Emperor Franz Joseph

Emperor Franz Joseph von Etzlstorfer,  Hannes
Kaiser Franz Joseph „Ich bin mit meiner Arbeit nicht fertig geworden“ Kaiser Franz Joseph (1830–1916) begegnet uns noch heute auf Tritt und Schritt. Selbst wer von Tafelspitz oder Kaiserschmarren schwärmt, wird von der Erinnerung an seine Leibspeisen eingeholt. Dabei haben wir freilich immer den greisen Regenten mit seinem legendären Backenbart vor Augen: Der zum Mythos erstarrte "gute alte Kaiser" unterscheidet sich aber erheblich vom Jungmonarchen, der in den Wirren der Revolution von 1848 auf den Thron gelangt, mit Gewalt die Revolten niederschlagen und ihre Anführer hinrichten lässt. Zudem sind die ersten Jahrzehnte seiner Regentschaft überschattet von entmutigenden militärischen Niederlagen wie jener 1859 in Solferino und 1866 in Königgrätz, die stets den Verlust von Ländereien zur Folge haben. Mir bleibt doch gar nichts erspart auf dieser Welt! – so sein Seufzer, als ihn 1898 aus Genf die Nachricht von der Ermordung seiner Gattin Elisabeth erreicht. Nur seine Selbstdisziplin und sein unerschütterliches Gottvertrauen lassen ihn auch den Selbstmord seines Sohnes Rudolf in Mayerling (1889) und das tödliche Attentat auf seinen Neffen Franz Ferdinand und dessen Gattin Sophie im Juni 1914 in Sarajewo ertragen. Und so wird dieser Kaiser erst als leidgeprüfter Landesvater wie auch gütiger Schirmherr von Kunst und Kultur, Wissenschaft und Unternehmertum, die vor allem in Wien eine noch nie dagewesene Blüte bescheren, erst jetzt wirklich populär. Hätte er uns mit der Verweigerung seiner Unterschrift unter die Kriegserklärung vom Juli 1914 nicht auch den Ersten Weltkrieg ersparen können? Ob seines fehlgeleiteten Ehrbegriffs und der Fehleinschätzung der militärischen Lage zwischen 1914 und 1918 sollten dann Millionen Menschen den Tod finden. Das kann auch Operetten-Nostalgie nicht vergessen machen ...
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-19
> findR *

Empress Elisabeth

Empress Elisabeth von Etzlstorfer,  Hannes
"One hears so much, ach! It would be easy, if she were as good as she was beautiful". Empress Elisabeth is characterized by her lady-in-waiting and confidante Countess Marie Festetics in her journal in 1871. What has since changed in the estimation? For her fans, she represents fairytale-like beauty, combative emancipation, a burning desire for freedom and self-determination. Her nonconformism, enthusiasm for sport and animals make her seem very modern. Her critics, however, see in her a spoilt and eccentric woman full of foibles, an unpredictable wife and employer, a seemingly uninterested sovereign and irresponsible callous mother, who spent her abundant leisure time on reckless riding adventures, expensive travels and her excessive beauty cult and diet mania. Therefore, it is worth re-discovering the personality behind the timeless idol which Sisi has become, who was first of all a loving and suffering woman, caught between these extremes, who was full of desires and hopes, but was soon cheated of her girl-like dream of happiness, deceived by her highest husband and persecuted by court intrigues. Sisis restlessness and desolation, as well as her death wish are therefore also a result of these disappointments. When she dies on the 10th of September 1898 in Geneva at the hands of her assassin, this also marks the birth of her myth. The publication at hand vividly traces the main stations of her biography and addresses her most distinctive traits in words and illustrations. Her death wish, which she committed to her Poetic Journal: Oh thrust your spear into my heart./ Free me from this world,/ Which without you is so dreary, so empty / Nothing holds me, was thus fulfilled.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-11
> findR *

