The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *
The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *
The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *
The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *
The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *
The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *
Roboter sind Maschinen, deren Funktionen in Anlehnung an Handlungen
interpretiert werden. Dadurch erscheint ihr praktischer Einsatz als
Assistenten und Helferlein in unserer komplexen Lebenswelt möglich. Doch
neben den technischen Herausforderungen ergeben sich neue philosophische
und ethische Fragen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-15
> findR *
The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *
The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *
The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *
The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *
The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *
Roboter sind Maschinen, deren Funktionen in Anlehnung an Handlungen
interpretiert werden. Dadurch erscheint ihr praktischer Einsatz als
Assistenten und Helferlein in unserer komplexen Lebenswelt möglich. Doch
neben den technischen Herausforderungen ergeben sich neue philosophische
und ethische Fragen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-17
> findR *
Die philosophische Ethik sieht die alltägliche Verständigung über moralische Fragen ausschließlich als Vorform der rationalen Argumentation. Dabei ist unterstellt, dass Verständigung nur insofern etwas für die ethische Orientierung und Konfliktbewältigung austragen kann, als sie die Form eines Begründungsverfahrens aufweist. Die konkrete Praxis der moralischen Verständigung ist aber offensichtlich ein vieldimensionales Geschehen, in dem ganz unterschiedliche Aspekte - logische und rhetorische, begriffliche und sinnliche, sprachliche und nichtsprachliche - auf komplexe Weise zusammenwirken. Vor diesem Hintergrund erscheint moralische Verständigung nicht nur als Streit um das moralisch Richtige, sondern auch als Prozess der konkreten ethischen Orientierung, als Arbeit an der Wahrnehmung, als ästhetische Selbstverständigung, als Praxis der Artikulation und Erzählung oder als leibliches Sinngeschehen.
Aktualisiert: 2021-12-28
Jörg Bernardy,
Joachim Boldt,
Falk Bornmüller,
Julia Dietrich,
Lars Leeten,
Maria-Sibylla Lotter,
Anne Mazuga,
Eberhard Ortland,
Theda Rehbock,
Peter Remmers,
Katrin Wille
> findR *
The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge. The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-28
> findR *
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