Sharing-Ansätze für Wohnen und Quartier.

Sharing-Ansätze für Wohnen und Quartier. von Sinning,  Heidi, Spars,  Guido
Sharing-Ansätze gelten als Zukunftstrend in der Wohnungswirtschaft und bieten zugleich zahlreiche Ansatzpunkte für eine nachhaltige Quartiersentwicklung. 25 Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis bieten einen breiten Einblick in das Themenfeld Wohnen und Share Economy. Darin wird unter anderem diskutiert, welche Wirkungen von Sharing-Ansätzen ausgehen und inwiefern sie die Transformation zu einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung beflügeln können.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
> findR *

Anwendungsstand der Lebenszykluskostenanalyse in der wohnungs- und immobilienwirtschaftlichen Praxis und Ansätze zur Verbesserung.

Anwendungsstand der Lebenszykluskostenanalyse in der wohnungs- und immobilienwirtschaftlichen Praxis und Ansätze zur Verbesserung. von Obadovic,  Olivera, Spars,  Guido
Das Forschungsprojekt widmete sich den Fragen, inwieweit sich die Lebenszykluskostenanalyse und -optimierung in der Praxis der deutschen Immobilien- und Wohnungswirtschaft durchgesetzt hat und wie die Diffusion der Anwendung verbessert werden kann. Aus den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen zu zentralen Problemfeldern wurden Handlungsempfehlungen für unterschiedliche Akteursgruppen der Bau- und Immobilienbranche, aber auch für Politik, Kammern, Verbände und auch z.B. für Herausgeber von Kostendaten abgeleitet. Ein weiteres Ergebnis stellt eine Arbeitshilfe für die Wohnungs- und Immobilienwirtschaft dar, die zeigen soll, wie die Lebenszykluskosten optimal eine Berücksichtigung finden können und welche organisatorischen und inhaltlichen Fehlerquellen zu vermeiden sind.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
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Sharing-Ansätze für Wohnen und Quartier.

Sharing-Ansätze für Wohnen und Quartier. von Sinning,  Heidi, Spars,  Guido
Sharing-Ansätze gelten als Zukunftstrend in der Wohnungswirtschaft und bieten zugleich zahlreiche Ansatzpunkte für eine nachhaltige Quartiersentwicklung. 25 Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis bieten einen breiten Einblick in das Themenfeld Wohnen und Share Economy. Darin wird unter anderem diskutiert, welche Wirkungen von Sharing-Ansätzen ausgehen und inwiefern sie die Transformation zu einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung beflügeln können.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
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Raumunternehmen von Buttenberg,  Lisa, Overmeyer,  Klaus, Spars,  Guido
Mit den Raumunternehmen tritt ein neuer Typus von Stadt- und Landaktivisten auf den Plan: selbstbestimmte Raum- und Projektentwickler, die sich aufgelassene Orte schrittweise aneignen, besondere Nutzungsmischungen und Netzwerke bilden und über kluge Finanzierungsstrategien eine langfristige Perspektive aufbauen. Raumunternehmen schaffen Testfelder für die drängenden Themen der kommenden Stadt. Es geht um neue Modelle von Teilhabe und Gemeinschaft, die Kooperation zwischen Bürgergesellschaft und Staat, um Re-Lokalisierung und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften. Das Buch stellt in sechs Fallstudien aus der Praxis Raumstrategien, Entwicklungspfade und alternative Wertschöpfungskonzepte von Raumunternehmen vor und bettet die Erkenntnisse in den aktuellen Diskurs über nutzergetragene Stadtentwicklung ein.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
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Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder

Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder von Bange,  Dirk, Bezjak,  Garonne, Christmann,  Bernd, Drobinski,  Matthias, Feuerhelm,  Wolfgang, Fuchs,  Katharina, Hauser,  Thomas, Howard,  Sonja, Kerschke-Risch,  Pamela, Kliemann,  Andrea, Schultz,  Tanjev, Spars,  Guido, Tzschoppe,  Petra, Winkler,  Daniela
The public has been shaken again and again by reports of abuse scandals and sexualized violence against children. Such violence can take a wide variety of forms, ranging from the commercial darknet and child pornography images to institutionally shielded violence in churches and educational or sports facilities, to individual violence within families and in the child=s immediate social context. Officially, 16,996 cases of sexual abuse against children were recorded in Germany in 2020, but it is assumed that the number of unreported cases is around 340,000. How is this alarming number of tragic individual stories to be understood against the background of a society that is committed to freedom and human dignity? The authors examine this sad phenomenon from various viewpoints and in the process bring us closer to an incomprehensible phenomenon & to which we must nevertheless not close our eyes.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-05
> findR *

Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder

Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder von Bange,  Dirk, Bezjak,  Garonne, Christmann,  Bernd, Drobinski,  Matthias, Feuerhelm,  Wolfgang, Fuchs,  Katharina, Hauser,  Thomas, Howard,  Sonja, Kerschke-Risch,  Pamela, Kliemann,  Andrea, Schultz,  Tanjev, Spars,  Guido, Tzschoppe,  Petra, Winkler,  Daniela
The public has been shaken again and again by reports of abuse scandals and sexualized violence against children. Such violence can take a wide variety of forms, ranging from the commercial darknet and child pornography images to institutionally shielded violence in churches and educational or sports facilities, to individual violence within families and in the child=s immediate social context. Officially, 16,996 cases of sexual abuse against children were recorded in Germany in 2020, but it is assumed that the number of unreported cases is around 340,000. How is this alarming number of tragic individual stories to be understood against the background of a society that is committed to freedom and human dignity? The authors examine this sad phenomenon from various viewpoints and in the process bring us closer to an incomprehensible phenomenon & to which we must nevertheless not close our eyes.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-05
> findR *

Wer bestimmt, was wir essen?

Wer bestimmt, was wir essen? von Grossarth,  Jan, Hauser,  Thomas, Hirschfelder,  Gunther, Höhler,  Julia, Regiert,  Alexandra, Schermer,  Markus, Schultz,  Tanjev, Settele,  Veronika, Spars,  Guido, Spiekermann,  Uwe, Spiller,  Achim, Winkler,  Daniela, Zühlsdorf,  Anke
The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the issues. The essays included in this book sum up the various facets of the topic in a compact and readable way from the viewpoint of various scientific disciplines. In addition to the food situation in Germany, issues involving the structure of the food sector, the formative power of tradition, food scandals and mechanisms of scandalization, food policy and the role of the media are addressed. Last but not least, it is important to take into account the global interconnectedness of our food supplies and look at the prospects for the future of nutrition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *

Wer bestimmt, was wir essen?

Wer bestimmt, was wir essen? von Grossarth,  Jan, Hauser,  Thomas, Hirschfelder,  Gunther, Höhler,  Julia, Regiert,  Alexandra, Schermer,  Markus, Schultz,  Tanjev, Settele,  Veronika, Spars,  Guido, Spiekermann,  Uwe, Spiller,  Achim, Winkler,  Daniela, Zühlsdorf,  Anke
The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the issues. The essays included in this book sum up the various facets of the topic in a compact and readable way from the viewpoint of various scientific disciplines. In addition to the food situation in Germany, issues involving the structure of the food sector, the formative power of tradition, food scandals and mechanisms of scandalization, food policy and the role of the media are addressed. Last but not least, it is important to take into account the global interconnectedness of our food supplies and look at the prospects for the future of nutrition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *

Gehört werden

Gehört werden von Arndt,  Ulrich, Berg,  Carsten, Erler,  Gisela, Fidan,  Doguhan, Gerl,  Katharina, Halbach,  Dieter, Hauser,  Thomas, Hieber,  Thomas, Huber,  Roman, Oppold,  Daniel, Renn,  Ortwin, Schmider,  Franz, Schultz,  Tanjev, Spars,  Guido, Vollmer,  Sarah, Wagschal,  Uwe, Wilmschen,  Felix, Winkler,  Daniela, Zeccola,  Marc
Rarely have citizens been as sceptical of politics and state institutions as they are today. Many people think politicians in particular are capable of doing anything & and they don=t trust them an inch. They regard the state as being in the hands of corporate lobbyists and elites, and believe their own interests are never taken into account. At the same time, there have probably never been so many opportunities available for people to participate in political processes. In Getting a Hearing, contributors from academia and practical work explore the causes of this contradictory development and describe the forms of participation available, ranging from local authorities to the level of the European Union. Do these serve only as a fig leaf to back up political and bureaucratic activity, or do they create genuine participation and thus open up opportunities to close the gap between citizens and the state, at least to some extent?
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *

