Ein Dorf, abseits der modernen Hauptstadt Kameruns. Ein Leid, welches die Menschen dort nicht zum ersten Mal erfahren. Der Schrecken des Organhandels verfolgt die Bevölkerung, ausgebeutet durch westliche Habgier.
Jahre später in Darmstadt fängt Johnny Walker, erfolgreicher Anwalt und Vater, an, seine mentale Verfassung anzuzweifeln. Traumatisiert durch den Selbstmord seines Vaters und von seiner geliebten Frau betrogen, will den erfolgreichen, aber unglücklichen Mann eines ebenfalls nicht loslassen: Die kindliche Stimme, die in seinem Kopf schreit und tobt, die seinen Tod fordert. Denn nur durch seinen Tod kann das Kind Frieden finden.
Einen Tod, der Wiedergutmachung bringen soll. Kann Johnny mithilfe seines Therapeuten entschlüsseln, was den kleinen Jungen in seinem Kopf plagt und wohin es Johnny bringen soll, um die Verbrechen seiner Vergangenheit aufzudecken?
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-22
> findR *
Was vermag eine Ethik zu leisten, die die Sorge um den Anderen in den Mittelpunkt stellt? Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich einer nicht-paternalistischen Konzeption guten Sorgens im Spannungsfeld zwischen sozialer Verantwortung und der unvertretbaren Einzigartigkeit des Anderen. Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet die Rekonstruktion zeitgenössischer care-ethischer Ansätze, die durch eine Analyse der Philosophie und Ethik von Emmanuel Lévinas ergänzt wird. Im Weiteren wird die Frage untersucht, was eine Ethik der Sorge um den Anderen für die medizinethische Reflexion bedeuten kann. Am Beispiel der Leihmutterschaft lässt sich eine Praxis der Verkennung diagnostizieren, die erst durch die Wahrnehmung der Einzigartigkeit des Anderen aufgebrochen werden kann. Die Ethik der Sorge um den Anderen liefert daher neue Perspektiven und wertvolle Ergänzungen zu deontologischen und liberalistischen Betrachtungsweisen.
Care and personal relationships are at the heart of numerous human encounters. Mainstream ethical theories such as contractualism and utilitarianism are not always able to adequately reflect the normative relevance of this fact. This book analyses contemporary approaches to an ethics of care that promise to overcome this shortcoming. It is argued that important complementary insights can be gained from the philosophy and ethics of »the Other» as devised by Emmanuel Levinas. As an example of how such a broadened approach to ethics of care can be set to work, a closer look is taken at the practice of surrogate motherhood and its ethical implications.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-17
> findR *
»Lebensführung in der Moderne« wird in der zweiten Auflage um ein ausführliches Nachwort von Matthias Bormuth erweitert, in dem er seine Überlegungen im Blick auf die kantische Anthropologie ergänzt und sich im Horizont eines kulturwissenschaftlichen Skeptizismus mit seinen Kritikern auseinandersetzt. Die Psychoanalysekritik von Karl Jaspers (1883–1969) steht im Mittelpunkt dieser von den Universitäten Zürich und Tübingen preisgekrönten Studie. Jaspers' Argumente wider Freuds Denken werden sowohl in medizintheoretischer als auch in existenzphilosophischer Hinsicht untersucht, wobei Max Webers Theorie der Moderne als Leitfaden der Interpretation dient. Bislang unveröffentlichte Quellen legen frei, wie Karl Jaspers auf Untergang und Wiederaufstieg der Psychoanalyse vor und nach 1945 reagierte. Dabei erweist sich seine scharfe Kontroverse mit Alexander Mitscherlich und Viktor von Weizsäcker als entscheidend für die Geschichte der Psychoanalyse in der Bundesrepublik. Medizinethisch aufschlussreich ist die in diesem Rahmen geführte Diskussion über die Grenzen ärztlicher Autorität in der Psychotherapie. Auch sie verweist auf die leitende Frage der Untersuchung nach einer individuell zu verantwortenden Lebensführung in der Moderne.
