UntertitelLeft Hand
Autoren BiografieAlexander Kostin was born in 1970 in Lutsk, Ukraine. At the age ot 15, he won first prize in the violin category and the overall Grand Prix of Concertino Prague. He completed his studies in Kiev and Moscow and performed as a soloist with numerous orchestras in the Soviet Union. Alexander Kostin was a member of the famous Moscow Soloists Orchester under the direction of Juri Bashmet. Kostin's passion and sincere concept of teaching were highly appreciated and he became the youngest assistant at the Moscow State Conservatory. In 1998, Kostin moved to Munich, Germany where he started to work at the Bavarian State Opera and continued teaching the violin. Among his students are winners of international music competitions and tenured members of several renowned European orchestras. Inspired by the medical studies of his wife and ascertains Korean movement theory, Kostin established a unique teaching technique based on anatomy and neurophysiology., Kostin's method ascertains that the repetition of rudimentary movements has an impact on reflexive responses and changes structures within the brain.
Letzte Bearbeitung2021-02-15
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