Depressive disorders are among the most common diseases in Western industrialized countries. Despite a wide range of outpatient and in-patient treatment options, depressive disorders are still often not correctly diagnosed and are treated too late, and the individuals affected often do not benefit from therapy over the longer term. This volume explains current sociological, psychodynamic and neuroscientific models, as well as the latest research findings, on the development of depression and presents effective psychotherapeutic procedures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Ulrich Bahrke,
Heinz Böker,
Gerhard Dammann,
Bernhard Grimmer,
Claudia Henke,
Dorothea Huber,
Marko Hurst,
Günther Klug,
Frank Matakas,
Isa Sammet,
Manfred Wolfersdorf
> findR *
Depressive disorders are among the most common diseases in Western industrialized countries. Despite a wide range of outpatient and in-patient treatment options, depressive disorders are still often not correctly diagnosed and are treated too late, and the individuals affected often do not benefit from therapy over the longer term. This volume explains current sociological, psychodynamic and neuroscientific models, as well as the latest research findings, on the development of depression and presents effective psychotherapeutic procedures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Ulrich Bahrke,
Heinz Böker,
Gerhard Dammann,
Bernhard Grimmer,
Claudia Henke,
Dorothea Huber,
Marko Hurst,
Günther Klug,
Frank Matakas,
Isa Sammet,
Manfred Wolfersdorf
> findR *
Depressive disorders are among the most common diseases in Western industrialized countries. Despite a wide range of outpatient and in-patient treatment options, depressive disorders are still often not correctly diagnosed and are treated too late, and the individuals affected often do not benefit from therapy over the longer term. This volume explains current sociological, psychodynamic and neuroscientific models, as well as the latest research findings, on the development of depression and presents effective psychotherapeutic procedures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Ulrich Bahrke,
Heinz Böker,
Gerhard Dammann,
Bernhard Grimmer,
Claudia Henke,
Dorothea Huber,
Marko Hurst,
Günther Klug,
Frank Matakas,
Isa Sammet,
Manfred Wolfersdorf
> findR *
The disorders that are categorized under the term ?obsessive-compulsive= are mistakenly regarded as being rare forms of mental illness. In fact, more than 3% of the population suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorders. In addition to the severe sense of shame that those affected experience, which causes acute psychological stress, the disorder is often not recognized, or recognized incorrectly. In addition, there is a persistent misconception among experts that obsessive-compulsive disorders are difficult to treat. This practice-oriented standard work deals with the broad spectrum of this often bizarre condition, which is difficult to understand for outsiders, in accordance with the latest state of knowledge about it. Numerous renowned experts provide well-founded explanations of the background, special features, and methods of treating obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Matthias Backenstraß,
Charles Benoy,
Christine Brancato,
Veronika Brezinka,
Gerhard Dammann,
Kenneth M. Dürsteler-MacFarland,
Stephan Egger,
Cornelia Exner,
Jakob Fink-Lamotte,
Susanne Fricke,
Vanya Gocheva,
Bernhard Grimmer,
Carlotta Heinzel,
Karsten Hollmann,
Ina Jahn,
Jan Ilhan Kizilhan,
Christian Klesse,
Patrick Köck,
Roselind Lieb,
Maximilian Maywald,
Marcel Miche,
Karoline Pitsch,
Oliver Pogarell,
Christine Poppe,
Hans Reinecker,
Tobias Renner,
Andreas Riedel,
Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth,
Michael Rufer,
Egemen Savaskan,
Katarina Stengler,
Claus Voegele,
Karina Wahl,
Susanne Walitza,
Marc Walter,
Steffi Weidt
> findR *
The disorders that are categorized under the term ?obsessive-compulsive= are mistakenly regarded as being rare forms of mental illness. In fact, more than 3% of the population suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorders. In addition to the severe sense of shame that those affected experience, which causes acute psychological stress, the disorder is often not recognized, or recognized incorrectly. In addition, there is a persistent misconception among experts that obsessive-compulsive disorders are difficult to treat. This practice-oriented standard work deals with the broad spectrum of this often bizarre condition, which is difficult to understand for outsiders, in accordance with the latest state of knowledge about it. Numerous renowned experts provide well-founded explanations of the background, special features, and methods of treating obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Matthias Backenstraß,
