Lutherjahrbuch 80. Jahrgang 2013
Organ der internationalen Lutherforschung
Phillip Anderas, Christopher B. Brown, Christoph Burger, Theodor Dieter, Irene Dingel, Mary Jane Haemig, Christine Helmer, Bo Kristian Holm, Eero Huovinen, Roger Jensen, Pekka Kärkkäinen, Ulrich Köpf, Pilgrim Wing Kwong Lo, Mark C. Mattes, Matthias Mikoteit, James Arne Nestingen, Kirsten Busch Nielsen, Friederike Nüssel, Michael Plathow, Tarald Rasmussen, Ricardo Willy Rieth, Miikka Ruokanen, Risto Saarinen, Augustinus Sander, Brooks Schramm, Jens Schröter, Notger Slenczka, Christopher Spehr, Kirsi I. Stjerna, Wolfgang Thönissen, Anna Vind, Else Marie Wiberg Pedersen, Andrew Wilson, Markus Wriedt
The Lutherjahrbuch 2013 serves as report of the 12. International Congress for the Research on Luther, that took place in Helsinki on 5.-11.8. 2012. It contains the manifold presentations and seminar reports in German and in English language. Furthermore the yearbook provides reviews of the important new publications on Luther and Reformation. Also part of the Lutherjahrbuch is the Luther-bibliography, that lists continuously new releases on Luther and his impact until today. Therefore this yearbook is a most powerful tool for the entire research on Luther.