tobias Häner,
Ulrich H. J. Körtner,
Konrad Kremser,
Luca Mazzinghi,
Ilse Müllner,
Eckhard Nordhofen,
Thomas Prügl,
Agnethe Siquans,
Thomas Söding,
Martin Stowasser,
Markus Tiwald,
Jan Heiner Tück,
Augustinus Weber
> findR *
This commentary for the first time combines all relevant aspects for the interpretation of this late text in the Old Testament/Apocrypha: textual criticism, philological and literary analysis; the dual historical context with the link to Hellenistic environment, on the one hand, and to the biblical tradition on the other; and finally, the - highly innovative - theology of the Book of Wisdom. Aspects of reception history and hermeneutic issues complete the commentary.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Adele Berlin,
Erhard Blum,
David M. Carr,
Walter Dietrich,
Beate Ego,
Helmut Engel,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Shimon Gesundheit,
Walter Gross,
Gary N. Knoppers,
Bernard M. Levinson,
Luca Mazzinghi,
Ed Noort,
Helmut Utzschneider
> findR *
This commentary for the first time combines all relevant aspects for the interpretation of this late text in the Old Testament/Apocrypha: textual criticism, philological and literary analysis; the dual historical context with the link to Hellenistic environment, on the one hand, and to the biblical tradition on the other; and finally, the - highly innovative - theology of the Book of Wisdom. Aspects of reception history and hermeneutic issues complete the commentary.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Adele Berlin,
Erhard Blum,
David M. Carr,
Walter Dietrich,
Beate Ego,
Helmut Engel,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Shimon Gesundheit,
Walter Gross,
Gary N. Knoppers,
Bernard M. Levinson,
Luca Mazzinghi,
Ed Noort,
Helmut Utzschneider
> findR *
This commentary for the first time combines all relevant aspects for the interpretation of this late text in the Old Testament/Apocrypha: textual criticism, philological and literary analysis; the dual historical context with the link to Hellenistic environment, on the one hand, and to the biblical tradition on the other; and finally, the - highly innovative - theology of the Book of Wisdom. Aspects of reception history and hermeneutic issues complete the commentary.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Adele Berlin,
Erhard Blum,
David M. Carr,
Walter Dietrich,
Beate Ego,
Helmut Engel,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Shimon Gesundheit,
Walter Gross,
Gary N. Knoppers,
Bernard M. Levinson,
Luca Mazzinghi,
Ed Noort,
Helmut Utzschneider
> findR *
This commentary for the first time combines all relevant aspects for the interpretation of this late text in the Old Testament/Apocrypha: textual criticism, philological and literary analysis; the dual historical context with the link to Hellenistic environment, on the one hand, and to the biblical tradition on the other; and finally, the - highly innovative - theology of the Book of Wisdom. Aspects of reception history and hermeneutic issues complete the commentary.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Adele Berlin,
Erhard Blum,
David M. Carr,
Walter Dietrich,
Beate Ego,
Helmut Engel,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Shimon Gesundheit,
Walter Gross,
Gary N. Knoppers,
Bernard M. Levinson,
Luca Mazzinghi,
Ed Noort,
Helmut Utzschneider
> findR *
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