Sachsen – Eine Hochburg des Rechtsextremismus?
Uwe Backes, Oliver Decker, Lukas del Giudice, Nick Ebner, Sebastian Gräfe, Anna-Maria Haase, Grit Hanneforth, Maik Herold, Steffen Kailitz, Lea Knopf, Piotr Kocyba, Maximilian Kreter, Tom Mannewitz, Lazaros Miliopoulos, Michael Nattke, Gert Pickel, André Postert, Steven Schäller, Julia Schüler, Tom Thieme, Bernd Wagner, Max Weber, Alexander Yendell
In many cases, the Free State of Saxony is seen as a stronghold of right-wing extremism and right-wing populism with prominent results of far-right parties, distinct xenophobic violent scenes and brisk right street protest. By drawing interregional comparisons with western as well as eastern countries, the authors of this volume test the “stronghold Saxony”-thesis on all levels (attitudes, voting behaviour, protest cultures, militant scenes, discourses, ideologies). Thereby, they are looking for potential causes of possible saxon particularities. This volume creates thus a multifaceted picture of right-wing extremism and right-wing populism in Saxony.