Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie von Atwood,  David, Bächle,  Thomas Christian, Coenen,  Christopher, Dickel,  Sascha, Grunwald,  Armin, Jochum,  Georg, Keller,  Felix, Maasen,  Sabine, Mohn,  Jürgen, Nordmann,  Alfred, Ornella,  Alexander Darius, Schwarke,  Christian, Wyss,  Beat
Immanence and transcendence form a philosophical pair of opposites that can illustrate how a society deals with technological boundaries and the importance it attaches to technological innovations. Religion as a cultural technology has the purpose of communicating transcendental things in the immanence of the world. What does this mean for innovation societies that elevate the ongoing crossing of technological boundaries to a mode of reproduction? The thesis of this book is: technology discourses which negotiate transcendence preferably use vocabulary, terms and metaphors from the field of religion - not just recently.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie von Atwood,  David, Bächle,  Thomas Christian, Coenen,  Christopher, Dickel,  Sascha, Grunwald,  Armin, Jochum,  Georg, Keller,  Felix, Maasen,  Sabine, Mohn,  Jürgen, Nordmann,  Alfred, Ornella,  Alexander Darius, Schwarke,  Christian, Wyss,  Beat
Immanence and transcendence form a philosophical pair of opposites that can illustrate how a society deals with technological boundaries and the importance it attaches to technological innovations. Religion as a cultural technology has the purpose of communicating transcendental things in the immanence of the world. What does this mean for innovation societies that elevate the ongoing crossing of technological boundaries to a mode of reproduction? The thesis of this book is: technology discourses which negotiate transcendence preferably use vocabulary, terms and metaphors from the field of religion - not just recently.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie von Atwood,  David, Bächle,  Thomas Christian, Coenen,  Christopher, Dickel,  Sascha, Grunwald,  Armin, Jochum,  Georg, Keller,  Felix, Maasen,  Sabine, Mohn,  Jürgen, Nordmann,  Alfred, Ornella,  Alexander Darius, Schwarke,  Christian, Wyss,  Beat
Immanence and transcendence form a philosophical pair of opposites that can illustrate how a society deals with technological boundaries and the importance it attaches to technological innovations. Religion as a cultural technology has the purpose of communicating transcendental things in the immanence of the world. What does this mean for innovation societies that elevate the ongoing crossing of technological boundaries to a mode of reproduction? The thesis of this book is: technology discourses which negotiate transcendence preferably use vocabulary, terms and metaphors from the field of religion - not just recently.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie von Atwood,  David, Bächle,  Thomas Christian, Coenen,  Christopher, Dickel,  Sascha, Grunwald,  Armin, Jochum,  Georg, Keller,  Felix, Maasen,  Sabine, Mohn,  Jürgen, Nordmann,  Alfred, Ornella,  Alexander Darius, Schwarke,  Christian, Wyss,  Beat
Immanence and transcendence form a philosophical pair of opposites that can illustrate how a society deals with technological boundaries and the importance it attaches to technological innovations. Religion as a cultural technology has the purpose of communicating transcendental things in the immanence of the world. What does this mean for innovation societies that elevate the ongoing crossing of technological boundaries to a mode of reproduction? The thesis of this book is: technology discourses which negotiate transcendence preferably use vocabulary, terms and metaphors from the field of religion - not just recently.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie von Atwood,  David, Bächle,  Thomas Christian, Coenen,  Christopher, Dickel,  Sascha, Grunwald,  Armin, Jochum,  Georg, Keller,  Felix, Maasen,  Sabine, Mohn,  Jürgen, Nordmann,  Alfred, Ornella,  Alexander Darius, Schwarke,  Christian, Wyss,  Beat
Immanence and transcendence form a philosophical pair of opposites that can illustrate how a society deals with technological boundaries and the importance it attaches to technological innovations. Religion as a cultural technology has the purpose of communicating transcendental things in the immanence of the world. What does this mean for innovation societies that elevate the ongoing crossing of technological boundaries to a mode of reproduction? The thesis of this book is: technology discourses which negotiate transcendence preferably use vocabulary, terms and metaphors from the field of religion - not just recently.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie von Atwood,  David, Bächle,  Thomas Christian, Coenen,  Christopher, Dickel,  Sascha, Grunwald,  Armin, Jochum,  Georg, Keller,  Felix, Maasen,  Sabine, Mohn,  Jürgen, Nordmann,  Alfred, Ornella,  Alexander Darius, Schwarke,  Christian, Wyss,  Beat
Immanence and transcendence form a philosophical pair of opposites that can illustrate how a society deals with technological boundaries and the importance it attaches to technological innovations. Religion as a cultural technology has the purpose of communicating transcendental things in the immanence of the world. What does this mean for innovation societies that elevate the ongoing crossing of technological boundaries to a mode of reproduction? The thesis of this book is: technology discourses which negotiate transcendence preferably use vocabulary, terms and metaphors from the field of religion - not just recently.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *


