Zwischen theologischem Dissens und politischer Duldung
Religionsgespräche der Frühen Neuzeit
Kenneth Appold, Gisa Bauer, Kestutis Daugirdas, Irene Dingel, Daniel Gehrt, Friedhelm Gleiß, Johannes Hund, Armin Kohnle, Yves Krumenacker, Volker Leppin, Christoph Nebgen, Peter Neuner, Kathrin Paasch, Miriam Rose, Astrid von Schlachta, Alexander Schunka, Christopher Spehr, Martina Thomsen, Ulrich A. Wien
With foundations in medieval times, religious conversations became a powerful control instrument of religious and confessional politics, which was meant as a remedy to inner-Christian and inner-confessional quarrels in the aftermath of the Reformation (16/17th century). From different confessional angles this volume deals with these often transient but highly influential religious conversations at the intersections of Theology and Politics.