Pädagogik und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Pandemie

Pädagogik und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Pandemie von Baar,  Robert, Bergold-Caldwell ,  Denise, Boger,  Mai-Anh, Brückner,  Margrit, Gaßmann,  Annegret, Glammeier,  Sandra, Grenz,  Frauke, Grunau,  Thomas, Günster,  Anne, Hartmann,  Anna, Kampshoff,  Marita, Kleinau,  Elke, Kourabas,  Veronika, Langer,  Antje, Mahs,  Claudia, Schubert,  Ina, Thon,  Christine, Windheuser,  Jeannette
During the Corona pandemic, many topics became the subject of public debates that have long preoccupied educational science in general and women's and gender studies in particular: Reproduction of social inequality in educational contexts, unequal distribution of care work, marginalization of non-heteronormative lifestyles, and many more. In the pandemic, the struggle for a return to "normality" is omnipresent. The contributions to this volume show, from the perspectives of gender theory and educational science, that this normality is part of the conditions of the crisis itself and that a return to such normality would perpetuate existing relations of power.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Pädagogik und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Pandemie

Pädagogik und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Pandemie von Baar,  Robert, Bergold-Caldwell ,  Denise, Boger,  Mai-Anh, Brückner,  Margrit, Gaßmann,  Annegret, Glammeier,  Sandra, Grenz,  Frauke, Grunau,  Thomas, Günster,  Anne, Hartmann,  Anna, Kampshoff,  Marita, Kleinau,  Elke, Kourabas,  Veronika, Langer,  Antje, Mahs,  Claudia, Schubert,  Ina, Thon,  Christine, Windheuser,  Jeannette
During the Corona pandemic, many topics became the subject of public debates that have long preoccupied educational science in general and women's and gender studies in particular: Reproduction of social inequality in educational contexts, unequal distribution of care work, marginalization of non-heteronormative lifestyles, and many more. In the pandemic, the struggle for a return to "normality" is omnipresent. The contributions to this volume show, from the perspectives of gender theory and educational science, that this normality is part of the conditions of the crisis itself and that a return to such normality would perpetuate existing relations of power.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-25
> findR *

Pädagogik und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Pandemie

Pädagogik und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Pandemie von Baar,  Robert, Bergold-Caldwell ,  Denise, Boger,  Mai-Anh, Brückner,  Margrit, Gaßmann,  Annegret, Glammeier,  Sandra, Grenz,  Frauke, Grunau,  Thomas, Günster,  Anne, Hartmann,  Anna, Kampshoff,  Marita, Kleinau,  Elke, Kourabas,  Veronika, Langer,  Antje, Mahs,  Claudia, Schubert,  Ina, Thon,  Christine, Windheuser,  Jeannette
During the Corona pandemic, many topics became the subject of public debates that have long preoccupied educational science in general and women's and gender studies in particular: Reproduction of social inequality in educational contexts, unequal distribution of care work, marginalization of non-heteronormative lifestyles, and many more. In the pandemic, the struggle for a return to "normality" is omnipresent. The contributions to this volume show, from the perspectives of gender theory and educational science, that this normality is part of the conditions of the crisis itself and that a return to such normality would perpetuate existing relations of power.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *

Pädagogik und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Pandemie

Pädagogik und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Pandemie von Baar,  Robert, Bergold-Caldwell ,  Denise, Boger,  Mai-Anh, Brückner,  Margrit, Gaßmann,  Annegret, Glammeier,  Sandra, Grenz,  Frauke, Grunau,  Thomas, Günster,  Anne, Hartmann,  Anna, Kampshoff,  Marita, Kleinau,  Elke, Kourabas,  Veronika, Langer,  Antje, Mahs,  Claudia, Schubert,  Ina, Thon,  Christine, Windheuser,  Jeannette
During the Corona pandemic, many topics became the subject of public debates that have long preoccupied educational science in general and women's and gender studies in particular: Reproduction of social inequality in educational contexts, unequal distribution of care work, marginalization of non-heteronormative lifestyles, and many more. In the pandemic, the struggle for a return to "normality" is omnipresent. The contributions to this volume show, from the perspectives of gender theory and educational science, that this normality is part of the conditions of the crisis itself and that a return to such normality would perpetuate existing relations of power.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *

Der Einfluss verschiedener Volumenersatzmittel und kontinuierlicher venovenöser Hämofiltration (CVVH)im gesunden Schweinemodell auf die klinische Chemie und die Histopathologie der Leber

Der Einfluss verschiedener Volumenersatzmittel und kontinuierlicher venovenöser Hämofiltration (CVVH)im gesunden Schweinemodell auf die klinische Chemie und die Histopathologie der Leber von Brunk,  Sabrina
"The influence of different volume replacement fluids and continuous venovenous haemofiltration (CVVH) in a healthy pig model on the clinical chemistry and the histopathology of the liver" The treatment of critically ill patients poses great challenges to medicine. The often multimorbid patients are subjected to a multitude of therapy components, which, in addition to anaesthesia, medication and parenteral nutrition, also include the administration of crystalloid or colloid volume substitutes and the use of extracorporeal organ-supporting systems. In clinical studies, usually only individual therapy components are considered and different concomitant therapies such as infusion management and the associated possible biocompatibility-related interactions are disregarded, which leads to contradictory results or makes comparability almost impossible. Against this background, this animal experimental study in healthy pigs (n = 66) investigated volume replacement-specific effects of crystalloid and colloidal infusion solutions, with concomitant use of a venovenous haemofiltration circuit (CVVH) on blood chemistry and histopathological changes in the liver. The experimental animals were randomly divided into control and CVVH groups and then assigned to five volume replacement agents (NaCl, HES130, HES200, albumin (ALB), gelatin (GEL)). The CVVH animals were connected to a haemofiltration circuit for a total of 6.5 hours and received an infusion of the volume replacement agent corresponding to their group during the entire time. Extensive measurements of blood parameters (electrolytes, creatinine, urea, blood proteins, colloid osmotic pressure, lactate, liver enzymes) were carried out at five defined time points. Immediately after the end of the experiment, the animals were euthanised. The livers were evaluated for signs of altered hepatic microcirculation and possible hepatocellular damage according to a histological scoring system. Overall, the blood parameters remained largely within the physiological ranges. Higher chloride levels in the control and CVVH groups (NaCl, HES130, HES200) and higher sodium levels (NaCl, HES130, HES200, GEL) were related to the composition of the volume replacement fluid. Significantly higher creatinine values in the animals infused with GEL compared to the control and a divergent behaviour of the two HES preparations could be an indication of poorer creatinine clearance in the CVVH-GEL group. An increase in glucose concentration after bolus infusion, which was only observed in the two HES preparations, could be explained by the degradation pathway of the HES molecules to glucose. The consistently lower protein and albumin concentrations of the artificial colloids (HES130, HES200, GEL) compared to the ALB group, which were below baseline, indicated an influence on albumin homeostasis in the liver due to application of the artificial colloids. Histopathological evaluation showed a lower degree of portal field oedema in all CVVH groups compared to their controls. Furthermore, the CVVH groups of NaCl, ALB and GEL showed significantly lower scores in the widening of the spaces of Disse and sinusoidal blood stasis compared to their controls. The two HES preparations behaved divergently. However, without a measurement of intrahepatic pressures and portal flow rates, the interpretation of these results is limited. In addition to improved haemodynamics under CVVH, a biocompatibility reaction with leukocyte activation, cytokine release and subsequent vasoconstriction must also be considered in view of the higher leukocyte counts with NaCl, ALB, GEL. All CVVH groups showed a lower degree of hepatocellular vacuolisation in favour of a more pronounced oedematisation compared to their controls. This was interpreted as a lower affection of the liver cells, which was additionally reflected in blood chemistry by a lower release of AST in the animals of the HES130 and GEL group. Regrouping the experimental animals according to their mean histological score values (0-3), independent of the volume replacement fluid, showed that higher enzyme values tended to be associated with greater hepatocellular vacuolisation (AST) and greater hepatocellular oedematisation (ALT, LDH). An exclusive storage of HES molecules in the vacuoles of the liver cells could thus be disproved. Overall, this animal study was able to show that the choice of volume replacement with simultaneous use of CVVH can lead to different biocompatibility reactions. In view of the small differences in the healthy pig model, which were already evident within a few hours, it seems advisable to consider corresponding protocol aspects in the design of future preclinical studies and to include this factor in corresponding multivariate analyses for clinical studies.
Aktualisiert: 2022-07-14
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Theoretische und praktische Entwicklung einer aufgeklebten CFK Stahlbetonverstärkung unter Berücksichtigung der vollständigen Kompatibilität zum Betonstahl

