The present work unites those of Husserl's essays and addresses of the years 1923-1937 that have not yet been incorporated in the . It thus closes the collection of Husserl's lesser writings, begun in Volume XXII and continued in Volume XXV. The title here incorporates all the minor texts published by Husserl himself that appeared during the given time span, and that are included in the Herman L. Van Breda bibliography. They have been complemented by various pieces that Husserl prepared for the press during the relevant period, but which did not appear. The major contributions in this book are formed by the contributions that Husserl published in the Japanese journal during the years 1923-1924, and his oft-quoted essay ``Phänomenologie und Anthropologie'', and the ``Prager Abhandlung'', prepared in 1934.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
The present work unites those of Husserl's essays and addresses of the years 1923-1937 that have not yet been incorporated in the . It thus closes the collection of Husserl's lesser writings, begun in Volume XXII and continued in Volume XXV. The title here incorporates all the minor texts published by Husserl himself that appeared during the given time span, and that are included in the Herman L. Van Breda bibliography. They have been complemented by various pieces that Husserl prepared for the press during the relevant period, but which did not appear. The major contributions in this book are formed by the contributions that Husserl published in the Japanese journal during the years 1923-1924, and his oft-quoted essay ``Phänomenologie und Anthropologie'', and the ``Prager Abhandlung'', prepared in 1934.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
The present work unites those of Husserl's essays and addresses of the years 1923-1937 that have not yet been incorporated in the . It thus closes the collection of Husserl's lesser writings, begun in Volume XXII and continued in Volume XXV. The title here incorporates all the minor texts published by Husserl himself that appeared during the given time span, and that are included in the Herman L. Van Breda bibliography. They have been complemented by various pieces that Husserl prepared for the press during the relevant period, but which did not appear. The major contributions in this book are formed by the contributions that Husserl published in the Japanese journal during the years 1923-1924, and his oft-quoted essay ``Phänomenologie und Anthropologie'', and the ``Prager Abhandlung'', prepared in 1934.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
The present work unites those of Husserl's essays and addresses of the years 1923-1937 that have not yet been incorporated in the . It thus closes the collection of Husserl's lesser writings, begun in Volume XXII and continued in Volume XXV. The title here incorporates all the minor texts published by Husserl himself that appeared during the given time span, and that are included in the Herman L. Van Breda bibliography. They have been complemented by various pieces that Husserl prepared for the press during the relevant period, but which did not appear. The major contributions in this book are formed by the contributions that Husserl published in the Japanese journal during the years 1923-1924, and his oft-quoted essay ``Phänomenologie und Anthropologie'', and the ``Prager Abhandlung'', prepared in 1934.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
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Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
The present work unites those of Husserl's essays and addresses of the years 1923-1937 that have not yet been incorporated in the . It thus closes the collection of Husserl's lesser writings, begun in Volume XXII and continued in Volume XXV. The title here incorporates all the minor texts published by Husserl himself that appeared during the given time span, and that are included in the Herman L. Van Breda bibliography. They have been complemented by various pieces that Husserl prepared for the press during the relevant period, but which did not appear. The major contributions in this book are formed by the contributions that Husserl published in the Japanese journal during the years 1923-1924, and his oft-quoted essay ``Phänomenologie und Anthropologie'', and the ``Prager Abhandlung'', prepared in 1934.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-21
> findR *
In den Beiträgen des Sammelbandes spiegelt sich die historische und systematische Spannweite der philosophischen Fragen nach Selbsterkenntnis und Selbstbestimmung wider - von der platonischen Seelenlehre über idealistische und phänomenologische Selbstbewusstseinstheorien bis zur expliziten Thematisierung oder impliziten Inanspruchnahme von Strukturen der Subjektivität in der Gegenwartsphilosophie. Beiträge: Dirk Fonfara: Das Selbst und die Begründung der Philosophie als Wissenschaft bei Platon Andreas Speer: Im Verborgenen des Geistes: „abditum mentis“ bei Augustinus und Meister Eckhart Heribert Boeder: Die Stiftung des philosophischen Selbst-Bewusstseins Emiliano Acosta: Vier Bestimmungen des Nicht-Ich in der Jenenser Periode der Fichteschen Wissenschaftslehre Klaus Sellge: Kann die „wahre Philosophie“ überhaupt Philosophie sein? Überlegungen zu Schellings Fernere Darstellungen von 1802 Gerhard Schmidt: Der Wahnsinn des Eigendünkels Claudia Bickmann: Zwischen An- und Für-sich-Sein. Schelling und Hegel auf dem Weg zur ‚Idee in individuo' Klaus Düsing: Geschichte des Selbstbewusstseins und Selbstbewusstseinsmodelle Dieter Lohmar: Eine Geschichte des Ich bei Husserl. Mit Bemerkungen zum Ur-Ich in Husserls späten Zeitmanuskripten Thomas Nenon: Husserls antirationalistische Bestimmung der Vernunft Claus-Artur Schreier: Sartres Abwesenheit Hans Rainer Sepp: Das Selbst und das Andere. Lévinas im Kontext der frühen Phänomenologie Markus Pfeifer: Lévinas´ Philosophie als Position dezentrierter Subjektivität Laszlo Tengelyi: Betrachtungen über die Handlungsfreiheit und die Selbstheit des Handelnden Smail Rapic: Die versteckte Subjektivität in Tugendhats formaler Semantik
Aktualisiert: 2021-12-28
Emiliano Acosta,
Claudia Bickmann,
Heribert Boeder,
Klaus Düsing,
Dirk Fonfara,
Dieter Lohmar,
Thomas Nenon,
Markus Pfeifer,
Smail Rapic,
Claus-Artur Scheier,
Gerhart Schmidt,
Klaus Sellge,
Hans Rainer Sepp,
Andreas Speer,
László Tengelyi
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-21
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-21
> findR *
The present work unites those of Husserl's essays and addresses of the years 1923-1937 that have not yet been incorporated in the . It thus closes the collection of Husserl's lesser writings, begun in Volume XXII and continued in Volume XXV. The title here incorporates all the minor texts published by Husserl himself that appeared during the given time span, and that are included in the Herman L. Van Breda bibliography. They have been complemented by various pieces that Husserl prepared for the press during the relevant period, but which did not appear. The major contributions in this book are formed by the contributions that Husserl published in the Japanese journal during the years 1923-1924, and his oft-quoted essay ``Phänomenologie und Anthropologie'', and the ``Prager Abhandlung'', prepared in 1934.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-21
> findR *
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