In 1 Cor. 7, 12-16 Paul advises 16 church members not to divorce their non-Christian spouses. How does the apostle=s advice measure up to his declared strategy of distancing oneself from the outside world, particularly in matters of sexual ethics (1 Cor. 5 and 6)? El Mansy examines the range of discourse on the subject of exogamy that would have influenced Paul and his constituency. In order to do this she analyzes three historically relevant Jewish viewpoints on customs (Ezra / Nehemiah, Ruth and Jubilees) as well as Greco-Roman sources that shed light on the religious and socio-cultural evaluation of ethnically mixed marriages. Lastly she places the argument expressed by Paul in 1 Cor. within the context of Hellenistic Judaism (Philo of Alexandria) and an additional Christian viewpoint (1 Peter).
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
In 1 Cor. 7, 12-16 Paul advises 16 church members not to divorce their non-Christian spouses. How does the apostle=s advice measure up to his declared strategy of distancing oneself from the outside world, particularly in matters of sexual ethics (1 Cor. 5 and 6)? El Mansy examines the range of discourse on the subject of exogamy that would have influenced Paul and his constituency. In order to do this she analyzes three historically relevant Jewish viewpoints on customs (Ezra / Nehemiah, Ruth and Jubilees) as well as Greco-Roman sources that shed light on the religious and socio-cultural evaluation of ethnically mixed marriages. Lastly she places the argument expressed by Paul in 1 Cor. within the context of Hellenistic Judaism (Philo of Alexandria) and an additional Christian viewpoint (1 Peter).
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
In 1 Cor. 7, 12-16 Paul advises 16 church members not to divorce their non-Christian spouses. How does the apostle=s advice measure up to his declared strategy of distancing oneself from the outside world, particularly in matters of sexual ethics (1 Cor. 5 and 6)? El Mansy examines the range of discourse on the subject of exogamy that would have influenced Paul and his constituency. In order to do this she analyzes three historically relevant Jewish viewpoints on customs (Ezra / Nehemiah, Ruth and Jubilees) as well as Greco-Roman sources that shed light on the religious and socio-cultural evaluation of ethnically mixed marriages. Lastly she places the argument expressed by Paul in 1 Cor. within the context of Hellenistic Judaism (Philo of Alexandria) and an additional Christian viewpoint (1 Peter).
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
In the last year of her life, Luise Schottroff (1934-2015) was working on a commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew and was able to complete chapters 1-4. These are now regarded not only as a deliberately designed introduction to the Gospel of St. Matthew, but at the same time also as a preface to the entire New Testament. She reads the texts in a surprisingly new way and at many points disputes earlier consensus views, both in scholarly and exegetical terms and in terms of dogma.
To do justice to the challenges of this interpretation, each major section is accompanied here by a meta-commentary prepared by the Heidelberg Working Group on Social-Historical Interpretation of the Bible. This places the commentary in the context of the history of theology and interpretation and initiates a critical discussion.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Frank Crüsemann,
Marlene Crüsemann,
Jürgen Ebach,
Aliyah El Mansy,
Claudia Janssen,
Carsten Jochum-Bortfeld,
Rainer Kessler,
Ulrike Metternich,
Ruth Poser,
Luise Schottroff,
Luzia Sutter Rehmann,
Charlotte Voß
> findR *
In the last year of her life, Luise Schottroff (1934-2015) was working on a commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew and was able to complete chapters 1-4. These are now regarded not only as a deliberately designed introduction to the Gospel of St. Matthew, but at the same time also as a preface to the entire New Testament. She reads the texts in a surprisingly new way and at many points disputes earlier consensus views, both in scholarly and exegetical terms and in terms of dogma.
To do justice to the challenges of this interpretation, each major section is accompanied here by a meta-commentary prepared by the Heidelberg Working Group on Social-Historical Interpretation of the Bible. This places the commentary in the context of the history of theology and interpretation and initiates a critical discussion.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Frank Crüsemann,
Marlene Crüsemann,
Jürgen Ebach,
Aliyah El Mansy,
Claudia Janssen,
Carsten Jochum-Bortfeld,
Rainer Kessler,
Ulrike Metternich,
Ruth Poser,
Luise Schottroff,
Luzia Sutter Rehmann,
Charlotte Voß
> findR *
In the last year of her life, Luise Schottroff (1934-2015) was working on a commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew and was able to complete chapters 1-4. These are now regarded not only as a deliberately designed introduction to the Gospel of St. Matthew, but at the same time also as a preface to the entire New Testament. She reads the texts in a surprisingly new way and at many points disputes earlier consensus views, both in scholarly and exegetical terms and in terms of dogma.