Empress Elisabeth

Empress Elisabeth von Etzlstorfer,  Hannes
"One hears so much, ach! It would be easy, if she were as good as she was beautiful". Empress Elisabeth is characterized by her lady-in-waiting and confidante Countess Marie Festetics in her journal in 1871. What has since changed in the estimation? For her fans, she represents fairytale-like beauty, combative emancipation, a burning desire for freedom and self-determination. Her nonconformism, enthusiasm for sport and animals make her seem very modern. Her critics, however, see in her a spoilt and eccentric woman full of foibles, an unpredictable wife and employer, a seemingly uninterested sovereign and irresponsible callous mother, who spent her abundant leisure time on reckless riding adventures, expensive travels and her excessive beauty cult and diet mania. Therefore, it is worth re-discovering the personality behind the timeless idol which Sisi has become, who was first of all a loving and suffering woman, caught between these extremes, who was full of desires and hopes, but was soon cheated of her girl-like dream of happiness, deceived by her highest husband and persecuted by court intrigues. Sisis restlessness and desolation, as well as her death wish are therefore also a result of these disappointments. When she dies on the 10th of September 1898 in Geneva at the hands of her assassin, this also marks the birth of her myth. The publication at hand vividly traces the main stations of her biography and addresses her most distinctive traits in words and illustrations. Her death wish, which she committed to her Poetic Journal: Oh thrust your spear into my heart./ Free me from this world,/ Which without you is so dreary, so empty / Nothing holds me, was thus fulfilled.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-11
> findR *

Emperor Karl I.

Emperor Karl I. von Etzlstorfer,  Hannes
With Emperor Karl I, the reign of the Habsburgs in Austria came to an end after 640 years in November 1918. That was also when the bitterly waged First World War ended. Only through tragic vicissitudes such as Crown Prince Rudolf's suicide and the assassination of the heir apparent in Sarajevo in June 1914 does Charles become the heir to the throne threatened from so many sides. Emperor Karl is not even granted 24 months to bring about peace and the reforms that have long been necessary in this multi-ethnic state. At the accession to the throne in November 1916, contemporaries like his tutor Count Wallis praised Karl's modesty, sense of duty and heart. He is the “model of a man and a father”, according to Wallis. Truths that don't upset anyone are usually only half of them: behind closed doors, his weaknesses - lack of decisiveness or hasty, fickle decisions, amateurish solo attempts ("Sixtus affair") and lack of concentration during conversations - are brought into the race against him. In addition, the understanding of rulers has changed massively. After he was forced to renounce the throne in November 1918, Karl hopes in vain for a possible return to the throne at Eckartsau Castle by March 1919. Nevertheless, he and his wife Zita set out from exile in Switzerland for Hungary in 1921 in order to regain power there. However, the mission fails because of the Hungarian resistance. Karl was then banished to distant Madeira with his family, where he died on April 1, 1922. With his beatification in 2004, the Catholic Church pays him his lived will to peace, which has been tested by historians.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-11
> findR *

Emperor Franz Joseph

Emperor Franz Joseph von Etzlstorfer,  Hannes
Kaiser Franz Joseph „Ich bin mit meiner Arbeit nicht fertig geworden“ Kaiser Franz Joseph (1830–1916) begegnet uns noch heute auf Tritt und Schritt. Selbst wer von Tafelspitz oder Kaiserschmarren schwärmt, wird von der Erinnerung an seine Leibspeisen eingeholt. Dabei haben wir freilich immer den greisen Regenten mit seinem legendären Backenbart vor Augen: Der zum Mythos erstarrte "gute alte Kaiser" unterscheidet sich aber erheblich vom Jungmonarchen, der in den Wirren der Revolution von 1848 auf den Thron gelangt, mit Gewalt die Revolten niederschlagen und ihre Anführer hinrichten lässt. Zudem sind die ersten Jahrzehnte seiner Regentschaft überschattet von entmutigenden militärischen Niederlagen wie jener 1859 in Solferino und 1866 in Königgrätz, die stets den Verlust von Ländereien zur Folge haben. Mir bleibt doch gar nichts erspart auf dieser Welt! – so sein Seufzer, als ihn 1898 aus Genf die Nachricht von der Ermordung seiner Gattin Elisabeth erreicht. Nur seine Selbstdisziplin und sein unerschütterliches Gottvertrauen lassen ihn auch den Selbstmord seines Sohnes Rudolf in Mayerling (1889) und das tödliche Attentat auf seinen Neffen Franz Ferdinand und dessen Gattin Sophie im Juni 1914 in Sarajewo ertragen. Und so wird dieser Kaiser erst als leidgeprüfter Landesvater wie auch gütiger Schirmherr von Kunst und Kultur, Wissenschaft und Unternehmertum, die vor allem in Wien eine noch nie dagewesene Blüte bescheren, erst jetzt wirklich populär. Hätte er uns mit der Verweigerung seiner Unterschrift unter die Kriegserklärung vom Juli 1914 nicht auch den Ersten Weltkrieg ersparen können? Ob seines fehlgeleiteten Ehrbegriffs und der Fehleinschätzung der militärischen Lage zwischen 1914 und 1918 sollten dann Millionen Menschen den Tod finden. Das kann auch Operetten-Nostalgie nicht vergessen machen ...
Aktualisiert: 2023-01-01
> findR *

