Humanitäre Logistik für die Versorgungsproblematik in Subsahara

Humanitäre Logistik für die Versorgungsproblematik in Subsahara von Schwarz,  Jennifer Rebecca
Humanitarian logistics has recently gained significance in research and practice. With up to 80 percent of costs caused by purchasing, transportation and warehousing it is increasingly considered key to efficient and effective disaster management. Particularly the occurrence of epic disasters like the Haiti earthquake in 2010 or the Pakistan flood in 2010 draws global attention to humanitarian logistics due to millions of affected people that rely on humanitarian assistance. 83 percent of the victims of natural disasters occur in developing or emerging countries. Especially the poorest of the poor lack the capability to prepare themselves. The infrastructure in these countries is already insufficient under regular circumstances and often completely destroyed or damaged during the event and therefore not accessible to emergency response teams. This is particularly true for the continent of Africa where about 35 percent of the population is affected by malnutrition and about 80 percent is excluded from health care. At the same time Africa – besides Southeast Asia – is the most disaster prone continent, particularly exposed to droughts, floods and epidemics but also man-made hazards. Under consideration of the given situation in sub-Saharan Africa a research was carried out by a research team at the Berlin University of Technology from 2009 to 2011 in order to identify solutions to enhance the livelihood of the poorest of the poor. The results of this research project have been modified and extended for this dissertation. In the core of this research is the lack of logistics knowledge, taking into consideration country specific factors. It has been found that neither the awareness for nor the importance of humanitarian logistics is commonly known in sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore a two-staged transfer model has been developed, each consisting of four main phase in order to identify and transfer necessary logistics knowledge under consideration of empirical studies as well as country-specific factors for building up humanitarian logistics capacity. The dissertation ends with a case study applying the proposed procedure is approach.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-25
> findR *

Logistische Optionen für eine nachhaltige Versorgung von Subsahara-Afrika

Logistische Optionen für eine nachhaltige Versorgung von Subsahara-Afrika von Blome,  Hendrik
Hunger is the biggest social challenge of our time. In a world of global trade, creation of digital value and dynamic economic growth, estimated 800 million people are still suffering from hunger and undernutrition. Malnutrition affects with almost 100 million children every seventh child in developing and emerging countries. It compromises the lifelong ability to learn, to work and to lead an independent life. While large progress has been made in the fight against hunger in the past 25 years on a global level, an increasing number of people is affected by hunger in Subsaharan-Africa, also due to rapid population growth. The number of hungering people in the region increased from 176 million in 1990 to estimated 220 million people in 2015. The situation is a result of several negative developments in different areas. The problem is complex and requires a multidimensional approach. However, an essential parameter is the configuration of infrastructures. The economic and social challenges in Africa are not least due to insufficient logistics systems. In addition to inadequate conditions of physical transport infrastructures, the institutional framework is in particular creating obstacles to functioning logistics. African supply chains are often characterised by delayed, manual processes and an exaggerated amount of bureaucracy. Moreover, intangible infrastructures are challenging. The offer in the field of education and training in logistics is insufficient; also the importance of logistics for a sustainable supply is not sufficiently recognized. Based on the findings of the infrastructural analyses, several adjusting keys to achieve sustainable development of the humanitarian situation in sub-Saharan Africa are identified within the present work. Logistics and logistics relevant topics are the central element of the work. However, logistics alone cannot radically improve the situation, therefore, further solutions that result from the drivers of the overall development, are discussed. The key to a substantial reduction of global hunger problems lies in the affected countries themselves. Local solutions that enhance the local population to help themselves should therefore be considered as a priority in terms of a sustainable development.
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-30
> findR *

Gestaltung von Logistiknetzwerken für die humanitäre Versorgung in Entwicklungsländern Afrikas

Gestaltung von Logistiknetzwerken für die humanitäre Versorgung in Entwicklungsländern Afrikas von Keßler,  Martin
Rund 60 Jahre nach Beginn der Entkolonialisierung stehen die heute unabhängigen Staaten Subsahara-Afrikas vor einer Vielzahl anhaltender und schwerwiegender Herausforderungen. Trotz Fortschritten vieler Länder im Demokratisierungsprozess und partiell guter wirtschaftlicher Wachstumsraten werden sie die zentralen Millenniumsentwicklungsziele (MDG) der Vereinten Nationen – die Halbierung der von Hunger und Armut betroffenen Bevölkerung bis zum Jahr 2015 – weit verfehlen. Etwa die Hälfte der fast eine Milliarde Menschen des Kontinents lebt von weniger als 1,25 US-Dollar am Tag, fast 240 Millionen Menschen sind von chronischem Hunger betroffen. Das sind mehr als je zuvor. Schätzungen zufolge wurden in den vergangenen 50 Jahren eine Billion US-Dollar in den Kampf Afrikas gegen Hunger, Krankheiten, Wasserknappheit und Armut investiert. Der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft ist es dennoch bislang nicht gelungen, den Afrikanern die geeigneten Mittel für einen erfolgreichen Kampf zur Seite zu stellen.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-28
> findR *

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