Karl Jaspers‹ criticism on psychoanalysis forms the central point of the prize-winning treatise honoured by the University of Zürich. It conveys his arguments against Freud‹s thinking with regard to the history of ideas both within the context of Psychiatry around 1900 and the cultural criticism based on existential philosophy around 1930. From a sociological aspect, their interpretation draws upon Max Weber‹s theory of modern times. By means of sources so far unpublished, the author looks into the matter of how Jaspers reacted on the decline and the revival of psychoanalysis before and after 1945. Especially the fierce controversy with Alexander Mitscherlich which continued well into the 1960s is an important part of the history of psychoanalysis and, from the point of view of contemporary history, belongs to the intellectual foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany. Not to neglect and of special interest to medical ethics is the implicit discourse on the limits of the physician‹s authority. This discourse also refers to the leading question of the possibilities of an individual lifestyle in modern times.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
Karl Jaspers‹ criticism on psychoanalysis forms the central point of the prize-winning treatise honoured by the University of Zürich. It conveys his arguments against Freud‹s thinking with regard to the history of ideas both within the context of Psychiatry around 1900 and the cultural criticism based on existential philosophy around 1930. From a sociological aspect, their interpretation draws upon Max Weber‹s theory of modern times. By means of sources so far unpublished, the author looks into the matter of how Jaspers reacted on the decline and the revival of psychoanalysis before and after 1945. Especially the fierce controversy with Alexander Mitscherlich which continued well into the 1960s is an important part of the history of psychoanalysis and, from the point of view of contemporary history, belongs to the intellectual foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany. Not to neglect and of special interest to medical ethics is the implicit discourse on the limits of the physician‹s authority. This discourse also refers to the leading question of the possibilities of an individual lifestyle in modern times.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
Care and personal relationships are at the heart of numerous human encounters. Mainstream ethical theories such as contractualism and utilitarianism are not always able to adequately reflect the normative relevance of this fact. This book analyses contemporary approaches to an ethics of care that promise to overcome this shortcoming. It is argued that important complementary insights can be gained from the philosophy and ethics of »the Other» as devised by Emmanuel Levinas. As an example of how such a broadened approach to ethics of care can be set to work, a closer look is taken at the practice of surrogate motherhood and its ethical implications.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-17
> findR *
As a professor of neurology and clinical medicine in general, Viktor von Weizsäcker (1886–1957) was one of the few people who promoted a fundamental medical consciousness of the humanness of human beings in his works on natural sciences and in the way he practiced medicine. In a dialogue with researchers and thinkers such as for example Sigmund Freud, Max Scheler, Franz Rosenzweig, and Martin Buber, Weizsäcker gained insights into anthropology which are still outstanding and viable today.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *
This book offers an introductory overview of the contemporary discussion in biomedical ethics. Special attention is paid to the twofold challenge of this field: on the one hand, biomedical ethics is challenged externally by new sorts of problems issuing from progress in the biological sciences and in medical technology. On the other hand, it is challenged internally insofar as it often produces surprising results which contradict our daily moral intuitions as well as the tradition of moral thought. The contributions contained in this book respond to this challenge and, moreover, present a view of the methodological and thematic diversity of the bioethical discussion. Issues concerning metaethics, which reflect precisely this double demand and which also involve questions of methodology, play but a secondary role vis-à-vis concrete bioethical questions of application. Among the issues given special attention are abortion, gene technology and test-tube fertilization. Questions concerning environmental ethics and animal rights are addressed as well. A commentated bibliography is provided at the end of the text in order to facilitate further study into the basic issues of biomedical ehtics.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
Johann S. Ach,
Dieter Birnbacher,
Andreas Gaidt,
Eckhart Holzboog,
Anton Leist,
Wolfgang Lenzen,
Georg Meggle,
Ludwig Siep,
Richard Toellner,
Ulla Wessels,
Urban Wiesing
> findR *
In addition to the state of art as well as the legal situation, this work deals with key ethical problems (brain death, distributive justice, quality of life and human dignity). Its aim is to combine the various subjects and problems and to start an interdisciplinary debate in order to structure and objectify the discussion which has at times been highly polemical. The appendix contains a reprint of the law passed in 1997 as well as the different bills which were discussed in parliament.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
Johann S. Ach,
Kurt Bayertz,
Dieter Birnbacher,
Mario C. Deng,
Gabriele Drees,
Friedrich W. Eigler,
Franz Furger,
Eva Hampel,
Hartmut Kliemt,
Max Krefft,
Rolf Lachmann,
Norbert Meuter,
Fritz A Muthny,
Michael Quante,
Hans H. Scheld,
Hans-Ludwig Schreiber,
Oswald Schwemmer,
Ludwig Siep,
Urban Wiesing
> findR *