Schwellenzeiten von Atwood,  David
Der Autor geht den Grenzen von Religion in der Ordnung der Gesellschaft mit einem spezifischen Fokus auf Schwellenerzählungen in der zeitgenössischen Religionsgeschichte nach. Er zeigt dabei auf, dass solche Erzählungen als mythopoetische Formen der gesellschaftlichen Selbstreflexion immer dazu verwendet werden, einen neuen Ausgangspunkt zu beschreiben, der nicht nur eine Diagnose, sondern gleichzeitig einen Therapievorschlag zur Behandlung der diagnostizierten Krise beinhaltet. Die in diesen Schwellenerzählungen vorgenommene Positionierung und Begrenzung von Religion gegenüber Recht, Politik oder Wissenschaft ist die Bedingung, unter der Religion überhaupt erst regierbar gemacht werden kann. Die vorliegende Analyse geht verschiedenen Metaphern in der europäischen Religionsgeschichte nach: dem ‘Ende’, der ‘Achse’ und der ‘Stunde Null’.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie

Immanente Religion – Transzendente Technologie von Atwood,  David, Bächle,  Thomas Christian, Coenen,  Christopher, Dickel,  Sascha, Grunwald,  Armin, Jochum,  Georg, Keller,  Felix, Maasen,  Sabine, Mohn,  Jürgen, Nordmann,  Alfred, Ornella,  Alexander Darius, Schwarke,  Christian, Wyss,  Beat
Immanence and transcendence form a philosophical pair of opposites that can illustrate how a society deals with technological boundaries and the importance it attaches to technological innovations. Religion as a cultural technology has the purpose of communicating transcendental things in the immanence of the world. What does this mean for innovation societies that elevate the ongoing crossing of technological boundaries to a mode of reproduction? The thesis of this book is: technology discourses which negotiate transcendence preferably use vocabulary, terms and metaphors from the field of religion - not just recently.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *


Schwellenzeiten von Atwood,  David
Der Autor geht den Grenzen von Religion in der Ordnung der Gesellschaft mit einem spezifischen Fokus auf Schwellenerzählungen in der zeitgenössischen Religionsgeschichte nach. Er zeigt dabei auf, dass solche Erzählungen als mythopoetische Formen der gesellschaftlichen Selbstreflexion immer dazu verwendet werden, einen neuen Ausgangspunkt zu beschreiben, der nicht nur eine Diagnose, sondern gleichzeitig einen Therapievorschlag zur Behandlung der diagnostizierten Krise beinhaltet. Die in diesen Schwellenerzählungen vorgenommene Positionierung und Begrenzung von Religion gegenüber Recht, Politik oder Wissenschaft ist die Bedingung, unter der Religion überhaupt erst regierbar gemacht werden kann. Die vorliegende Analyse geht verschiedenen Metaphern in der europäischen Religionsgeschichte nach: dem ‘Ende’, der ‘Achse’ und der ‘Stunde Null’.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

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