This volume presents appreciations, written by twelve experts, of the successors of Freud and their most important theoretical contributions and lasting influence on psychoanalytic practice and theory formation. The discoveries made by Freud's successors are the basis for a pluralistic form of psychoanalysis in which the empirical findings of these outstanding personalities are still able to flow into contemporary psychotherapeutic treatments. The outline biographies not only cast fresh light on the history of psychoanalysis in each country, but also clarify how closely the psychologists' lives and work were often connected.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Thomas Aichhorn,
Cord Benecke,
Marco Conci,
Claudia Frank,
Lilli Gast,
Wolfgang Hegener,
Udo Hock,
Timo Hoyer,
Christian Kläui,
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber,
Eveline List,
Wolfgang Mertens,
Wolfgang Milch,
Robert Oelsner,
Herbert Will
> findR *
This volume presents appreciations, written by twelve experts, of the successors of Freud and their most important theoretical contributions and lasting influence on psychoanalytic practice and theory formation. The discoveries made by Freud's successors are the basis for a pluralistic form of psychoanalysis in which the empirical findings of these outstanding personalities are still able to flow into contemporary psychotherapeutic treatments. The outline biographies not only cast fresh light on the history of psychoanalysis in each country, but also clarify how closely the psychologists' lives and work were often connected.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Thomas Aichhorn,
Cord Benecke,
Marco Conci,
Claudia Frank,
Lilli Gast,
Wolfgang Hegener,
Udo Hock,
Timo Hoyer,
Christian Kläui,
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber,
Eveline List,
Wolfgang Mertens,
Wolfgang Milch,
Robert Oelsner,
Herbert Will
> findR *
This volume presents appreciations, written by twelve experts, of the successors of Freud and their most important theoretical contributions and lasting influence on psychoanalytic practice and theory formation. The discoveries made by Freud's successors are the basis for a pluralistic form of psychoanalysis in which the empirical findings of these outstanding personalities are still able to flow into contemporary psychotherapeutic treatments. The outline biographies not only cast fresh light on the history of psychoanalysis in each country, but also clarify how closely the psychologists' lives and work were often connected.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
Thomas Aichhorn,
Cord Benecke,
Marco Conci,
Claudia Frank,
Lilli Gast,
Wolfgang Hegener,
Udo Hock,
Timo Hoyer,
Christian Kläui,
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber,
Eveline List,
Wolfgang Mertens,
Wolfgang Milch,
Robert Oelsner,
Herbert Will
> findR *
Conci stellt erstmals in Deutsch Leben und Gesamtwerk Harry Stack Sullivans (1892–1949) vor, der aus dem Feld der Psychiatrie kommend Freuds Theorie der Psychoanalyse vor allem um die Bedeutung interpersonaler und gesellschaftlicher Einflüsse erweiterte. Ein umfangreiches, gründliches Buch zu den Anfängen der Psychoanalyse in Amerika und einem der führenden Wegbereiter.
Aktualisiert: 2022-12-19
> findR *
Ilany Kogan schildert in Falldarstellungen auch die Begrenztheit therapeutischer Möglichkeiten und Analysen.
Ziel der therapeutischen Arbeit ist es, dem Patienten Trauer zu ermöglichen und ihm zu helfen, seine Hilflosigkeit zu ertragen und seinem Leben einen Sinn zu geben.
- Psychotherapeuten
- Psychoanalytiker
- konfessionelle Berater
Aktualisiert: 2022-06-28
> findR *
Ilany Kogan schildert in Falldarstellungen auch die Begrenztheit therapeutischer Möglichkeiten und Analysen.
Ziel der therapeutischen Arbeit ist es, dem Patienten Trauer zu ermöglichen und ihm zu helfen, seine Hilflosigkeit zu ertragen und seinem Leben einen Sinn zu geben.