Charles Benoy,
Christine Brancato,
Veronika Brezinka,
Gerhard Dammann,
Kenneth M. Dürsteler-MacFarland,
Stephan Egger,
Cornelia Exner,
Jakob Fink-Lamotte,
Susanne Fricke,
Vanya Gocheva,
Bernhard Grimmer,
Carlotta Heinzel,
Karsten Hollmann,
Ina Jahn,
Jan Ilhan Kizilhan,
Christian Klesse,
Patrick Köck,
Roselind Lieb,
Maximilian Maywald,
Marcel Miche,
Karoline Pitsch,
Oliver Pogarell,
Christine Poppe,
Hans Reinecker,
Tobias Renner,
Andreas Riedel,
Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth,
Michael Rufer,
Egemen Savaskan,
Katarina Stengler,
Claus Voegele,
Karina Wahl,
Susanne Walitza,
Marc Walter,
Steffi Weidt
> findR *
The disorders that are categorized under the term ?obsessive-compulsive= are mistakenly regarded as being rare forms of mental illness. In fact, more than 3% of the population suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorders. In addition to the severe sense of shame that those affected experience, which causes acute psychological stress, the disorder is often not recognized, or recognized incorrectly. In addition, there is a persistent misconception among experts that obsessive-compulsive disorders are difficult to treat. This practice-oriented standard work deals with the broad spectrum of this often bizarre condition, which is difficult to understand for outsiders, in accordance with the latest state of knowledge about it. Numerous renowned experts provide well-founded explanations of the background, special features, and methods of treating obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Matthias Backenstraß,
Charles Benoy,
Christine Brancato,
Veronika Brezinka,
Gerhard Dammann,
Kenneth M. Dürsteler-MacFarland,
Stephan Egger,
Cornelia Exner,
Jakob Fink-Lamotte,
Susanne Fricke,
Vanya Gocheva,
Bernhard Grimmer,
Carlotta Heinzel,
Karsten Hollmann,
Ina Jahn,
Jan Ilhan Kizilhan,
Christian Klesse,
Patrick Köck,
Roselind Lieb,
Maximilian Maywald,
Marcel Miche,
Karoline Pitsch,
Oliver Pogarell,
Christine Poppe,
Hans Reinecker,
Tobias Renner,
Andreas Riedel,
Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth,
Michael Rufer,
Egemen Savaskan,
Katarina Stengler,
Claus Voegele,
Karina Wahl,
Susanne Walitza,
Marc Walter,
Steffi Weidt
> findR *
Schizoid personality disorder is one of the most interesting, but also one of the least well known personality disorders. The concept of schizoidism has had a varied history, starting with schizophrenia and touching on other clinical problem areas such as schizotypy, autism spectrum disorders, avoidance of attachment, and lack of empathy in psychopathy. People with schizoidism are extremely reluctant to engage in intensive interpersonal relationships and to experience stronger emotions, and instead place strong importance on their own independence, rationality and ego functions. In addition to presenting the origins of the concept and findings from empirical research, this volume focuses on differential diagnoses, on the psychodynamics of schizoid patients and their often impressive creativity in a case-related way, as well as on the psychotherapeutic options and treatment difficulties.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Anna Buchheim,
Gerhard Dammann,
Benigna Gerisch,
Bernhard Grimmer,
Harald Gündel,
Helene Haker Rössler,
Miriam Henkel,
Hans-Peter Kapfhammer,
Otto F. Kernberg,
Fritz Lackinger,
Steffen Müller,
Isa Sammet,
Heinz Weiß,
Corinna Wernz
> findR *
Schizoid personality disorder is one of the most interesting, but also one of the least well known personality disorders. The concept of schizoidism has had a varied history, starting with schizophrenia and touching on other clinical problem areas such as schizotypy, autism spectrum disorders, avoidance of attachment, and lack of empathy in psychopathy. People with schizoidism are extremely reluctant to engage in intensive interpersonal relationships and to experience stronger emotions, and instead place strong importance on their own independence, rationality and ego functions. In addition to presenting the origins of the concept and findings from empirical research, this volume focuses on differential diagnoses, on the psychodynamics of schizoid patients and their often impressive creativity in a case-related way, as well as on the psychotherapeutic options and treatment difficulties.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Anna Buchheim,