Empress Elisabeth

Empress Elisabeth von Etzlstorfer,  Hannes
"One hears so much, ach! It would be easy, if she were as good as she was beautiful". Empress Elisabeth is characterized by her lady-in-waiting and confidante Countess Marie Festetics in her journal in 1871. What has since changed in the estimation? For her fans, she represents fairytale-like beauty, combative emancipation, a burning desire for freedom and self-determination. Her nonconformism, enthusiasm for sport and animals make her seem very modern. Her critics, however, see in her a spoilt and eccentric woman full of foibles, an unpredictable wife and employer, a seemingly uninterested sovereign and irresponsible callous mother, who spent her abundant leisure time on reckless riding adventures, expensive travels and her excessive beauty cult and diet mania. Therefore, it is worth re-discovering the personality behind the timeless idol which Sisi has become, who was first of all a loving and suffering woman, caught between these extremes, who was full of desires and hopes, but was soon cheated of her girl-like dream of happiness, deceived by her highest husband and persecuted by court intrigues. Sisis restlessness and desolation, as well as her death wish are therefore also a result of these disappointments. When she dies on the 10th of September 1898 in Geneva at the hands of her assassin, this also marks the birth of her myth. The publication at hand vividly traces the main stations of her biography and addresses her most distinctive traits in words and illustrations. Her death wish, which she committed to her Poetic Journal: Oh thrust your spear into my heart./ Free me from this world,/ Which without you is so dreary, so empty / Nothing holds me, was thus fulfilled.
Aktualisiert: 2023-01-01
> findR *

Emperor Karl I.

Emperor Karl I. von Etzlstorfer,  Hannes
With Emperor Karl I, the reign of the Habsburgs in Austria came to an end after 640 years in November 1918. That was also when the bitterly waged First World War ended. Only through tragic vicissitudes such as Crown Prince Rudolf's suicide and the assassination of the heir apparent in Sarajevo in June 1914 does Charles become the heir to the throne threatened from so many sides. Emperor Karl is not even granted 24 months to bring about peace and the reforms that have long been necessary in this multi-ethnic state. At the accession to the throne in November 1916, contemporaries like his tutor Count Wallis praised Karl's modesty, sense of duty and heart. He is the “model of a man and a father”, according to Wallis. Truths that don't upset anyone are usually only half of them: behind closed doors, his weaknesses - lack of decisiveness or hasty, fickle decisions, amateurish solo attempts ("Sixtus affair") and lack of concentration during conversations - are brought into the race against him. In addition, the understanding of rulers has changed massively. After he was forced to renounce the throne in November 1918, Karl hopes in vain for a possible return to the throne at Eckartsau Castle by March 1919. Nevertheless, he and his wife Zita set out from exile in Switzerland for Hungary in 1921 in order to regain power there. However, the mission fails because of the Hungarian resistance. Karl was then banished to distant Madeira with his family, where he died on April 1, 1922. With his beatification in 2004, the Catholic Church pays him his lived will to peace, which has been tested by historians.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-24
> findR *

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