Geschichte des Christentums in Grundzügen

Geschichte des Christentums in Grundzügen von Moeller,  Bernd
In dieser bewährten Darstellung wird die Geschichte des Christentums im Überblick und in ihrem inneren Zusammenhang geschildert. Es geht weniger um Namen, Daten und Einzelfakten als um die elementaren Strukturen und die Hauptereignisse. Der Frage nach den Voraussetzungen und Bedingungen des Geschehens ist besondere Aufmerksamkeit zugewandt. Die einzelnen Bereiche des christlichen Lebens und Denkens – die Geschichte der Theologie, der Frömmigkeit und des Kultus, der geistlichen Institutionen, der Kirchenpolitik – werden aufeinander bezogen, die bestimmenden Personen an ihrem geschichtlichen Ort aufgesucht. Ein Buch sowohl für Leser, die das Ganze verstehen wollen, als auch für solche, die Informationen im Einzelnen suchen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *

De hominis opificio

De hominis opificio von Nyssa,  Gregory of, Sels,  Lara
Gregory of Nyssa’s »De hominis opificio«, a treatise on Genesis 1,26, is a key text for the understanding of Eastern Christian anthropology. In the 14th century a Serb translated the 31 chapters of this opus from Greek. The earliest dissemination of the text seems to have been restricted to Athos and the region of Montenegro, Macedonia and Western Bulgaria. The present volume contains a critical edition of the Slavonic text together with the Greek original, an extensive commentary in which text-critical, linguistic and translation-related issues are examined and a glossary with a considerable number of »athesaurista«.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

De hominis opificio

De hominis opificio von Nyssa,  Gregory of, Sels,  Lara
Gregory of Nyssa’s »De hominis opificio«, a treatise on Genesis 1,26, is a key text for the understanding of Eastern Christian anthropology. In the 14th century a Serb translated the 31 chapters of this opus from Greek. The earliest dissemination of the text seems to have been restricted to Athos and the region of Montenegro, Macedonia and Western Bulgaria. The present volume contains a critical edition of the Slavonic text together with the Greek original, an extensive commentary in which text-critical, linguistic and translation-related issues are examined and a glossary with a considerable number of »athesaurista«.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

De hominis opificio

De hominis opificio von Nyssa,  Gregory of, Sels,  Lara
Gregory of Nyssa’s »De hominis opificio«, a treatise on Genesis 1,26, is a key text for the understanding of Eastern Christian anthropology. In the 14th century a Serb translated the 31 chapters of this opus from Greek. The earliest dissemination of the text seems to have been restricted to Athos and the region of Montenegro, Macedonia and Western Bulgaria. The present volume contains a critical edition of the Slavonic text together with the Greek original, an extensive commentary in which text-critical, linguistic and translation-related issues are examined and a glossary with a considerable number of »athesaurista«.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

De hominis opificio

De hominis opificio von Nyssa,  Gregory of, Sels,  Lara
Gregory of Nyssa’s »De hominis opificio«, a treatise on Genesis 1,26, is a key text for the understanding of Eastern Christian anthropology. In the 14th century a Serb translated the 31 chapters of this opus from Greek. The earliest dissemination of the text seems to have been restricted to Athos and the region of Montenegro, Macedonia and Western Bulgaria. The present volume contains a critical edition of the Slavonic text together with the Greek original, an extensive commentary in which text-critical, linguistic and translation-related issues are examined and a glossary with a considerable number of »athesaurista«.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema Orthodoxe Kirche

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