The adjustment of mould powder is a key factor to ensure a stable continuous casting (CC) process. Therefore, a comprehensive study was carried out to investigate the melting behavior of mould powder with a special focus on carbon which is decisive for the melting process and the interaction between slag and liquid steel in the meniscus area of the continuous casting mould. Newly-designed test setups were used to ob-serve the phase transformation and the carbon combustion during the melting process in the laboratory and under industrial conditions. Next to morphological and chemical characterization with the help of light optical and scanning electron microscopy, FactSageTM simulation and in-house mathematical models were used to describe phase transformation and the decarburization in the characteristic powder layers the-oretically. It was shown that the complex process of carbon combustion depends on multiple factors which must be considered when the mould powder is designed for the CC processes. The amount of carbon, its particle size and the application of the powder to the mould must follow strict rules to avoid related defects like carbon pick-up of the liquid steel. Finally, a better understanding of the carbon combustion and the melting process of mould powder was achieved. High potential for optimization and solutions of the application and composition of mould powder were shown, based on the inves-tigations, furthermore. The gained knowledge and findings provide high potential to optimize the usage of mould powders in continuous casting, avoid related defects and to supplement existing process models. Finally, an increase of the quality of the continuous casting process can be reached.
Aktualisiert: 2020-01-27
> findR *
At the example of a continuous casting mold it will be introduced how varied multi-physical interactions can be grasped and converted into a knowledge-based solution within a CAE-environment, forming a flexible interconnected CAD-product-model-system. Essential metallurgical, thermal, mechanical and fluid-technical descriptions of the processes within a continuous casting mold are gathered and introduced. Interactions between the process parameters and possibilities for influencing the cooling intensity and the copper plate temperatures are explained and are made clear for the design engineers by providing functionally specific analysis modules. In optimization studies for mold modules specific tailored form modules for the description of the copper surface are developed and new design methodologies to describe complex trajectories of cooling channels are demonstrated, with its help the product quality can be influenced positively.
Aktualisiert: 2017-08-23
> findR *
At the example of a continuous casting mold it will be introduced how varied multi-physical interactions can be grasped and converted into a knowledge-based solution within a CAE-environment, forming a flexible interconnected CAD-product-model-system. Essential metallurgical, thermal, mechanical and fluid-technical descriptions of the processes within a continuous casting mold are gathered and introduced. Interactions between the process parameters and possibilities for influencing the cooling intensity and the copper plate temperatures are explained and are made clear for the design engineers by providing functionally specific analysis modules. In optimization studies for mold modules specific tailored form modules for the description of the copper surface are developed and new design methodologies to describe complex trajectories of cooling channels are demonstrated, with its help the product quality can be influenced positively.
Aktualisiert: 2019-06-18
> findR *
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