The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-26
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-23
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-23
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-23
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-23
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-23
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-25
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-19
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-19
> findR *
Das Social Web als öffentlicher Raum eröffnet auch für Kinder Handlungsspielräume und Erfahrungen. Bieten diese einerseits Möglichkeiten des media empowerment sowie zur gesellschaftlichen und demokratischen Teilhabe und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, so können sie andererseits mit nachhaltigen Gefahren und Verstörungen einhergehen. Bedingung für eine sich entfaltende KinderMedienKultur im Mitmach-Netz sind Qualitätsstandards und die Förderung einer Kinderseitenlandschaft, bei der Anbieter ihrer Verantwortung nachkommen und Qualität wird, damit Kinder lehrreiche, genussvolle und identitätsstiftende Erfahrungen im sozialen Miteinander des Internet machen können.
Der Band untersucht die Frage, wie das Social Web Kindheit gestaltet, wie Kinder selbst das Social Web gestalten, was für kindgerechte Qualität im Social Web erforderlich ist, welche Qualitätskriterien hierzu notwendig werden und wie Qualität medienpolitisch und öffentlich gefördert werden kann. Hierzu antworten Akteure aus der Wissenschaft, der Medienpraxis sowie des Jugendmedienschutzes, um eine anwendungsorientierte Qualitätsdebatte anzuregen.
Mit Beiträgen von:
Ulrike Behrens, Jutta Croll, Verena Delius, Andrea Dürager, Jochen Fasco, Burkhard Fuhs, Friedrich Hagedorn, Udo Hahn, Kai Hanke, Karsten Henning, Anke Hildebrandt, Lena Hilles, Dr. Benjamin Jörissen, Katja Knierim, Thomas Krüger, Claudia Lampert, Achim Lauber, Cornelia Margraf, Christian Möller, Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink, Martin Philip, Lidia de Reese, Franz Josef Röll, Julia Rommeley, Roland Rosenstock, Gerhard Seiler, Friederike Siller, Ingrid Stapf, Michael Thiel, Sven Weber, Maren Würfel
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-11
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
Mit Beginn des Schuljahres 2011/2012 haben sich 16 Schulen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in einem dreijährigen Schulversuch auf den Weg zur Medienschule begeben. Dabei wurde ein Orientierungsrahmen, das gleichnamige Audit „Auf dem Weg zur Medienschule“ erprobt und weiterentwickelt. Das Audit ist ein Instrument zur Selbstevaluation und Schulentwicklung, das die Herausforderungen heutiger Medienbildung als einen komplexen Schulentwicklungsprozess beschreibt und wesentliche, einander bedingende Qualitätsbereiche identifiziert. Auf der Grundlage einer Selbstevaluation der Schulen werden Entwicklungsziele auf den Ebenen der Unterrichts-, Organisations- und Personalentwicklung erkennbar und notwendige Maßnahmen ableitbar.
Der vorliegende Tagungsband der Abschlusstagung des Schulversuches „Auf dem Weg zur Medienschule – Bildungspartnerschaftliche Schulentwicklung durch Audifizierung“ dokumentiert wesentliche Meilensteine des Schulversuches und gibt den verschiedenen Akteuren die Möglichkeit, ihre Erfahrungen im Einsatz mit dem Instrument und der daraus resultierenden Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung zu reflektieren. Die Einordnung des Audits in die aktuelle Diskussion zur Medienbildung durch einen externen Bildungsexperten sowie eine Zusammenfassung der
wesentlichen Erkenntnisse der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung runden das positive Gesamtbild dieses praktikablen Steuerungsinstruments ab.
Das Audit „Auf dem Weg zur Medienschule“ liegt nun in einer erprobten Fassung vor und ermuntert hoffentlich viele Schulen und Bildungseinrichtungen zur aktiven Nachnutzung und individuellen Weiterentwicklung dieses Instruments!
Aktualisiert: 2020-01-01
> findR *
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