
Litauen von Tutlys,  Vidmantas
Lithuania, a country of 2.8 million people, is a member state of the European Union (EU). A distinctive feature is that the country has been subject to several abrupt institutional changes. These include the Soviet occupation in the mid-20th century, the restoration of independence, the reconstruction of socio-economic institutions at the end of the 20th century, and access to the EU. In educational policy, Lithuania is oriented toward the development of the neoliberal market economy and the social cohesion goals of the EU. Strategically, the goal is to reach the standards of economic development of the post-industrial economy of Western Europe. The orientation of vocational training policy is aimed at social cohesion and follows the European social model. The publication is part of the International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. This standard work in comparative vocational education and training research is intended for an academic audience as well as vocational education and training practice.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *


Litauen von Tutlys,  Vidmantas
Lithuania, a country of 2.8 million people, is a member state of the European Union (EU). A distinctive feature is that the country has been subject to several abrupt institutional changes. These include the Soviet occupation in the mid-20th century, the restoration of independence, the reconstruction of socio-economic institutions at the end of the 20th century, and access to the EU. In educational policy, Lithuania is oriented toward the development of the neoliberal market economy and the social cohesion goals of the EU. Strategically, the goal is to reach the standards of economic development of the post-industrial economy of Western Europe. The orientation of vocational training policy is aimed at social cohesion and follows the European social model. The publication is part of the International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. This standard work in comparative vocational education and training research is intended for an academic audience as well as vocational education and training practice.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *


Litauen von Tutlys,  Vidmantas
Lithuania, a country of 2.8 million people, is a member state of the European Union (EU). A distinctive feature is that the country has been subject to several abrupt institutional changes. These include the Soviet occupation in the mid-20th century, the restoration of independence, the reconstruction of socio-economic institutions at the end of the 20th century, and access to the EU. In educational policy, Lithuania is oriented toward the development of the neoliberal market economy and the social cohesion goals of the EU. Strategically, the goal is to reach the standards of economic development of the post-industrial economy of Western Europe. The orientation of vocational training policy is aimed at social cohesion and follows the European social model. The publication is part of the International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. This standard work in comparative vocational education and training research is intended for an academic audience as well as vocational education and training practice.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *


Litauen von Tutlys,  Vidmantas
Lithuania, a country of 2.8 million people, is a member state of the European Union (EU). A distinctive feature is that the country has been subject to several abrupt institutional changes. These include the Soviet occupation in the mid-20th century, the restoration of independence, the reconstruction of socio-economic institutions at the end of the 20th century, and access to the EU. In educational policy, Lithuania is oriented toward the development of the neoliberal market economy and the social cohesion goals of the EU. Strategically, the goal is to reach the standards of economic development of the post-industrial economy of Western Europe. The orientation of vocational training policy is aimed at social cohesion and follows the European social model. The publication is part of the International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. This standard work in comparative vocational education and training research is intended for an academic audience as well as vocational education and training practice.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *


Litauen von Spöttl,  Georg, Tutlys,  Vidmantas
Litauen, ein Land mit 2,8 Millionen Einwohnern, ist ein Mitgliedsstaat der Europäischen Union (EU). Eine Besonderheit ist, dass das Land mehreren abrupten institutionellen Veränderungen ausgesetzt war. Dazu zählen die sowjetische Besetzung Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts, die Wiederherstellung der Unabhängigkeit, der Wiederaufbau der sozioökonomischen Institutionen am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts und der Beitritt zur EU. In der Bildungspolitik orientiert sich Litauen an der Entwicklung der neoliberalen Marktwirtschaft und an den Zielen des sozialen Zusammenhalts der EU. Strategisch wird angestrebt, die Standards der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der postindustriellen Ökonomie Westeuropas zu erreichen. Die Ausrichtung der Berufsbildungspolitik zielt dabei auf den sozialen Zusammenhalt und folgt dem europäischen Sozialmodell. Die Publikation ist Teil des Internationalen Handbuchs der Berufsbildung. Das Standardwerk der vergleichenden Berufsbildungsforschung richtet sich an ein wissenschaftliches Publikum sowie die Berufsbildungspraxis."
Aktualisiert: 2022-01-31
> findR *

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