Gehört werden

Gehört werden von Arndt,  Ulrich, Berg,  Carsten, Erler,  Gisela, Fidan,  Doguhan, Gerl,  Katharina, Halbach,  Dieter, Hauser,  Thomas, Hieber,  Thomas, Huber,  Roman, Oppold,  Daniel, Renn,  Ortwin, Schmider,  Franz, Schultz,  Tanjev, Spars,  Guido, Vollmer,  Sarah, Wagschal,  Uwe, Wilmschen,  Felix, Winkler,  Daniela, Zeccola,  Marc
Rarely have citizens been as sceptical of politics and state institutions as they are today. Many people think politicians in particular are capable of doing anything & and they don=t trust them an inch. They regard the state as being in the hands of corporate lobbyists and elites, and believe their own interests are never taken into account. At the same time, there have probably never been so many opportunities available for people to participate in political processes. In Getting a Hearing, contributors from academia and practical work explore the causes of this contradictory development and describe the forms of participation available, ranging from local authorities to the level of the European Union. Do these serve only as a fig leaf to back up political and bureaucratic activity, or do they create genuine participation and thus open up opportunities to close the gap between citizens and the state, at least to some extent?
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *

Wer bestimmt, was wir essen?

Wer bestimmt, was wir essen? von Grossarth,  Jan, Hauser,  Thomas, Hirschfelder,  Gunther, Höhler,  Julia, Regiert,  Alexandra, Schermer,  Markus, Schultz,  Tanjev, Settele,  Veronika, Spars,  Guido, Spiekermann,  Uwe, Spiller,  Achim, Winkler,  Daniela, Zühlsdorf,  Anke
The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the issues. The essays included in this book sum up the various facets of the topic in a compact and readable way from the viewpoint of various scientific disciplines. In addition to the food situation in Germany, issues involving the structure of the food sector, the formative power of tradition, food scandals and mechanisms of scandalization, food policy and the role of the media are addressed. Last but not least, it is important to take into account the global interconnectedness of our food supplies and look at the prospects for the future of nutrition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Gehört werden

Gehört werden von Arndt,  Ulrich, Berg,  Carsten, Erler,  Gisela, Fidan,  Doguhan, Gerl,  Katharina, Halbach,  Dieter, Hauser,  Thomas, Hieber,  Thomas, Huber,  Roman, Oppold,  Daniel, Renn,  Ortwin, Schmider,  Franz, Schultz,  Tanjev, Spars,  Guido, Vollmer,  Sarah, Wagschal,  Uwe, Wilmschen,  Felix, Winkler,  Daniela, Zeccola,  Marc
Rarely have citizens been as sceptical of politics and state institutions as they are today. Many people think politicians in particular are capable of doing anything & and they don=t trust them an inch. They regard the state as being in the hands of corporate lobbyists and elites, and believe their own interests are never taken into account. At the same time, there have probably never been so many opportunities available for people to participate in political processes. In Getting a Hearing, contributors from academia and practical work explore the causes of this contradictory development and describe the forms of participation available, ranging from local authorities to the level of the European Union. Do these serve only as a fig leaf to back up political and bureaucratic activity, or do they create genuine participation and thus open up opportunities to close the gap between citizens and the state, at least to some extent?
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder

Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder von Bange,  Dirk, Bezjak,  Garonne, Christmann,  Bernd, Drobinski,  Matthias, Feuerhelm,  Wolfgang, Fuchs,  Katharina, Hauser,  Thomas, Howard,  Sonja, Kerschke-Risch,  Pamela, Kliemann,  Andrea, Schultz,  Tanjev, Spars,  Guido, Tzschoppe,  Petra, Winkler,  Daniela
The public has been shaken again and again by reports of abuse scandals and sexualized violence against children. Such violence can take a wide variety of forms, ranging from the commercial darknet and child pornography images to institutionally shielded violence in churches and educational or sports facilities, to individual violence within families and in the child=s immediate social context. Officially, 16,996 cases of sexual abuse against children were recorded in Germany in 2020, but it is assumed that the number of unreported cases is around 340,000. How is this alarming number of tragic individual stories to be understood against the background of a society that is committed to freedom and human dignity? The authors examine this sad phenomenon from various viewpoints and in the process bring us closer to an incomprehensible phenomenon & to which we must nevertheless not close our eyes.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Urbane Produktion

