This volume presents the first critical edition of the preserved part of the cartulary of the St Paulus Monastery at Mount Latros (Latmos, Asia Minor, near Miletus), which part has survived only as an “exercise copy” of the notary of the Patriarchate of Constantinople Ioannes Chortasmenos in his miscellaneous codex Vaticanus Urbinas graecus 80 from the beginning of the 15th century and contains documents from the 10th century until 1246/1254. It is one of the basic, for some aspects even the only source for the history of the Maeander estuary and its surrounding area. Since the cartulary transmits documents of emperors and patriarchs as well, the critical edition provides new insight into aspects of Byzantine diplomatics (a. o. collected documents copy and the praxis of hypomnesis and imperial lysis).
This critical edition was a long missing research desideratum since the earlier edition of Franz Miklosich and Joseph Müller from 1871 (volume IV of the Acta et Diplomata Graeca Medii Aevi Sacra et Profana) was published in great hurry and without technical facilities necessary for reading the script in the parts that were affected by water damage. Thus, the present critical edition is based upon an autoptic collation with UV light in the Vatican library and upon special UV photographs – providing numerous corrections and additions to the previous edition.
The edition is structured according to the edition scheme of the register of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the following way: detailed introduction into the codex unicus, Greek text edition with synoptic German translation, appendix about the practice of the scribe Chortasmenos and detailed word register.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
This volume presents the first critical edition of the preserved part of the cartulary of the St Paulus Monastery at Mount Latros (Latmos, Asia Minor, near Miletus), which part has survived only as an “exercise copy” of the notary of the Patriarchate of Constantinople Ioannes Chortasmenos in his miscellaneous codex Vaticanus Urbinas graecus 80 from the beginning of the 15th century and contains documents from the 10th century until 1246/1254. It is one of the basic, for some aspects even the only source for the history of the Maeander estuary and its surrounding area. Since the cartulary transmits documents of emperors and patriarchs as well, the critical edition provides new insight into aspects of Byzantine diplomatics (a. o. collected documents copy and the praxis of hypomnesis and imperial lysis).
This critical edition was a long missing research desideratum since the earlier edition of Franz Miklosich and Joseph Müller from 1871 (volume IV of the Acta et Diplomata Graeca Medii Aevi Sacra et Profana) was published in great hurry and without technical facilities necessary for reading the script in the parts that were affected by water damage. Thus, the present critical edition is based upon an autoptic collation with UV light in the Vatican library and upon special UV photographs – providing numerous corrections and additions to the previous edition.
The edition is structured according to the edition scheme of the register of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the following way: detailed introduction into the codex unicus, Greek text edition with synoptic German translation, appendix about the practice of the scribe Chortasmenos and detailed word register.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
This volume presents the first critical edition of the preserved part of the cartulary of the St Paulus Monastery at Mount Latros (Latmos, Asia Minor, near Miletus), which part has survived only as an “exercise copy” of the notary of the Patriarchate of Constantinople Ioannes Chortasmenos in his miscellaneous codex Vaticanus Urbinas graecus 80 from the beginning of the 15th century and contains documents from the 10th century until 1246/1254. It is one of the basic, for some aspects even the only source for the history of the Maeander estuary and its surrounding area. Since the cartulary transmits documents of emperors and patriarchs as well, the critical edition provides new insight into aspects of Byzantine diplomatics (a. o. collected documents copy and the praxis of hypomnesis and imperial lysis).
This critical edition was a long missing research desideratum since the earlier edition of Franz Miklosich and Joseph Müller from 1871 (volume IV of the Acta et Diplomata Graeca Medii Aevi Sacra et Profana) was published in great hurry and without technical facilities necessary for reading the script in the parts that were affected by water damage. Thus, the present critical edition is based upon an autoptic collation with UV light in the Vatican library and upon special UV photographs – providing numerous corrections and additions to the previous edition.
The edition is structured according to the edition scheme of the register of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the following way: detailed introduction into the codex unicus, Greek text edition with synoptic German translation, appendix about the practice of the scribe Chortasmenos and detailed word register.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
This volume presents the first critical edition of the preserved part of the cartulary of the St Paulus Monastery at Mount Latros (Latmos, Asia Minor, near Miletus), which part has survived only as an “exercise copy” of the notary of the Patriarchate of Constantinople Ioannes Chortasmenos in his miscellaneous codex Vaticanus Urbinas graecus 80 from the beginning of the 15th century and contains documents from the 10th century until 1246/1254. It is one of the basic, for some aspects even the only source for the history of the Maeander estuary and its surrounding area. Since the cartulary transmits documents of emperors and patriarchs as well, the critical edition provides new insight into aspects of Byzantine diplomatics (a. o. collected documents copy and the praxis of hypomnesis and imperial lysis).
This critical edition was a long missing research desideratum since the earlier edition of Franz Miklosich and Joseph Müller from 1871 (volume IV of the Acta et Diplomata Graeca Medii Aevi Sacra et Profana) was published in great hurry and without technical facilities necessary for reading the script in the parts that were affected by water damage. Thus, the present critical edition is based upon an autoptic collation with UV light in the Vatican library and upon special UV photographs – providing numerous corrections and additions to the previous edition.
The edition is structured according to the edition scheme of the register of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the following way: detailed introduction into the codex unicus, Greek text edition with synoptic German translation, appendix about the practice of the scribe Chortasmenos and detailed word register.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
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