- Psychotherapeuten
- Psychoanalytiker
- konfessionelle Berater
Aktualisiert: 2022-05-19
> findR *
This volume presents appreciations, written by twelve experts, of the successors of Freud and their most important theoretical contributions and lasting influence on psychoanalytic practice and theory formation. The discoveries made by Freud's successors are the basis for a pluralistic form of psychoanalysis in which the empirical findings of these outstanding personalities are still able to flow into contemporary psychotherapeutic treatments. The outline biographies not only cast fresh light on the history of psychoanalysis in each country, but also clarify how closely the psychologists' lives and work were often connected.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Thomas Aichhorn,
Cord Benecke,
Marco Conci,
Claudia Frank,
Lilli Gast,
Wolfgang Hegener,
Udo Hock,
Timo Hoyer,
Christian Kläui,
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber,
Eveline List,
Wolfgang Mertens,
Wolfgang Milch,
Robert Oelsner,
Herbert Will
> findR *
This volume presents appreciations, written by twelve experts, of the successors of Freud and their most important theoretical contributions and lasting influence on psychoanalytic practice and theory formation. The discoveries made by Freud's successors are the basis for a pluralistic form of psychoanalysis in which the empirical findings of these outstanding personalities are still able to flow into contemporary psychotherapeutic treatments. The outline biographies not only cast fresh light on the history of psychoanalysis in each country, but also clarify how closely the psychologists' lives and work were often connected.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Thomas Aichhorn,
Cord Benecke,
Marco Conci,
Claudia Frank,
Lilli Gast,
Wolfgang Hegener,
Udo Hock,
Timo Hoyer,
Christian Kläui,
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber,
Eveline List,
Wolfgang Mertens,
Wolfgang Milch,
Robert Oelsner,
Herbert Will
> findR *
This volume presents appreciations, written by twelve experts, of the successors of Freud and their most important theoretical contributions and lasting influence on psychoanalytic practice and theory formation. The discoveries made by Freud's successors are the basis for a pluralistic form of psychoanalysis in which the empirical findings of these outstanding personalities are still able to flow into contemporary psychotherapeutic treatments. The outline biographies not only cast fresh light on the history of psychoanalysis in each country, but also clarify how closely the psychologists' lives and work were often connected.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Thomas Aichhorn,
Cord Benecke,
Marco Conci,
Claudia Frank,
Lilli Gast,
Wolfgang Hegener,
Udo Hock,
Timo Hoyer,
Christian Kläui,
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber,
Eveline List,
Wolfgang Mertens,
Wolfgang Milch,
Robert Oelsner,
Herbert Will
> findR *
Die Beziehung zwischen Analytiker und Patient ist eines der zentralen und auch schwierigsten Themen der psychoanalytischen Theorie und Praxis. Abwechslungsreich und verständig beschreibt Bolognini ihre verschiedenen Arten, ihre Abläufe, Erfolge und Misserfolge anhand relevanter Theorien von Freud bis zur Gegenwart.
Aktualisiert: 2022-01-06
> findR *
Migration bedeutet nicht nur für die aufnehmende Gesellschaft, sondern vor allem auch für die betroffenen Migrantinnen und Migranten, sich ständig neuen Herausforderungen stellen zu müssen. Im vorliegenden Buch wird untersucht, welche Bedeutung der Migration in verschiedenen Lebensphasen zukommt und welche psychischen Transformationsprozesse sie im Laufe eines Lebens verursachen kann.
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-15
Gabriele Ast,
Christiane Bakhit,
Peter Bründl,
Jana Burgerova,
Marco Conci,
Nina Hahm,
Ilany Kogan,
Sebastian Kudritzki,
Birgit Mau-Endres,
Aydan Özdaglar,
Viktoria Schmid-Arnold,
Hediaty Utari-Witt
> findR *
This volume presents appreciations, written by twelve experts, of the successors of Freud and their most important theoretical contributions and lasting influence on psychoanalytic practice and theory formation. The discoveries made by Freud's successors are the basis for a pluralistic form of psychoanalysis in which the empirical findings of these outstanding personalities are still able to flow into contemporary psychotherapeutic treatments. The outline biographies not only cast fresh light on the history of psychoanalysis in each country, but also clarify how closely the psychologists' lives and work were often connected.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Thomas Aichhorn,
Cord Benecke,
Marco Conci,
Claudia Frank,
Lilli Gast,
Wolfgang Hegener,
Udo Hock,
Timo Hoyer,
Christian Kläui,
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber,
Eveline List,
Wolfgang Mertens,
Wolfgang Milch,
Robert Oelsner,
Herbert Will
> findR *
Conci stellt erstmals in Deutsch Leben und Gesamtwerk Harry Stack Sullivans (1892–1949) vor, der aus dem Feld der Psychiatrie kommend Freuds Theorie der Psychoanalyse vor allem um die Bedeutung interpersonaler und gesellschaftlicher Einflüsse erweiterte. Ein umfangreiches, gründliches Buch zu den Anfängen der Psychoanalyse in Amerika und einem der führenden Wegbereiter.
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-15
> findR *
Wie ist das Verhältnis zwischen Sprache und Unbewusstem? Was geschieht, wenn man in mehreren Sprachen spricht, denkt, träumt? Aktuelle und bedeutungsvolle Entwicklungen aus der klinischen Psychoanalyse und der Psycholinguistik sind in diesem Buch versammelt.
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-15
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2022-07-27
> findR *
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