Gerhard Dammann,
Benigna Gerisch,
Bernhard Grimmer,
Harald Gündel,
Helene Haker Rössler,
Miriam Henkel,
Hans-Peter Kapfhammer,
Otto F. Kernberg,
Fritz Lackinger,
Steffen Müller,
Isa Sammet,
Heinz Weiß,
Corinna Wernz
> findR *
Schizoid personality disorder is one of the most interesting, but also one of the least well known personality disorders. The concept of schizoidism has had a varied history, starting with schizophrenia and touching on other clinical problem areas such as schizotypy, autism spectrum disorders, avoidance of attachment, and lack of empathy in psychopathy. People with schizoidism are extremely reluctant to engage in intensive interpersonal relationships and to experience stronger emotions, and instead place strong importance on their own independence, rationality and ego functions. In addition to presenting the origins of the concept and findings from empirical research, this volume focuses on differential diagnoses, on the psychodynamics of schizoid patients and their often impressive creativity in a case-related way, as well as on the psychotherapeutic options and treatment difficulties.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Anna Buchheim,
Gerhard Dammann,
Benigna Gerisch,
Bernhard Grimmer,
Harald Gündel,
Helene Haker Rössler,
Miriam Henkel,
Hans-Peter Kapfhammer,
Otto F. Kernberg,
Fritz Lackinger,
Steffen Müller,
Isa Sammet,
Heinz Weiß,
Corinna Wernz
> findR *
Mit Beiträgen u. a. von B. Boothe, V. King, I. Seiffge-Krenke, K. Schmeck, A. Streeck-Fischer, K. Wölfling.
Durch den gesellschaftlichen Wandel, der in veränderten Familienstrukturen und Sozialisationsbedingungen sowie in neuen Anforderungen an die berufliche und persönliche Identitätsbildung wirksam wird, ist die Lebensphase der Adoleszenz länger und störungsanfälliger geworden. Dadurch sind Veränderungen im Bedarf psychotherapeutischer Versorgung entstanden. In diesem Zusammenhang etabliert sich die Adoleszenzpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie zunehmend als eigenständiger Bereich.
Das Werk gibt einen praxisorientierten Überblick über Entwicklungsbedingungen im 21. Jahrhundert und zentrale Konflikte im Prozess des Erwachsenwerdens, über in der Adoleszenz häufige Störungsbilder und deren Behandlung sowie über Besonderheiten in verschiedenen Therapiesettings. Themen sind u. a. Essstörungen, Suizidalität, emotionale Instabilität, Computerspiel-/Internetsucht, ADHS, Störungen des Sozialverhaltens und Traumafolgestörungen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Mit Beiträgen u. a. von B. Boothe, V. King, I. Seiffge-Krenke, K. Schmeck, A. Streeck-Fischer, K. Wölfling.
Durch den gesellschaftlichen Wandel, der in veränderten Familienstrukturen und Sozialisationsbedingungen sowie in neuen Anforderungen an die berufliche und persönliche Identitätsbildung wirksam wird, ist die Lebensphase der Adoleszenz länger und störungsanfälliger geworden. Dadurch sind Veränderungen im Bedarf psychotherapeutischer Versorgung entstanden. In diesem Zusammenhang etabliert sich die Adoleszenzpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie zunehmend als eigenständiger Bereich.
Das Werk gibt einen praxisorientierten Überblick über Entwicklungsbedingungen im 21. Jahrhundert und zentrale Konflikte im Prozess des Erwachsenwerdens, über in der Adoleszenz häufige Störungsbilder und deren Behandlung sowie über Besonderheiten in verschiedenen Therapiesettings. Themen sind u. a. Essstörungen, Suizidalität, emotionale Instabilität, Computerspiel-/Internetsucht, ADHS, Störungen des Sozialverhaltens und Traumafolgestörungen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Mit Beiträgen u. a. von B. Boothe, V. King, I. Seiffge-Krenke, K. Schmeck, A. Streeck-Fischer, K. Wölfling.
Durch den gesellschaftlichen Wandel, der in veränderten Familienstrukturen und Sozialisationsbedingungen sowie in neuen Anforderungen an die berufliche und persönliche Identitätsbildung wirksam wird, ist die Lebensphase der Adoleszenz länger und störungsanfälliger geworden. Dadurch sind Veränderungen im Bedarf psychotherapeutischer Versorgung entstanden. In diesem Zusammenhang etabliert sich die Adoleszenzpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie zunehmend als eigenständiger Bereich.
