The author structures the discussion concerning church and homosexuality within the protestant church, which has been going on for the last 20 years without having been brought to a solution. The different arguments were differentiated, analyzed and explained. Through this pre-work, open questions and divergences became obvious and theological perspectives for further processing of the discussion were developed. This happened with regard to the evangelical and gender theological viewpoints, which mark the outer poles of the church-internal discussion field. By finding coherences and similarities in viewpoints, this thesis aims at linking those two diametric positions. To step out of the theoretical circle in order to get an input from the persons concerned, the perspective of gay people is obtained by interviews. The experiences of gay couples who asked for a blessing in the context of a casual mass is written down and analyzed by reductive means. The thesis is framed by the reference to the official position of the German protestant church. It is the focus to help promoting the discussion within the EKD and enable a consence within the controversial standpoints.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *
The author structures the discussion concerning church and homosexuality within the protestant church, which has been going on for the last 20 years without having been brought to a solution. The different arguments were differentiated, analyzed and explained. Through this pre-work, open questions and divergences became obvious and theological perspectives for further processing of the discussion were developed. This happened with regard to the evangelical and gender theological viewpoints, which mark the outer poles of the church-internal discussion field. By finding coherences and similarities in viewpoints, this thesis aims at linking those two diametric positions. To step out of the theoretical circle in order to get an input from the persons concerned, the perspective of gay people is obtained by interviews. The experiences of gay couples who asked for a blessing in the context of a casual mass is written down and analyzed by reductive means. The thesis is framed by the reference to the official position of the German protestant church. It is the focus to help promoting the discussion within the EKD and enable a consence within the controversial standpoints.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *
The author structures the discussion concerning church and homosexuality within the protestant church, which has been going on for the last 20 years without having been brought to a solution. The different arguments were differentiated, analyzed and explained. Through this pre-work, open questions and divergences became obvious and theological perspectives for further processing of the discussion were developed. This happened with regard to the evangelical and gender theological viewpoints, which mark the outer poles of the church-internal discussion field. By finding coherences and similarities in viewpoints, this thesis aims at linking those two diametric positions. To step out of the theoretical circle in order to get an input from the persons concerned, the perspective of gay people is obtained by interviews. The experiences of gay couples who asked for a blessing in the context of a casual mass is written down and analyzed by reductive means. The thesis is framed by the reference to the official position of the German protestant church. It is the focus to help promoting the discussion within the EKD and enable a consence within the controversial standpoints.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-28
> findR *
Bekannte Pinguin-Geschichte für das Erzähltheater. Mit dem Kamishibai über Homosexualität, Regenbogenfamilien und Toleranz sprechen. Für Kita & Grundschule.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
Mit dem Erzähltheater modernen Familienformen begegnen: Kindgerechte Gesprächsimpulse zu Diversität, Toleranz & Geborgenheit, egal, wer auf der Couch sitzt.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
Die Sexuelle Revolution hat Menschen dazu befreit, ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen und dabei die traditionellen Muster sexueller Selbstverwirklichung zu verlassen. Einen solchen Weg der Suche nach Freiheit, Glück und Liebe hat Teresa Frei gewählt.
Ihr Buch „FRAUEN LIEBEN“ ist radikal offen, es kommt aus dem Bauch, ist ein Buch der existenziellen Neugier, ein Buch der freimütigen Bekenntnisse und unverstellten Erfahrungen. Ein Buch voll zärtlicher Töne und tiefer Gedanken. Ein spirituelles Buch, in dem sich die Autorin nichts schenkt, weil sie an die Wurzeln des Lebens und die Wunden der Kindheit geht. Ein Buch des Suchens und Findens. Ein Buch für Frauen, die mit der Liebe und mit Gott noch nicht abgeschlossen haben.
Aktualisiert: 2023-01-30
> findR *
Gender-Mainstream, das ist ein internationales, politisches Konzept zur Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau. Gleiche Bezahlung für gleiche Arbeit, oder die Inklusion von Behinderten in die Arbeitswelt sind Themen, die öffentlich diskutiert werden. Daneben gibt es aber auch eine europäische Bildungsrichtlinie, betreffend der sexuellen Früherziehung in Kindergärten und Schulen. Der feministische Ansatz propagiert das soziale Geschlecht im Gegensatz zur bisherigen Geschlechterdefinition von Mann und Frau. Mit diesem Buch unternimmt der Autor den Versuch, die Ideologie des Gender-Mainstream aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln zu beleuchten und zu erklären. Besonderes Merkmal dabei ist die Beleuchtung der Thematik aus der Sicht dessen, was uns die Bibel über den Menschen lehrt.
Aktualisiert: 2022-04-22
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2020-12-29
> findR *
Im theologischen Diskurs um Homosexualität und gleichgeschlechtliche PartnerInnenschaften stehen sich trotz der gemeinsamen christlichen Grundlage kontroverse Standpunkte unversöhnlich gegenüber. Porsch fragt in der vorliegenden Studie, wie in diese Situation Bewegung gebracht werden kann.
Sie beschreibt die Positionen der katholischen und evangelischen Kirche, der sogenannten Ex-Gays sowie der lesbisch-schwulen bzw. queeren Theologie und arbeitet Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede heraus. Aus dieser Zusammenschau ergeben sich zum einen grundlegende Konsensaussagen, zum anderen notwendige Bedingungen für einen integrativen Diskurs in gegenseitigem Verstehen.
Aktualisiert: 2019-05-23
> findR *
The author structures the discussion concerning church and homosexuality within the protestant church, which has been going on for the last 20 years without having been brought to a solution. The different arguments were differentiated, analyzed and explained. Through this pre-work, open questions and divergences became obvious and theological perspectives for further processing of the discussion were developed. This happened with regard to the evangelical and gender theological viewpoints, which mark the outer poles of the church-internal discussion field. By finding coherences and similarities in viewpoints, this thesis aims at linking those two diametric positions. To step out of the theoretical circle in order to get an input from the persons concerned, the perspective of gay people is obtained by interviews. The experiences of gay couples who asked for a blessing in the context of a casual mass is written down and analyzed by reductive means. The thesis is framed by the reference to the official position of the German protestant church. It is the focus to help promoting the discussion within the EKD and enable a consence within the controversial standpoints.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-28
> findR *
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