To do justice to the challenges of this interpretation, each major section is accompanied here by a meta-commentary prepared by the Heidelberg Working Group on Social-Historical Interpretation of the Bible. This places the commentary in the context of the history of theology and interpretation and initiates a critical discussion.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Frank Crüsemann,
Marlene Crüsemann,
Jürgen Ebach,
Aliyah El Mansy,
Claudia Janssen,
Carsten Jochum-Bortfeld,
Rainer Kessler,
Ulrike Metternich,
Ruth Poser,
Luise Schottroff,
Luzia Sutter Rehmann,
Charlotte Voß
> findR *
Geldgierige Zöllner – wer verbirgt sich hinter diesem Stereotyp der antiken Literatur?
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *
Geldgierige Zöllner – wer verbirgt sich hinter diesem Stereotyp der antiken Literatur?
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-28
> findR *
Geldgierige Zöllner – wer verbirgt sich hinter diesem Stereotyp der antiken Literatur?
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-28
> findR *
Betrachtet man die jüngste Forschung zur Geschichte der römischen Kaiserzeit, so fällt kaum ein Wort so häufig wie »Transformation«. Im Rahmen der klassisch-altertumswissenschaftlichen Religions- und Kultgeschichte meint »Transformation« dabei vor allem die Verwandlung der paganen Antike in die christliche Spätantike. Pagane und jüdisch-christliche Autoren zeigen jedoch, dass dies nicht die einzige Form der Transformation gewesen ist, sondern sie betrachteten auch eingehend die Rolle der Frau in zentralen kultischen Positionen. Während aber Paulus die Frauen zumindest im ersten Korintherbrief Männern unterordnet (1 Kor 11–14), anerkennt Plutarch die Leitungsfunktion seiner Schülerin Klea im Dionysos-Kult (Is. 364E) durchaus wohlwollend. Dagegen galten ihm alte Frauen geradezu als Innbegriff abergläubischer Praktiken (superst. 166A–B).
In den letzten Jahren ist die Forschung daher vermehrt dazu übergegangen religiöse Praktiken und Handlungsspielräume von Frauen in kultischen Kontexten als interdependent mit anderen Kriterien zu sehen. Besonderes Augenmerk fanden dabei sowohl der sozioökonomische Status als auch der Zugang zu exklusivem Wissen. Weitere Möglichkeiten könnten sich aber auch in all denjenigen Kulten geboten haben, die bei den lokalen Eliten weniger begehrt waren, etwa den sogenannten orientalischen Kulten oder dem Kaiserkult.Dass verschiedene soziale Kategorien (z.B. Gender und Ethnie) Minderheiten nicht nur in Form von Intersektionalität marginalisieren, sondern diese Identitätsanteile interdependent sind und durchaus eigene Spielräume und Handlungsfelder eröffnen können, ist abseits der Altertumswissenschaften jüngst immer wieder diskutiert worden. In dem noch jungen Interdependenzdiskurs fallen bislang jedoch vor allem Studien zu Judentum und Christentum mit Beiträgen zur Antike auf. Untersuchungen zum »doing gender« und gleichzeitigem »doing religion« in den paganen Kulten, stehen in dieser Hinsicht jedoch weitestgehend aus.
Die Beiträge des Workshops an der FernUniversität Hagen vom Juli 2016 artikuliert und beantwortet Fragen und schafft neue Impulse.
Aktualisiert: 2020-01-14
> findR *
In the last year of her life, Luise Schottroff (1934-2015) was working on a commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew and was able to complete chapters 1-4. These are now regarded not only as a deliberately designed introduction to the Gospel of St. Matthew, but at the same time also as a preface to the entire New Testament. She reads the texts in a surprisingly new way and at many points disputes earlier consensus views, both in scholarly and exegetical terms and in terms of dogma.
To do justice to the challenges of this interpretation, each major section is accompanied here by a meta-commentary prepared by the Heidelberg Working Group on Social-Historical Interpretation of the Bible. This places the commentary in the context of the history of theology and interpretation and initiates a critical discussion.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Frank Crüsemann,
Marlene Crüsemann,
Jürgen Ebach,
Aliyah El Mansy,
Claudia Janssen,
Carsten Jochum-Bortfeld,
Rainer Kessler,
Ulrike Metternich,
Ruth Poser,
Luise Schottroff,
Luzia Sutter Rehmann,
Charlotte Voß
> findR *
In 1 Cor. 7, 12-16 Paul advises 16 church members not to divorce their non-Christian spouses. How does the apostle=s advice measure up to his declared strategy of distancing oneself from the outside world, particularly in matters of sexual ethics (1 Cor. 5 and 6)? El Mansy examines the range of discourse on the subject of exogamy that would have influenced Paul and his constituency. In order to do this she analyzes three historically relevant Jewish viewpoints on customs (Ezra / Nehemiah, Ruth and Jubilees) as well as Greco-Roman sources that shed light on the religious and socio-cultural evaluation of ethnically mixed marriages. Lastly she places the argument expressed by Paul in 1 Cor. within the context of Hellenistic Judaism (Philo of Alexandria) and an additional Christian viewpoint (1 Peter).
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
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