Das Werk gibt einen praxisorientierten Überblick über Entwicklungsbedingungen im 21. Jahrhundert und zentrale Konflikte im Prozess des Erwachsenwerdens, über in der Adoleszenz häufige Störungsbilder und deren Behandlung sowie über Besonderheiten in verschiedenen Therapiesettings. Themen sind u. a. Essstörungen, Suizidalität, emotionale Instabilität, Computerspiel-/Internetsucht, ADHS, Störungen des Sozialverhaltens und Traumafolgestörungen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Adipositas hat in den letzten Jahren weltweit zugenommen. Somatische und psychische Folgeerkrankungen mindern die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen. Mit diesem Band werden ausgewählte Aspekte der interdisziplinären Diagnostik und Therapie unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Ergebnisse der Adipositasforschung fallorientiert und praxisnah veranschaulicht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf psychosomatischen Aspekten der adipositaschirurgischen Therapie.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Adipositas hat in den letzten Jahren weltweit zugenommen. Somatische und psychische Folgeerkrankungen mindern die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen. Mit diesem Band werden ausgewählte Aspekte der interdisziplinären Diagnostik und Therapie unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Ergebnisse der Adipositasforschung fallorientiert und praxisnah veranschaulicht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf psychosomatischen Aspekten der adipositaschirurgischen Therapie.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Adipositas hat in den letzten Jahren weltweit zugenommen. Somatische und psychische Folgeerkrankungen mindern die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen. Mit diesem Band werden ausgewählte Aspekte der interdisziplinären Diagnostik und Therapie unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Ergebnisse der Adipositasforschung fallorientiert und praxisnah veranschaulicht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf psychosomatischen Aspekten der adipositaschirurgischen Therapie.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
This book provides a systematic and comprehensive discussion of the comorbidities that commonly occur when addictive diseases are associated with other psychological disturbances. The special aspects involved in the combined occurrence and specific treatment procedures in accordance with recent evidence-based research results are presented from the points of view of psychiatry and psychotherapy, as well as from the viewpoint of addiction therapy. It is essential to take a precise patient history, including the temporal sequence in which the various symptoms and problems appeared. This is the prerequisite for a correct diagnosis and forms the basis of treatment planning. The book offers practical solutions for the frequent problems of diagnosis and treatment of ?double diagnoses= and ways of dealing with patients who are often experienced as challenging in everyday clinical practice. This second edition has been fully updated, with two new chapters added on the important topics of diagnosis/classification and drug dependency.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Anil Batra,
Stefan Bleich,
Stefan Borgwardt,
Gerhard Dammann,
Kenneth M. Dürsteler-MacFarland,
Andreas Franke,
Euphrosyne Gouzoulis-Mayfrank,
Johanna Grundmann,
Thomas Hillemacher,
Maria Hofecker Fallahpour,
Franz Moggi,
Sylvie Petitjean,
Ingo Schäfer,
Michael Soyka,
Christina Stadler,
Rolf-Dieter Stieglitz,
Rudolf Stohler,
Bert T. te Wildt,
Andrija Vukicevic,
Marc Walter,
Gerhard A. Wiesbeck,
Johannes Wrege
> findR *
This book provides a systematic and comprehensive discussion of the comorbidities that commonly occur when addictive diseases are associated with other psychological disturbances. The special aspects involved in the combined occurrence and specific treatment procedures in accordance with recent evidence-based research results are presented from the points of view of psychiatry and psychotherapy, as well as from the viewpoint of addiction therapy. It is essential to take a precise patient history, including the temporal sequence in which the various symptoms and problems appeared. This is the prerequisite for a correct diagnosis and forms the basis of treatment planning. The book offers practical solutions for the frequent problems of diagnosis and treatment of ?double diagnoses= and ways of dealing with patients who are often experienced as challenging in everyday clinical practice. This second edition has been fully updated, with two new chapters added on the important topics of diagnosis/classification and drug dependency.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Anil Batra,