Theoretische und praktische Entwicklung einer aufgeklebten CFK Stahlbetonverstärkung unter Berücksichtigung der vollständigen Kompatibilität zum Betonstahl von Sedlmair,  Roman
Bauteile aus Stahl- oder Spannbeton zeigen oftmals Defizite oder Schäden, die zu der Notwendigkeit einer Verstärkungsmaßnahme führen. Eine hierbei häufig angewandte Methode ist die Verstärkung mit aufgeklebten CFK-Lamellen. In dieser Arbeit wird diese Verstärkungsmethode grundlegend modifiziert. Sie unterscheidet sich durch den verwendeten Klebstoff von den derzeit üblichen Systemen und zeichnet sich durch auf den Stahlbeton abgestimmte Verformungs- und Verbundeigenschaften aus. Components made of reinforced or pre-stressed concrete often show deficits or damage that lead to the necessity of a strengthening action. In this case, strengthening and repair with externally bonded (EB) CFRP strips is a frequently used method. In this work this strengthening method is fundamentally modified. It differs from the currently used systems by the used adhesive and is characterized by deformation and bond characteristics which match the behavior of the reinforced concrete.
Aktualisiert: 2021-10-07
> findR *


Wiedereinstiegsberatung von Reggi-Graßl,  Nina
Wie kann der Wiedereinstieg in die Erwerbsarbeit aus der Care-Arbeit gelingen? Die Autorin nimmt in ihrer ethnografischen Studie eine vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend und der Bundesagentur für Arbeit initiierte Maßnahme in den Blick, die die Begleitung solcher Wiedereinstiegsprozesse durch externe Beratungseinrichtungen zum Ziel hat. Ihre Perspektive richtet sie dafür nicht nur auf die Wiedereinsteigenden, sondern auf das machtvolle Beratungssetting zwischen Beraterinnen und Beratungskundinnen. Sichtbar wird u.a. ein politisch gelenktes Selektionsverfahren, das nur bestimmte weibliche Arbeitskräfte zum Wiedereinstieg auffordert und andere nicht.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *


Wiedereinstiegsberatung von Reggi-Graßl,  Nina
Wie kann der Wiedereinstieg in die Erwerbsarbeit aus der Care-Arbeit gelingen? Die Autorin nimmt in ihrer ethnografischen Studie eine vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend und der Bundesagentur für Arbeit initiierte Maßnahme in den Blick, die die Begleitung solcher Wiedereinstiegsprozesse durch externe Beratungseinrichtungen zum Ziel hat. Ihre Perspektive richtet sie dafür nicht nur auf die Wiedereinsteigenden, sondern auf das machtvolle Beratungssetting zwischen Beraterinnen und Beratungskundinnen. Sichtbar wird u.a. ein politisch gelenktes Selektionsverfahren, das nur bestimmte weibliche Arbeitskräfte zum Wiedereinstieg auffordert und andere nicht.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *

Welthandel und Menschenrechte in der Arbeit

Welthandel und Menschenrechte in der Arbeit von Blüthner,  Andreas
Die gegenwärtigen Proteste der Globalisierungsgegner richten sich nicht nur gegen Sozialabbau in Europa. Hunderttausende Demonstranten thematisieren weltweit die «soziale Frage» der Globalisierung. Dieses Buch versucht einen wichtigen Teilaspekt dieser Frage zu beantworten: Inwieweit der durch die WTO administrierte liberale Welthandel mit grundlegenden Sozialstandards der ILO, den sogenannten Menschenrechten in der Arbeit, verknüpft werden sollte. Um diese interdisziplinäre Thematik Lesern verschiedener Fachbereiche zu eröffnen, wurde auf Allgemeinverständlichkeit der Sprache Wert gelegt. Die WTO-rechtlichen Beispielsfälle eignen sich dennoch auch für wirtschaftsvölkerrechtliche Lehrveranstaltungen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-12
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema Compatibility

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