Eine Einführung in ihre Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder
Anja Achtziger, Martin Baumann, Katja Beesdo-Baum, Jan Born, Frank Borsch, Matthias Brand, Veronika Brandstätter, Maike M. Breuer, Claus-Christian Carbon, Dietrich Dörner, Joachim Funke, Andreas Gold, Peter M. Gollwitzer, C. Dominik Güss, Manfred Hallschmid, Timo Heydasch, Josef F. Krems, Oliver Lauenstein, Stefan Lautenbacher, Lothar Laux, Helmut E. Lück, Bernd Marcus, Klaus Moser, Gerhild Nieding, Peter Ohler, Karsten I. Paul, Henning Plessner, Hans Reinecker, Frank Renkewitz, Karl-Heinz Renner, Katrin Rentzsch, Klaus Rothermund, Udo Rudolph, Thomas Schaefer, Franz J. Schermer, Ute Schmid, Astrid Schütz, Peter Sedlmeier, Herbert Selg, Siegfried L Sporer, Daniel Spurk, Thomas Teubel, Manja Vollmann, Judith Volmer, Eva Walther, Hannelore Weber, Rebecca Weil, Sabine Weinert, Bettina Wiese, Jörg Wolstein, Peter Wühr
The introduction into psychology explores new developments, methodical extensions and current trends in psychology.
Based on the guidelines of the DGPs, all relevant basics and areas of applications, as well as fields of activities for Bachelor and Master students and those, who are practising, are being introduced.
Renowned scientists are demonstrating the status of research using current findings and are explaining the approaches of the respective sub-disciplines. Examples are utilised to illustrate applications in actual cases and food for thought at the end of each chapter is to encourage a more in-depth consideration.