The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-25
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
Die digitalen Formen und Formationen der Kommunikation stellen die gesellschaftliche Streitkultur vor neue Herausforderungen. Die von Jürgen Habermas für den demokratischen Diskurs formulierten Ansprüche auf Wahrheit, Richtigkeit und Wahrhaftigkeit scheinen im öffentlichen Raum an Relevanz eingebüßt zu haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht der Band das Thema Streitkulturen im Blick auf Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft des öffentlichen und demokratischen Diskurses: Wie wurde gestritten? Wie wird gestritten? Wie könnte und wie sollte gestritten werden? Im interdisziplinären Gespräch untersucht der Band aus kommunikations- und medienethischer Perspektive Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten, wie unter sich verändernden medialen Bedingungen eine verständigungsorientierte, tolerante und demokratische Kommunikation gestaltet werden kann, um Konflikte konstruktiv zu bewältigen.
Mit Beiträgen von
Carsten Brosda, Andreas Büsch, Philip Dietrich, Philipp Dreesen, Alexander Filipovic, Rüdiger Funiok, Christian Gürtler, Hektor Haarkötter, Johanna Haberer, Otfried Jarren, Thomas Knieper, Julia Krasselt, Horst Pöttker, Marlis Prinzing, Cindy Ricarda Roberts, Wolfgang Ruppert, Christian Schicha, Fabian Wiedel, Thomas Zeilinger etc.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-11
> findR *
Die digitalen Formen und Formationen der Kommunikation stellen die gesellschaftliche Streitkultur vor neue Herausforderungen. Die von Jürgen Habermas für den demokratischen Diskurs formulierten Ansprüche auf Wahrheit, Richtigkeit und Wahrhaftigkeit scheinen im öffentlichen Raum an Relevanz eingebüßt zu haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht der Band das Thema Streitkulturen im Blick auf Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft des öffentlichen und demokratischen Diskurses: Wie wurde gestritten? Wie wird gestritten? Wie könnte und wie sollte gestritten werden? Im interdisziplinären Gespräch untersucht der Band aus kommunikations- und medienethischer Perspektive Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten, wie unter sich verändernden medialen Bedingungen eine verständigungsorientierte, tolerante und demokratische Kommunikation gestaltet werden kann, um Konflikte konstruktiv zu bewältigen.
Mit Beiträgen von
Carsten Brosda, Andreas Büsch, Philip Dietrich, Philipp Dreesen, Alexander Filipovic, Rüdiger Funiok, Christian Gürtler, Hektor Haarkötter, Johanna Haberer, Otfried Jarren, Thomas Knieper, Julia Krasselt, Horst Pöttker, Marlis Prinzing, Cindy Ricarda Roberts, Wolfgang Ruppert, Christian Schicha, Fabian Wiedel, Thomas Zeilinger etc.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-11
> findR *
Die digitalen Formen und Formationen der Kommunikation stellen die gesellschaftliche Streitkultur vor neue Herausforderungen. Die von Jürgen Habermas für den demokratischen Diskurs formulierten Ansprüche auf Wahrheit, Richtigkeit und Wahrhaftigkeit scheinen im öffentlichen Raum an Relevanz eingebüßt zu haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht der Band das Thema Streitkulturen im Blick auf Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft des öffentlichen und demokratischen Diskurses: Wie wurde gestritten? Wie wird gestritten? Wie könnte und wie sollte gestritten werden? Im interdisziplinären Gespräch untersucht der Band aus kommunikations- und medienethischer Perspektive Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten, wie unter sich verändernden medialen Bedingungen eine verständigungsorientierte, tolerante und demokratische Kommunikation gestaltet werden kann, um Konflikte konstruktiv zu bewältigen.
Mit Beiträgen von
Carsten Brosda, Andreas Büsch, Philip Dietrich, Philipp Dreesen, Alexander Filipovic, Rüdiger Funiok, Christian Gürtler, Hektor Haarkötter, Johanna Haberer, Otfried Jarren, Thomas Knieper, Julia Krasselt, Horst Pöttker, Marlis Prinzing, Cindy Ricarda Roberts, Wolfgang Ruppert, Christian Schicha, Fabian Wiedel, Thomas Zeilinger etc.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broadcasting companies alone; instead, anyone can now communicate publicly through social media. In addition, communications can also be created by machines & such as social bots, for example. These countless changes in the field of media and communication are giving rise to ethical questions that go far beyond the traditional topics of media ethics such as the ethics of journalism, and pose new moral and legal challenges to society and institutions such as the Church. This volume analyses and discusses these developments from the points of view of theological media ethics.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Jonas Bedford-Strohm,
Thomas Bohrmann,
Michael Braunschweig,
Alexander Filipovic,
Dion Forster,
Stephen Garner,
Franz Grubauer,
Johanna Haberer,
Florian Höhne,
Volker Jung,
Peter Kirchschläger,
Inge Kirsner,
Jonas Kurlberg,
Joylon Mitchell,
Ilona Nord,
Roland Rosenstock,
Christine Schliesser,
Eric Stoddart,
Ines Sura,
Gotlind Ulshöfer,
Monika Wilhelm,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-12
> findR *
Soziale Netzwerke, Web-Logs und Wikis – das Web 2.0 wird zunehmend von Menschen in ihren Alltag integriert. Wie gestaltet sich die Kommunikation in virtuellen Räumen und die Verknüpfung von Online- und Offline-Lebenskontexten? Verändern sich das Selbst-, Welt- und schließlich das Gottesverständnis des Einzelnen durch die lebensweltliche Präsenz der Social Media? Und vor welchen Herausforderungen steht damit die kirchliche Praxis? Die Beiträge dieses interdisziplinären Tagungsbandes untersuchen, wie in und durch das Web 2.0 Menschenbilder, Kommunikationsweisen und Wertvorstellungen transformiert werden. Die gemeinsame Leitfrage nach dem Personsein im Web 2.0 führt zu Impulsen für eine „Theologie der Social Media“, welche zu entwerfen eine der wichtigsten theologischen Herausforderungen der Gegenwart ist.
Aktualisiert: 2020-03-04
Christina Costanza,
Christoph Dahling-Sander,
Vera Dreyer,
Christina Ernst,
Alexander Filipovic,
Christoph Gieseler,
Karsten Kopjar,
Anne-Kathrin Lück,
Konstanze Marx,
Andrea Mayer-Edoloeyi,
Thomas Zeilinger
> findR *
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