Amphitheater Trier I
Ausgrabungen und Forschungen 1816-1996 mit Auszügen aus Skizzenbüchern und Grabungsakten der Jahre 1816-1996
Evamarie Bange-Goddard, Bruno Kremer, Hans-Peter Kuhnen, Stefan F. Pfahl, Bauer Sibylle, Marcus Thiel
The Roman amphitheatre of Trier at the eastern edge of the city became integrated into the Late Roman city wall, was one of the first monuments of Roman Germany ever to be excavated, and has formed part of the UNESCO World Heritage site of Trier since 1986. 200 years after the earliest excavations this is now the first volume of two of the final scholarly publication of the building and its surroundings. The first volume contains an introduction [Kuhnen], an English summary, five papers, excerpts from sketchbooks and excavation documents of 1816-1996, a bibliography, a list of important constructive components and features, concordances, abbreviations, and picture credits. The five contributions deal with problems and results after 200 years of excavation and research [Kuhnen], with the arena, its cellar, and the city wall according to the 1891-1912 campaigns [Bauer], with the drainage canal [Kremer, Thiel], with the cavea, the carceres, and the vomitoria according to the excavations between 1923 and 1979 [Bange-Goddard] as well as with the surroundings of the amphitheatre [Pfahl, Thiel].