Stefan Bleich,
Stefan Borgwardt,
Gerhard Dammann,
Kenneth M. Dürsteler-MacFarland,
Andreas Franke,
Euphrosyne Gouzoulis-Mayfrank,
Johanna Grundmann,
Thomas Hillemacher,
Maria Hofecker Fallahpour,
Franz Moggi,
Sylvie Petitjean,
Ingo Schäfer,
Michael Soyka,
Christina Stadler,
Rolf-Dieter Stieglitz,
Rudolf Stohler,
Bert T. te Wildt,
Andrija Vukicevic,
Marc Walter,
Gerhard A. Wiesbeck,
Johannes Wrege
> findR *
This book provides a systematic and comprehensive discussion of the comorbidities that commonly occur when addictive diseases are associated with other psychological disturbances. The special aspects involved in the combined occurrence and specific treatment procedures in accordance with recent evidence-based research results are presented from the points of view of psychiatry and psychotherapy, as well as from the viewpoint of addiction therapy. It is essential to take a precise patient history, including the temporal sequence in which the various symptoms and problems appeared. This is the prerequisite for a correct diagnosis and forms the basis of treatment planning. The book offers practical solutions for the frequent problems of diagnosis and treatment of ?double diagnoses= and ways of dealing with patients who are often experienced as challenging in everyday clinical practice. This second edition has been fully updated, with two new chapters added on the important topics of diagnosis/classification and drug dependency.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Anil Batra,
Stefan Bleich,
Stefan Borgwardt,
Gerhard Dammann,
Kenneth M. Dürsteler-MacFarland,
Andreas Franke,
Euphrosyne Gouzoulis-Mayfrank,
Johanna Grundmann,
Thomas Hillemacher,
Maria Hofecker Fallahpour,
Franz Moggi,
Sylvie Petitjean,
Ingo Schäfer,
Michael Soyka,
Christina Stadler,
Rolf-Dieter Stieglitz,
Rudolf Stohler,
Bert T. te Wildt,
Andrija Vukicevic,
Marc Walter,
Gerhard A. Wiesbeck,
Johannes Wrege
> findR *
Physical and sexual violence, war, accidents & traumatic events are widely varied and can affect anyone and lead to severe mental illness. We now have extensive knowledge of the psychophysical development processes involved in post-traumatic stress disorders. At the same time, various disorder-specific psychotherapy methods have been developed for treating them. In this anthology, renowned authors from the scientific and practical fields present new and proven, evidence-based forms of therapy for trauma sequelae from the viewpoint of different psychotherapeutic methods. Outpatient and residential treatment methods, as well as therapies for adults as well as children and adolescents are taken into account.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Cord Benecke,
Werner Bohleber,
Gerhard Dammann,
Rebekka Eilers,
Thomas Elbert,
Emilie Frigowitsch,
Bernhard Grimmer,
Benjamin Iffland,
Birgit Kleim,
Christine Knaevelsrud,
Rainer Krähenmann,
Noemi Lorbeer,
Laura Meister,
Julia Mueller,
Frank Neuner,
Michael Rentrop,
Rita Rosner,
Martina Ruf-Leuschner,
Isa Sammet,
Inga Schalinski,
Maggie Schauer,
Agnes Schneider-Heine,
Anna Vogel,
Birgit Wagner,
Patricia Westerhausen
> findR *
Physical and sexual violence, war, accidents & traumatic events are widely varied and can affect anyone and lead to severe mental illness. We now have extensive knowledge of the psychophysical development processes involved in post-traumatic stress disorders. At the same time, various disorder-specific psychotherapy methods have been developed for treating them. In this anthology, renowned authors from the scientific and practical fields present new and proven, evidence-based forms of therapy for trauma sequelae from the viewpoint of different psychotherapeutic methods. Outpatient and residential treatment methods, as well as therapies for adults as well as children and adolescents are taken into account.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Cord Benecke,
Werner Bohleber,
Gerhard Dammann,
Rebekka Eilers,
Thomas Elbert,
Emilie Frigowitsch,
Bernhard Grimmer,
Benjamin Iffland,
Birgit Kleim,
Christine Knaevelsrud,
Rainer Krähenmann,
Noemi Lorbeer,
Laura Meister,
Julia Mueller,
Frank Neuner,
Michael Rentrop,
Rita Rosner,
Martina Ruf-Leuschner,
Isa Sammet,
Inga Schalinski,
Maggie Schauer,
Agnes Schneider-Heine,
Anna Vogel,
Birgit Wagner,
Patricia Westerhausen
> findR *
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