Beethoven Complete Symphonies

Beethoven Complete Symphonies von Beethoven,  Ludwig van, Jordan,  Philippe
„Beethoven is the alpha and omega of the symphonic repertoire: a repertoire crucial to any orchestra’s quality. However my orchestra at the Paris Opera had never played the Beethoven symphonies before.“ (Philippe Jordan) This Edition contains all Beethoven Symphonies with the Orchestra and Chorus of the Opéra national de Paris conducted by Philippe Jordan. A brand new production filmed in the highest quality known on the market today made by the creators oft he successful Shostakovich cycle. Philippe Jordan presents a young but traditionalist interpretation in the spirit of historical performance practice, setting a new course in Beethoven interpretation. Includes a documentary film „Philippe Jordan – Born to Conduct“ by Reiner E. Moritz. Reiner E. Moritz sketches his astonishing career and in his film uses exciting excerpts of his most important conducting performances, allowing Jordan to recount not only his childhood memories, but also his own career.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *

Doktor Faust

Doktor Faust von Busoni,  Ferruccio, Jordan,  Philippe
“Procure me the unconditional fulfilment of my every wish for the rest of my life, let me embrace the world – the East and the South, which call out to me –, let me understand completely man’s actions and extend them in unheard-of ways; give me genius, and give me also his suffering, so that I may be happy like no other.” (Ferruccio Busoni) Doktor Faust remained a fragment at the time of the composer’s death. Busoni died in 1924, unable to complete what he himself described as his “state masterpiece” – an opera to which he had a deep personal attachment. The missing scenes from the score – the appearance of Helen and Faust’s closing monologue – were completed by his pupil, Philipp Jarnach, whom Busoni had become acquainted with during his period in exile in Zürich. In this form the opera was given its first performance in Dresden in 1925. Then in the 1980s the conductor Anthony Beaumont came across previously undiscovered sketches by Busoni and produced a new version of Doktor Faust, which was premiered in Bologna in 1985. The current recording uses the Jarnach score. “[Thomas Hampson possesses] all the physical and vocal energy one could wish for…..flourishes and ornaments leap out of his melodic lines….the gestures [are] also natural, his phrasing and pitch sure. Mr. Hampson, as his career justifiably grows, has preserved an unmannered charm.” The New York Times
Aktualisiert: 2021-03-15
> findR *

Tannhäuser – Sternstunden der Oper

Tannhäuser – Sternstunden der Oper von Jordan,  Philippe, Wagner,  Richard
Tannhäuser Streitsüchtig. Unter diesem Dach, in dieser Burg wird gestritten. Die Wartburg, vor vielen Jahrhunderten. Tannhäuser, Sünder und Wallfahrer, Sänger und Liebender, wirbt um Elisabeth. Doch ist die Kraft der wahren Liebe stark genug, oder zieht es ihn zurück in das Reich der Göttin Venus? Richard Wagner machte daraus mehr als nur eine romantische Oper, er schuf ein Gesamtkunstwerk aus alten Mythen, origineller Sprache und fabelhafter Musik. Waltraud Meier und René Kollo brillieren in dieser legendären Aufnahme aus der Bayerischen Staatsoper. Dirigent Zubin Mehta interpretiert Wagners Klangwelt furios. Eine wahre Sternstunde der Oper. Die »Sternstunden der Oper« werden als 10-teilige DVD Edition in hochwertigen Mediabooks, einzeln und in einer edlen Box veröffentlicht.
Aktualisiert: 2021-05-03
> findR *

Beethoven Complete Symphonies

Beethoven Complete Symphonies von Beethoven,  Ludwig van, Jordan,  Philippe
„Beethoven is the alpha and omega of the symphonic repertoire: a repertoire crucial to any orchestra’s quality. However my orchestra at the Paris Opera had never played the Beethoven symphonies before.“ (Philippe Jordan) This Edition contains all Beethoven Symphonies with the Orchestra and Chorus of the Opéra national de Paris conducted by Philippe Jordan. A brand new production filmed in the highest quality known on the market today made by the creators oft he successful Shostakovich cycle. Philippe Jordan presents a young but traditionalist interpretation in the spirit of historical performance practice, setting a new course in Beethoven interpretation. Includes a documentary film „Philippe Jordan – Born to Conduct“ by Reiner E. Moritz. Reiner E. Moritz sketches his astonishing career and in his film uses exciting excerpts of his most important conducting performances, allowing Jordan to recount not only his childhood memories, but also his own career.
Aktualisiert: 2019-04-24
> findR *

Beethoven Complete Symphonies

Beethoven Complete Symphonies von Beethoven,  Ludwig van, Jordan,  Philippe
„Beethoven is the alpha and omega of the symphonic repertoire: a repertoire crucial to any orchestra’s quality. However my orchestra at the Paris Opera had never played the Beethoven symphonies before.“ (Philippe Jordan) This Edition contains all Beethoven Symphonies with the Orchestra and Chorus of the Opéra national de Paris conducted by Philippe Jordan. A brand new production filmed in the highest quality known on the market today made by the creators oft he successful Shostakovich cycle. Philippe Jordan presents a young but traditionalist interpretation in the spirit of historical performance practice, setting a new course in Beethoven interpretation. Includes a documentary film „Philippe Jordan – Born to Conduct“ by Reiner E. Moritz. Reiner E. Moritz sketches his astonishing career and in his film uses exciting excerpts of his most important conducting performances, allowing Jordan to recount not only his childhood memories, but also his own career.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-15
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema Philippe Jordan

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