Further Vocational Training Energy Service Manager von .,  Baltic Sea Academy, Hogeforster,  Jürgen, Hogeforster,  Max, Keinke,  Kamilia

Further Vocational Training Energy Service Manager

A rising need for energy-saving solutions and the use of renewable energies has become particularly urgent in some Baltic Sea countries, given a high proportion of old buildings in need of renovation. For instance, in Latvia, 99% of existing buildings were built with very poor energy efficiency standards before 1993. In order to reach the EU energy 2020 goals, according to the ‚Build up skills’national reports, in some EU member states the percentage of skilled workers has to be raised by up to 50%. Partners from Estonia, Germany, Hungary and Poland teamed up, to tackle this issue and develop and implement a further training course for Energy Service Managers, based on the specific needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A compact course of 80 training hours has been designed as well as a comprehensive course of about 300 training hours. The background information, concept, curricula, including a train-the-trainer program, evaluation and experiences with this course is shared in this publication.

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Die Publikation Further Vocational Training Energy Service Manager von , , , ist bei BoD – Books on Demand, BoD – Books on Demand GmbH, Books on Demand erschienen. Die Publikation ist mit folgenden Schlagwörtern verschlagwortet: Curricula, Energy Service Manager, Train-the-Trainer, veste, vocational training. Weitere Bücher, Themenseiten, Autoren und Verlage finden Sie hier: https://buch-findr.de/sitemap_index.xml . Auf Buch FindR finden Sie eine umfassendsten Bücher und Publikationlisten im Internet. Sie können die Bücher und Publikationen direkt bestellen. Ferner bieten wir ein umfassendes Verzeichnis aller Verlagsanschriften inkl. Email und Telefonnummer und Adressen. Die Publikation kostet in Deutschland 17.99 EUR und in Österreich 18.5 EUR Für Informationen zum Angebot von Buch FindR nehmen Sie gerne mit uns Kontakt auf!