Islam III

Islam III von Antes,  Peter, Arslan,  Hakki, Berger,  Lutz, Fuess,  Albrecht, Heine,  Peter, Hutter,  Manfred, Ilkiliç,  Ilhan, Langer,  Robert, Lohlker,  Rüdiger, Loimeier,  Roman, Malik,  Jamal, Özsoy,  Ömer, Rüpke,  Jörg, Schmidt,  Bettina, Schneider,  Irene, Schulze,  Fritz, Schulze,  Reinhard, Toprakyaran,  Erdal, von Kügelgen,  Anke, Yildirim,  Cüneyd
Islam today, with approximately 1.8 billion adherents, is a lively and fast-growing worldwide religious community. This third volume of the three-part presentation of Islam in the series ?Religions of the World= traces the religion=s historical development during the last 200 years and examines the issues of ?Islam and Modernity= and ?Islam in the Postcolonial Age=. These questions are linked to the current situation in Islamic regions and the Muslim diaspora, exploring the way in which Islam deals with the challenges of modernity; the search for the ?right path= (halal/haram); intercultural influences; the situation of non-Islamic minorities in the world of Islam; jihad, terror and martyrdom; and much more. An overview of topics in modern Islamic theology and philosophy, as well as interfaith dialogue, rounds off this lively account of the youngest of the world=s three monotheistic religions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Islam III

Islam III von Antes,  Peter, Arslan,  Hakki, Berger,  Lutz, Fuess,  Albrecht, Heine,  Peter, Hutter,  Manfred, Ilkiliç,  Ilhan, Langer,  Robert, Lohlker,  Rüdiger, Loimeier,  Roman, Malik,  Jamal, Özsoy,  Ömer, Rüpke,  Jörg, Schmidt,  Bettina, Schneider,  Irene, Schulze,  Fritz, Schulze,  Reinhard, Toprakyaran,  Erdal, von Kügelgen,  Anke, Yildirim,  Cüneyd
Islam today, with approximately 1.8 billion adherents, is a lively and fast-growing worldwide religious community. This third volume of the three-part presentation of Islam in the series ?Religions of the World= traces the religion=s historical development during the last 200 years and examines the issues of ?Islam and Modernity= and ?Islam in the Postcolonial Age=. These questions are linked to the current situation in Islamic regions and the Muslim diaspora, exploring the way in which Islam deals with the challenges of modernity; the search for the ?right path= (halal/haram); intercultural influences; the situation of non-Islamic minorities in the world of Islam; jihad, terror and martyrdom; and much more. An overview of topics in modern Islamic theology and philosophy, as well as interfaith dialogue, rounds off this lively account of the youngest of the world=s three monotheistic religions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Islam III

Islam III von Antes,  Peter, Arslan,  Hakki, Berger,  Lutz, Fuess,  Albrecht, Heine,  Peter, Hutter,  Manfred, Ilkiliç,  Ilhan, Langer,  Robert, Lohlker,  Rüdiger, Loimeier,  Roman, Malik,  Jamal, Özsoy,  Ömer, Rüpke,  Jörg, Schmidt,  Bettina, Schneider,  Irene, Schulze,  Fritz, Schulze,  Reinhard, Toprakyaran,  Erdal, von Kügelgen,  Anke, Yildirim,  Cüneyd
Islam today, with approximately 1.8 billion adherents, is a lively and fast-growing worldwide religious community. This third volume of the three-part presentation of Islam in the series ?Religions of the World= traces the religion=s historical development during the last 200 years and examines the issues of ?Islam and Modernity= and ?Islam in the Postcolonial Age=. These questions are linked to the current situation in Islamic regions and the Muslim diaspora, exploring the way in which Islam deals with the challenges of modernity; the search for the ?right path= (halal/haram); intercultural influences; the situation of non-Islamic minorities in the world of Islam; jihad, terror and martyrdom; and much more. An overview of topics in modern Islamic theology and philosophy, as well as interfaith dialogue, rounds off this lively account of the youngest of the world=s three monotheistic religions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Islam III