This book offers an introductory overview of the contemporary discussion in biomedical ethics. Special attention is paid to the twofold challenge of this field: on the one hand, biomedical ethics is challenged externally by new sorts of problems issuing from progress in the biological sciences and in medical technology. On the other hand, it is challenged internally insofar as it often produces surprising results which contradict our daily moral intuitions as well as the tradition of moral thought. The contributions contained in this book respond to this challenge and, moreover, present a view of the methodological and thematic diversity of the bioethical discussion. Issues concerning metaethics, which reflect precisely this double demand and which also involve questions of methodology, play but a secondary role vis-à-vis concrete bioethical questions of application. Among the issues given special attention are abortion, gene technology and test-tube fertilization. Questions concerning environmental ethics and animal rights are addressed as well. A commentated bibliography is provided at the end of the text in order to facilitate further study into the basic issues of biomedical ehtics.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
Johann S. Ach,
Dieter Birnbacher,
Andreas Gaidt,
Eckhart Holzboog,
Anton Leist,
Wolfgang Lenzen,
Georg Meggle,
Ludwig Siep,
Richard Toellner,
Ulla Wessels,
Urban Wiesing
> findR *
In the 19th century, a Copernican turn took place in medicine with the development of the cell theory. We take it completely for granted today that the human body is made up of cells which determine its structure and its function. But this doctrine has only been defining medical thinking for 150 years and it replaced theories which had been valid for an inconceivable 2000 years. The author interprets this transition as a paradigm shift, and she explores it in the works of German, English and French doctors in the 18th and 19th century. She sheds light on the influence of philosophy, in particular the impact of Kan‹s and Schelling‹s ideas. This study of the philosophical foundations of modern medicine is addressed to philosophers, science historians and medical physicians.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
The book provides a systematic account of the basic conflict of values in dealing with experiments on human beings and establishes various models to solve this conflict. In doing so, it focuses on the problem of research, in particular on persons who are not able to give their consent. Various ethical arguments pertaining to this are discussed in order to establish whether or not studies seem to be ethically justified if there is no therapeutic benefit. In the second part of the work, using these philosophical implications as a basis and France as an example, the question is to what extent certain normative convictions and arguments depend on the social, historical and cultural context in which they are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
The increasing availability and manipulability of human embryos raises the question in various medical contexts of how to deal with these appropriately. In order to clarify this, the Freiburg Joint Project on »The Status of the Extracorporeal Embryo,» sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, has set itself the task of dealing with this basic question in an interdisciplinary approach. The main findings of this large-scale project are compiled in this volume, which raises the question of the ontological, moral and legal status of the extracorporeal embryo from an interdisciplinary perspective, discusses criteria for the normative significance of this status and proposes regulations for national and international legislation.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
Jürgen Barth,
Jan Peter Beckmann,
Jürgen Bengel,
Franz-Josef Bormann,
Jens Clausen,
Alexander Craig,
Eve-Marie Engels,
Torsten Hartleb,
Anette Hilt,
Annette Hilt,
Hans-Georg Koch,
Pavla Kopecka,
Katharina Kufner,
Giovanni Maio,
Nicolas Nohlen,
Niels Petersen,
Laura Pielmaier,
Stephanie Schmitt,
Carola Seith,
Klaus Tanner,
Elisabeth von Lochner,
Silja Vöneky,
Rainer Wahl,
Andrea-Leone Wolfrum
> findR *
What do we mean by the frequently invoked yet seldom questioned »physician‹s responsibilty»? This study, which was awarded the Stehr-Boldt Prize by the University of Zurich, attempts to define this more closely for the physician in his real work as part of the diagnostic-therapeutic process. Why has the term »physician‹s responsibility» replaced the traditional term "physician‹s obligations»? Is the physician primarily responsible for his patient or even for the health of the entire population? What responsibility is a result of the constitutive precariousness of the medical profession, in which there is no guarantee of success or of the absence of undesirable side effects? Is it possible to obtain guidance in dealing with controversial issues such as abortion or euthanasia by examining the physician‹s responsibility?
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *
If one compares the development of modern medical ethics in Germany with those in the Netherlands, what stands out are the cultural and intellectual differences between the two countries. Dealing with the problems involved in limiting medical treatment, the authors show the differing and the common standards and values on which the discussion of this is based in both countries. Three examples, active termination of life, the do-not-resuscitate order and pain management, which are examined from an historical, legal, philosophical and ethical perspective, put this in concrete terms. The authors belong to different generations as well as different political and philosophical camps.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
Dieter Birnbacher,
Wim Dekkers,
Dietrich von Engelhardt,
Bert Gordijn,
Henk ten Have,
Friedrich Heubel,
Joep Hubben,
Christian Hundeshagen,
Rien Janssens,
Gerrit Kimsma,
Hans-Georg Koch,
Evert van Leeuwen,
Giovanni Maio,
Eberhard Schockenhoff,
Marcel Verweij,
Jochen Vollmann,
Urban Wiesing,
Theo van Willigenburg,
Jean-Pierre Wils
> findR *
What do we mean by the frequently invoked yet seldom questioned »physician‹s responsibilty»? This study, which was awarded the Stehr-Boldt Prize by the University of Zurich, attempts to define this more closely for the physician in his real work as part of the diagnostic-therapeutic process. Why has the term »physician‹s responsibility» replaced the traditional term "physician‹s obligations»? Is the physician primarily responsible for his patient or even for the health of the entire population? What responsibility is a result of the constitutive precariousness of the medical profession, in which there is no guarantee of success or of the absence of undesirable side effects? Is it possible to obtain guidance in dealing with controversial issues such as abortion or euthanasia by examining the physician‹s responsibility?
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *
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