Handbuch Kindheit, Technik und das Digitale
Ben Bachmair, David M. Berry, Rita Braches-Chyrek, Sonja Ganguin, Julia Gottschalk, Heinz Hengst, Claudia Henrichwark, Martina Hessler, Thomas Irion, Andreas Lange, Ester McGeeney, Volker Mehringer, Marius Melzer, Jo Moran-Ellis, Lydia Murmann, Konstanze N’Guessan, Stefan Paulus, Stefan Poser, Bianca Prietl, Eva Reichert-Garschhammer, Charlotte Röhner, Uwe Sander, Christina Schachtner, Friedhelm Schütte, Heinz Sünker, Rachel Thomson, Claudia Zerle-Elsäßer
In recent years media and digital transformations have taken place at a rapid pace, especially in late modern capitalist societies. Do these developments also lead to fundamental changes in children’s lives and experiences? And if so, in which way and with which consequences? Although these questions are socially and pedagogically significant, changes in children’s life and life situations through technology in terms of their consequences for child subjectivity have been little studied in German-speaking childhood research. The handbook provides a systematic overview of central connections and the interdisciplinary discourses.