Islam III von Antes,  Peter, Arslan,  Hakki, Berger,  Lutz, Fuess,  Albrecht, Heine,  Peter, Hutter,  Manfred, Ilkiliç,  Ilhan, Kügelgen,  Anke von, Langer,  Robert, Lohlker,  Rüdiger, Loimeier,  Roman, Malik,  Jamal, Özsoy,  Ömer, Rüpke,  Jörg, Schmidt,  Bettina, Schneider,  Irene, Schulze,  Fritz, Schulze,  Reinhard, Toprakyaran,  Erdal, Yildirim,  Cüneyd
Islam today, with approximately 1.8 billion adherents, is a lively and fast-growing worldwide religious community. This third volume of the three-part presentation of Islam in the series ?Religions of the World= traces the religion=s historical development during the last 200 years and examines the issues of ?Islam and Modernity= and ?Islam in the Postcolonial Age=. These questions are linked to the current situation in Islamic regions and the Muslim diaspora, exploring the way in which Islam deals with the challenges of modernity; the search for the ?right path= (halal/haram); intercultural influences; the situation of non-Islamic minorities in the world of Islam; jihad, terror and martyrdom; and much more. An overview of topics in modern Islamic theology and philosophy, as well as interfaith dialogue, rounds off this lively account of the youngest of the world=s three monotheistic religions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Islam III

Islam III von Antes,  Peter, Arslan,  Hakki, Berger,  Lutz, Fuess,  Albrecht, Heine,  Peter, Hutter,  Manfred, Ilkiliç,  Ilhan, Kügelgen,  Anke von, Langer,  Robert, Lohlker,  Rüdiger, Loimeier,  Roman, Malik,  Jamal, Özsoy,  Ömer, Rüpke,  Jörg, Schmidt,  Bettina, Schneider,  Irene, Schulze,  Fritz, Schulze,  Reinhard, Toprakyaran,  Erdal, Yildirim,  Cüneyd
Islam today, with approximately 1.8 billion adherents, is a lively and fast-growing worldwide religious community. This third volume of the three-part presentation of Islam in the series ?Religions of the World= traces the religion=s historical development during the last 200 years and examines the issues of ?Islam and Modernity= and ?Islam in the Postcolonial Age=. These questions are linked to the current situation in Islamic regions and the Muslim diaspora, exploring the way in which Islam deals with the challenges of modernity; the search for the ?right path= (halal/haram); intercultural influences; the situation of non-Islamic minorities in the world of Islam; jihad, terror and martyrdom; and much more. An overview of topics in modern Islamic theology and philosophy, as well as interfaith dialogue, rounds off this lively account of the youngest of the world=s three monotheistic religions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Islam III

Islam III von Antes,  Peter, Arslan,  Hakki, Berger,  Lutz, Fuess,  Albrecht, Heine,  Peter, Hutter,  Manfred, Ilkiliç,  Ilhan, Langer,  Robert, Lohlker,  Rüdiger, Loimeier,  Roman, Malik,  Jamal, Özsoy,  Ömer, Rüpke,  Jörg, Schmidt,  Bettina, Schneider,  Irene, Schulze,  Fritz, Schulze,  Reinhard, Toprakyaran,  Erdal, von Kügelgen,  Anke, Yildirim,  Cüneyd
Islam today, with approximately 1.8 billion adherents, is a lively and fast-growing worldwide religious community. This third volume of the three-part presentation of Islam in the series ?Religions of the World= traces the religion=s historical development during the last 200 years and examines the issues of ?Islam and Modernity= and ?Islam in the Postcolonial Age=. These questions are linked to the current situation in Islamic regions and the Muslim diaspora, exploring the way in which Islam deals with the challenges of modernity; the search for the ?right path= (halal/haram); intercultural influences; the situation of non-Islamic minorities in the world of Islam; jihad, terror and martyrdom; and much more. An overview of topics in modern Islamic theology and philosophy, as well as interfaith dialogue, rounds off this lively account of the youngest of the world=s three monotheistic religions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Das osmanische Petitionswesen («mezalim») seit dem 18. Jahrhundert am Beispiel von Stadt und Provinz Trabzon

Das osmanische Petitionswesen («mezalim») seit dem 18. Jahrhundert am Beispiel von Stadt und Provinz Trabzon von Toprakyaran,  Erdal
In dieser Arbeit wird der Versuch unternommen, das osmanische Petitionswesen () seit dem 18. Jahrhundert im Allgemeinen und auch im Speziellen, nämlich am Beispiel von Stadt und Provinz Trabzon, näher zu beleuchten. Dabei wird die These vertreten, dass es im Osmanischen Reich durchaus eine Kontinuität der präosmanischen -Praxis gab. Die Osmanen haben aber das Petitionswesen nicht lediglich konserviert, sondern durch manche Innovationen, wie z. B. die Aufwertung der Kompetenzen des Kadis und die Einführung von Gesetzeskodizes und Petitionsregisterbüchern weiter bürokratisiert und rationalisiert. Die Studie basiert größtenteils auf bislang unveröffentlichtem Archivmaterial.
Aktualisiert: 2019-12-19
> findR *

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