Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis

Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis von Bartels,  Frederike, Busch,  Julius, Dresel,  Markus, Fefer,  Sarah, Goldan,  Janka, Grassinger,  Robert, Hess,  Miriam, Hoffmann,  Lisa, Huber,  Christian, Lipowsky,  Frank, Pieper,  Vanessa, Rzejak,  Daniela, Schatz,  Christina, Schwab,  Susanne, Steuer,  Gabriele, Vierbuchen,  Marie-Christine, Weckend,  Denise, Zierer,  Klaus
Feedback is one of the most effective factors that influence everyday school life, facilitating or obstructing processes of learning and development at various levels. Building on theoretical concepts and recent research findings, this volume provides an overview of feedback models and preconditions for successful feedback in the school context. Central topics include ways of dealing with praise and criticism in classroom teaching, feedback and social integration and inclusion, feedback and a healthy ?mistake culture=, as well as feedback in teacher training and further training aimed at promoting professional skills. The book thus provides a compact overview of the state of knowledge on the effective use of feedback in the context of school and teaching and provides a wide variety of suggestions for ways of implementing feedback practically and successfully.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis

Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis von Bartels,  Frederike, Busch,  Julius, Dresel,  Markus, Fefer,  Sarah, Goldan,  Janka, Grassinger,  Robert, Hess,  Miriam, Hoffmann,  Lisa, Huber,  Christian, Lipowsky,  Frank, Pieper,  Vanessa, Rzejak,  Daniela, Schatz,  Christina, Schwab,  Susanne, Steuer,  Gabriele, Vierbuchen,  Marie-Christine, Weckend,  Denise, Zierer,  Klaus
Feedback is one of the most effective factors that influence everyday school life, facilitating or obstructing processes of learning and development at various levels. Building on theoretical concepts and recent research findings, this volume provides an overview of feedback models and preconditions for successful feedback in the school context. Central topics include ways of dealing with praise and criticism in classroom teaching, feedback and social integration and inclusion, feedback and a healthy ?mistake culture=, as well as feedback in teacher training and further training aimed at promoting professional skills. The book thus provides a compact overview of the state of knowledge on the effective use of feedback in the context of school and teaching and provides a wide variety of suggestions for ways of implementing feedback practically and successfully.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis

Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis von Bartels,  Frederike, Busch,  Julius, Dresel,  Markus, Fefer,  Sarah, Goldan,  Janka, Grassinger,  Robert, Hess,  Miriam, Hoffmann,  Lisa, Huber,  Christian, Lipowsky,  Frank, Pieper,  Vanessa, Rzejak,  Daniela, Schatz,  Christina, Schwab,  Susanne, Steuer,  Gabriele, Vierbuchen,  Marie-Christine, Weckend,  Denise, Zierer,  Klaus
Feedback is one of the most effective factors that influence everyday school life, facilitating or obstructing processes of learning and development at various levels. Building on theoretical concepts and recent research findings, this volume provides an overview of feedback models and preconditions for successful feedback in the school context. Central topics include ways of dealing with praise and criticism in classroom teaching, feedback and social integration and inclusion, feedback and a healthy ?mistake culture=, as well as feedback in teacher training and further training aimed at promoting professional skills. The book thus provides a compact overview of the state of knowledge on the effective use of feedback in the context of school and teaching and provides a wide variety of suggestions for ways of implementing feedback practically and successfully.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis

Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis von Bartels,  Frederike, Busch,  Julius, Dresel,  Markus, Fefer,  Sarah, Goldan,  Janka, Grassinger,  Robert, Hess,  Miriam, Hoffmann,  Lisa, Huber,  Christian, Lipowsky,  Frank, Pieper,  Vanessa, Rzejak,  Daniela, Schatz,  Christina, Schwab,  Susanne, Steuer,  Gabriele, Vierbuchen,  Marie-Christine, Weckend,  Denise, Zierer,  Klaus
Feedback is one of the most effective factors that influence everyday school life, facilitating or obstructing processes of learning and development at various levels. Building on theoretical concepts and recent research findings, this volume provides an overview of feedback models and preconditions for successful feedback in the school context. Central topics include ways of dealing with praise and criticism in classroom teaching, feedback and social integration and inclusion, feedback and a healthy ?mistake culture=, as well as feedback in teacher training and further training aimed at promoting professional skills. The book thus provides a compact overview of the state of knowledge on the effective use of feedback in the context of school and teaching and provides a wide variety of suggestions for ways of implementing feedback practically and successfully.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
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Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis

Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis von Bartels,  Frederike, Busch,  Julius, Dresel,  Markus, Fefer,  Sarah, Goldan,  Janka, Grassinger,  Robert, Hess,  Miriam, Hoffmann,  Lisa, Huber,  Christian, Lipowsky,  Frank, Pieper,  Vanessa, Rzejak,  Daniela, Schatz,  Christina, Schwab,  Susanne, Steuer,  Gabriele, Vierbuchen,  Marie-Christine, Weckend,  Denise, Zierer,  Klaus
Feedback is one of the most effective factors that influence everyday school life, facilitating or obstructing processes of learning and development at various levels. Building on theoretical concepts and recent research findings, this volume provides an overview of feedback models and preconditions for successful feedback in the school context. Central topics include ways of dealing with praise and criticism in classroom teaching, feedback and social integration and inclusion, feedback and a healthy ?mistake culture=, as well as feedback in teacher training and further training aimed at promoting professional skills. The book thus provides a compact overview of the state of knowledge on the effective use of feedback in the context of school and teaching and provides a wide variety of suggestions for ways of implementing feedback practically and successfully.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
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Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis

Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis von Bartels,  Frederike, Busch,  Julius, Dresel,  Markus, Fefer,  Sarah, Goldan,  Janka, Grassinger,  Robert, Hess,  Miriam, Hoffmann,  Lisa, Huber,  Christian, Lipowsky,  Frank, Pieper,  Vanessa, Rzejak,  Daniela, Schatz,  Christina, Schwab,  Susanne, Steuer,  Gabriele, Vierbuchen,  Marie-Christine, Weckend,  Denise, Zierer,  Klaus
Feedback is one of the most effective factors that influence everyday school life, facilitating or obstructing processes of learning and development at various levels. Building on theoretical concepts and recent research findings, this volume provides an overview of feedback models and preconditions for successful feedback in the school context. Central topics include ways of dealing with praise and criticism in classroom teaching, feedback and social integration and inclusion, feedback and a healthy ?mistake culture=, as well as feedback in teacher training and further training aimed at promoting professional skills. The book thus provides a compact overview of the state of knowledge on the effective use of feedback in the context of school and teaching and provides a wide variety of suggestions for ways of implementing feedback practically and successfully.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
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Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis

Feedback in der Unterrichtspraxis von Bartels,  Frederike, Busch,  Julius, Dresel,  Markus, Fefer,  Sarah, Goldan,  Janka, Grassinger,  Robert, Hess,  Miriam, Hoffmann,  Lisa, Huber,  Christian, Lipowsky,  Frank, Pieper,  Vanessa, Rzejak,  Daniela, Schatz,  Christina, Schwab,  Susanne, Steuer,  Gabriele, Vierbuchen,  Marie-Christine, Weckend,  Denise, Zierer,  Klaus
Feedback is one of the most effective factors that influence everyday school life, facilitating or obstructing processes of learning and development at various levels. Building on theoretical concepts and recent research findings, this volume provides an overview of feedback models and preconditions for successful feedback in the school context. Central topics include ways of dealing with praise and criticism in classroom teaching, feedback and social integration and inclusion, feedback and a healthy ?mistake culture=, as well as feedback in teacher training and further training aimed at promoting professional skills. The book thus provides a compact overview of the state of knowledge on the effective use of feedback in the context of school and teaching and provides a wide variety of suggestions for ways of implementing feedback practically and successfully.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
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Unterrichtsqualität von Arend,  Julia, Bleck,  Victoria, Blüm,  Werner, Böhnert,  Anne, Bosse,  Dorit, Denn,  Ann-Katrin, Fend,  Helmut, Haberzettl,  Nora, Haenisch,  Hans, Hess,  Miriam, Hirstein,  Anastasia, Kempf,  Julian, Lipowsky,  Frank, Messner,  Rudolf, Pauli,  Christine, Posch,  Peter, Reusser,  Kurt, Rzejak,  Daniela, Schmid,  Mirjam, Schratz,  Michael, Siedenbiedel,  Catrin, Steffens,  Ulrich
Das Arbeitsgebiet der Didaktik befindet sich derzeit in einem Umbruch. Das wachsende Autonomiebestreben der Kinder und Jugendlichen, der höhere Anspruch an eine individuelle Förderung sowie die zunehmende Digitalisierung des (Schul-)Alltags fordern zu einem grundlegenden Umdenken auf. Eingeteilt in die vier Abschnitte „Entwicklungen“, „Entwürfe“, „Bilanzen“ und „Antizipationen“ beschreibt dieser Band die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen, die mit diesem Wandel einhergehen, und bietet so eine wahre Fundgrube für qualitätsvolles unterrichtliches Handeln.
Aktualisiert: 2021-01-23
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