Urbane Produktion von Benke,  Carsten, Betker,  Frank, Bonny,  Hanns Werner, Eckmann,  Birte, Gärtner,  Stefan, Gornig,  Martin, Hertwig,  Michael, Holthey,  Linn, Kluft,  Sonja, Krueger,  Thomas, Lentes,  Joachim, Libbe,  Jens, Meyer,  Kerstin, Piegeler,  Monika, Schonlau,  Marcel, Smolka,  Susanne, Spars,  Guido, Wagner-Endres,  Sandra
Die Entwicklung neuer Produktions-, Transport- und Kommunikationstechnologien führt zu einem permanenten räumlichen Anpassungsprozess des Gewerbes in den Städten. In dem Band werden verschiedene Aspekte dieser aktuellen Struktur- und Standortveränderungen beleuchtet. Vorgestellt werden auch die Ergebnisse des durch das BMBF geförderten Forschungsprojekts "Gewerbe in der Stadt - Wandel im Bestand gestalten", in dem die Rahmenbedingungen und Prozesse untersucht wurden, welche eine Ansiedlung oder den Verbleib von Produktion in urbanen Lagen begünstigen. Das Buch wendet sich an Politik und Verwaltung in den Kommunen, an Entwickler von Gewerbeimmobilien sowie an die Stadtforschung.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *

„Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund“

„Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund“ von Basay-Yildiz,  Seda, Binninger,  Clemens, Daimagüler,  Mehmet Gürcan, Grumke,  Thomas, Hauser,  Thomas, Kramer,  Stephan J., Ramm,  Wiebke, Renner,  Martina, Schultz,  Tanjev, Simsek,  Abdul Kerim, Spars,  Guido, Wehrhahn,  Sebastian, Winkler,  Daniela
Even ten years after the discovery of the ?National Socialist Underground= (NSU) terrorist group, there are many questions that remain unanswered. Were there other accomplices? How were the victims and crime scenes selected? Are there any connections to further attacks? Halle, Hanau, the murder of Walter Lübcke & Germany has been shaken again and again by right-wing extremist attacks. And time and again, questions have arisen about the state=s responsibility & as with the NSU complex. Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Beate Zschäpe were able to live underground for many years. They were able to carry out robberies and murders for years without being stopped & the authorities seemed to be clueless, blaming the so-called ?doner-kebab murders= on the victims= milieu. How was that possible? The question is still an explosive one, even and especially after the issuing of the verdict in the NSU trial. This book traces the contours of a case that is still uncanny and shocking today. And it addresses what are still burning issues: the role of the authorities, the judicial system and the media & and the suffering of those affected. It establishes connections to the never-ending series of attacks. What impact does the NSU have on the right-wing scene today? People have been receiving menacing letters signed ?NSU 2.0= and have been threatened with details taken from police sources about their private lives & and once again the authorities seem to have been unable to identify the perpetrators for years. The NSU complex is a challenge for the country. The mammoth court trial and a whole series of investigative committees have made progress in clarifying it, but have by no means brought it to a conclusion. The authors of this book clearly show that the state and society must not simply draw a line under it.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Urbane Produktion

Urbane Produktion von Benke,  Carsten, Betker,  Frank, Bonny,  Hanns Werner, Eckmann,  Birte, Gärtner,  Stefan, Gornig,  Martin, Hertwig,  Michael, Holthey,  Linn, Kluft,  Sonja, Krueger,  Thomas, Lentes,  Joachim, Libbe,  Jens, Meyer,  Kerstin, Piegeler,  Monika, Schonlau,  Marcel, Smolka,  Susanne, Spars,  Guido, Wagner-Endres,  Sandra
Die Entwicklung neuer Produktions-, Transport- und Kommunikationstechnologien führt zu einem permanenten räumlichen Anpassungsprozess des Gewerbes in den Städten. In dem Band werden verschiedene Aspekte dieser aktuellen Struktur- und Standortveränderungen beleuchtet. Vorgestellt werden auch die Ergebnisse des durch das BMBF geförderten Forschungsprojekts "Gewerbe in der Stadt - Wandel im Bestand gestalten", in dem die Rahmenbedingungen und Prozesse untersucht wurden, welche eine Ansiedlung oder den Verbleib von Produktion in urbanen Lagen begünstigen. Das Buch wendet sich an Politik und Verwaltung in den Kommunen, an Entwickler von Gewerbeimmobilien sowie an die Stadtforschung.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *

„Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund“

„Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund“ von Basay-Yildiz,  Seda, Binninger,  Clemens, Daimagüler,  Mehmet Gürcan, Grumke,  Thomas, Hauser,  Thomas, Kramer,  Stephan J., Ramm,  Wiebke, Renner,  Martina, Schultz,  Tanjev, Simsek,  Abdul Kerim, Spars,  Guido, Wehrhahn,  Sebastian, Winkler,  Daniela
Even ten years after the discovery of the ?National Socialist Underground= (NSU) terrorist group, there are many questions that remain unanswered. Were there other accomplices? How were the victims and crime scenes selected? Are there any connections to further attacks? Halle, Hanau, the murder of Walter Lübcke & Germany has been shaken again and again by right-wing extremist attacks. And time and again, questions have arisen about the state=s responsibility & as with the NSU complex. Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Beate Zschäpe were able to live underground for many years. They were able to carry out robberies and murders for years without being stopped & the authorities seemed to be clueless, blaming the so-called ?doner-kebab murders= on the victims= milieu. How was that possible? The question is still an explosive one, even and especially after the issuing of the verdict in the NSU trial. This book traces the contours of a case that is still uncanny and shocking today. And it addresses what are still burning issues: the role of the authorities, the judicial system and the media & and the suffering of those affected. It establishes connections to the never-ending series of attacks. What impact does the NSU have on the right-wing scene today? People have been receiving menacing letters signed ?NSU 2.0= and have been threatened with details taken from police sources about their private lives & and once again the authorities seem to have been unable to identify the perpetrators for years. The NSU complex is a challenge for the country. The mammoth court trial and a whole series of investigative committees have made progress in clarifying it, but have by no means brought it to a conclusion. The authors of this book clearly show that the state and society must not simply draw a line under it.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Klimawandel – Klimakrise – Klimakollaps

Klimawandel – Klimakrise – Klimakollaps von Bubeck,  Philip, Hauser,  Thomas, Oltmer,  Jochen, Renn,  Ortwin, Schiffers,  Maximilian, Schultz,  Tanjev, Spars,  Guido, Thieken,  Annegret, Winkler,  Daniela, Zeccola,  Marc, Zellner,  Reinhard
The existence of man-made climate change, with dramatic effects on nature and the environment, can no longer be seriously disputed. However, so far there has been little research on the profound societal and social dislocations caused by climate change. Consensus-based democracy seems to be unable to cope with the pressure to act resulting from the climate crisis. At the same time, despite all evidence, the climate crisis is being denied or downplayed in some parts of society. As a result, urgently needed climate protection measures are only being implemented slowly. The discrepancy between the urgency of the problem and the sluggishness of society in the face of it raises a number of important questions. Daniela Winkler has brought together experts from various disciplines, who explore these issues in a readable and well-founded manner from a variety of perspectives.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *

Klimawandel – Klimakrise – Klimakollaps

Klimawandel – Klimakrise – Klimakollaps von Bubeck,  Philip, Hauser,  Thomas, Oltmer,  Jochen, Renn,  Ortwin, Schiffers,  Maximilian, Schultz,  Tanjev, Spars,  Guido, Thieken,  Annegret, Winkler,  Daniela, Zeccola,  Marc, Zellner,  Reinhard
The existence of man-made climate change, with dramatic effects on nature and the environment, can no longer be seriously disputed. However, so far there has been little research on the profound societal and social dislocations caused by climate change. Consensus-based democracy seems to be unable to cope with the pressure to act resulting from the climate crisis. At the same time, despite all evidence, the climate crisis is being denied or downplayed in some parts of society. As a result, urgently needed climate protection measures are only being implemented slowly. The discrepancy between the urgency of the problem and the sluggishness of society in the face of it raises a number of important questions. Daniela Winkler has brought together experts from various disciplines, who explore these issues in a readable and well-founded manner from a variety of perspectives.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *

Klimawandel – Klimakrise – Klimakollaps

Klimawandel – Klimakrise – Klimakollaps von Bubeck,  Philip, Hauser,  Thomas, Oltmer,  Jochen, Renn,  Ortwin, Schiffers,  Maximilian, Schultz,  Tanjev, Spars,  Guido, Thieken,  Annegret, Winkler,  Daniela, Zeccola,  Marc, Zellner,  Reinhard
The existence of man-made climate change, with dramatic effects on nature and the environment, can no longer be seriously disputed. However, so far there has been little research on the profound societal and social dislocations caused by climate change. Consensus-based democracy seems to be unable to cope with the pressure to act resulting from the climate crisis. At the same time, despite all evidence, the climate crisis is being denied or downplayed in some parts of society. As a result, urgently needed climate protection measures are only being implemented slowly. The discrepancy between the urgency of the problem and the sluggishness of society in the face of it raises a number of important questions. Daniela Winkler has brought together experts from various disciplines, who explore these issues in a readable and well-founded manner from a variety of perspectives.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *

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