Re-Visionen des Displays
Elena Filipovic, Jennifer John, Roswitha Muttenthaler, Dorothee Richter, Stefan Römer, Sigrid Schade, Simone Schardt, Annette Schindler, Wolf Schmelter, Yvonne Volkart, Beatrice von Bismarck, Axel John Wieder
This publication brings together different contributions by professionals from various areas of exhibition production. The chief aim is to explore exhibition display, which is to be understood here not merely as „surface“ and impact design, but as part of a media compound in which all elements contribute consciously or unconsciously to the production of meaning. Today, exhibitions are considered a cultural practice which conveys values and norms and thus, implicitly, ideological concepts. Taking the display into consideration in a critical „reading“ of exhibitions helps to shed light on relationships previously overlooked —between objects and space, text and image, the route through the exhibition and the public, information and emotional impact, stimulus satiation and participation, staging and resistant reception, communication media and information, art and commodity, ennoblement and contextualization. With texts by Beatrice von Bismarck, Elena Filipovic, Roswitha Muttenthaler, Dorothee Richter, Stefan Römer, Simone Schardt, Wolf Schmelter, Annette Schindler, Yvonne Volkart, and Axel John Wieder.
Published with Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts, MAS Curating, ICS, ZHDK, and the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich.