ZISU 12, 2023 – Zeitschrift für interpretative Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung
Empirische Beiträge aus Erziehungswissenschaft und Fachdidaktik
Angela Bauer, Andrea Bossen, Elias Braun, Uwe Gellert, Ezgi Güvenç, Christian Herfter, Delia Hülsmann, Hannes König, Nele Kuhlmann, Anja Langer, Helen Lehndorf, Tobias Leonhard, Thorsten Merl, Kerstin Rabenstein, Hanna Roose, Matthias Schierz
ZISU 2023 aims to stimulate discussions on how subjectivation in teaching can be viewed in a subject dimension or how subject teaching can be viewed from a subjectivation theory perspective. The issue contains empirical contributions on these topics.