Idee einer Apodiktik
Ein Beitrag zur menschlichen Selbstverständigung und zur Entscheidung des Streits über Metaphysik, kritische Philosophie und Skeptizismus
Christoph Asmuth, Christoph Binkelmann, Friedrich Ludewig Bouterwek, Patrick Grüneberg, Ansgar Lyssy
Kant’s critical writings were met not only with unconditional admiration, but also provoked criticism and even raised the demands made on philosophy altogether in a unique manner. Bouterwek (1766–1828) believed that Kant‘s philosophy was inadequate for resisting skepticism because it was not fundamental enough, and in analyzing Kant‘s rejection of traditional early modern justification strategies he searched for new forms of justifying the possibility of knowledge. He developed an antiskeptical, apodictic ultimate justification of all self-understanding made possible by critical philosophy and in doing so turned against the systems of Schelling and Fichte, which he criticized as being one-sided and incomplete. Bouterwek also developed his own strategy for justifying all criticism by establishing a transcendental “elementary principle.“